Inexorably in Love

Chapter 4890:

"Under the public, can you pay attention to the influence, how bad is it to pull it like this?" The baby reminded in a low voice.

"You are my fiancée, there is nothing wrong with it." The king took her to the master seat and sat down, and the baby sat beside him.

Mr. Qiao sat on the other side. Mr. Qiao and the king had a very good conversation. The baby never said anything since he sat down.

Elder Qiao always reminded her to serve the king.

The baby looked at Qiao's nervous look, so he could only confess his fate and clip him a few times.

After the dinner, Joe asked the baby to send the king back.

Seeing Mr. Qiao looking like he could not marry him right away, the baby was very depressed. Is he too anxious?

Is this looking forward to sleeping with him right away?

I don't want to think if it is really like that, can the king still see Qiao's house?

The baby was too lazy to complain about Qiao's old age, and the Qiao family had been looking at the baby worriedly, for fear of what she would do.

"I'm not feeling well tonight, I don't want to go." The baby simply refused.

The king did not force him to say, "If you feel uncomfortable, go back and rest early. I will ask the royal doctor to come to your house to show you."

"No! I'm just uncomfortable, I'm not sick, I don't need a doctor, thank you for your kindness."

"Well, it's really nice to meet you today, see you another day." The king said and got in the car.

The Qiao family are all sending him off. The baby is no longer interested, and wait patiently for the king's motorcade to leave, and then prepare to leave with the Qiao family.

However, Mr. Qiao stopped the family of three again. After returning, he talked with them for nearly an hour before letting them leave.

Everyone knew that the king was very satisfied with the baby.

In the car.

The baby sat there depressed, opposite to the Qiao family.

"Xiao Bei, I'm really sorry for making you embarrassed." Mrs. Qiao actually knows very well that with this girl's appearance, she can dislike her man unless she is blind.

"No, it's me who should be said to be sorry. I have really tried very hard to make him look down on me. Who knows what he thinks is really a freak." The baby said angrily.

"It's not a good thing for you to be looked upon by the king, but at this point, there is no other way. You can only look at the attitude of the king next. The Qiao family is just a commoner and can't resist." Joe Father sighed.

"Didn't you say it's OK? Just say that Xiao Wu has studied abroad."

"Things are not that simple anymore. This is one of the methods. Let's look at it later." Father Qiao is really helpless now.

All this is because my daughter ran away from home. If my daughter did not ran away from home, things would not have reached this point.

Father Qiao felt even more helpless when he thought of this.

The baby knows that the Qiao family is very worried about the current situation, but she can't help it. Now that the matter has reached this stage, we can only look at the attitude of the next man.

When the car reached halfway, the baby said not to go back with them. The Qiao family looked at her worriedly and said, "Xiao Bei, I know we shouldn't care about your personal affairs, but are you doing things safe now? I still think it would be better for you to go back with us, mainly because it is safer."

"It's okay, I have friends here and they can guarantee my safety." The baby is also very grateful to this couple, and is sincere to myself.

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