Inexorably in Love

Chapter 4953:

When she reflected, Lu Tianzun had already been pulled out...

"Wait...wait, I must have eaten my stomach, and my stomach is still aching...I have to go to the bathroom." The baby immediately pulled him back, she didn't want to meet the king.

She thinks it would be better to not meet without meeting, right?

Now she works hard first, what if Lu Tianzun let him go?

"Since the stomach hurts, go first. I'll call a doctor over and prescribe some medicine for you. If you feel sick, you can't be careless." Lu Tianzun frowned.

"That's definitely not necessary. I can still lose weight like this. I don't need to prescribe any medicine." The baby retracted his arm, waved at him, and ran into the bathroom again.

However, as soon as she entered the cubicle and sat on the toilet, she saw a pair of feet appear in front of her.

Those shoes must belong to Lu Tianzun...

The baby looked at him in horror, "What are you doing? Why are you standing here?"

"Be with you!" Lu Tianzun answered seriously.


Need to stay with me when I go to the toilet?

The baby said, "You go back first, how bad it would be to hang the king there, you don't need to accompany me when I go to the bathroom!"

"It's okay, there are elders with him." Lu Tianzun replied lightly.

"But... How can I go to the bathroom and you are standing outside? Then I'm so embarrassed. If I make any noise, I won't have the face to see you in the future. Please leave first, please. "The baby is about to collapse.

Fortunately, I didn't really have a stomachache. If it was, then she must be very busy when going to the toilet. When a big man heard it, she was crazy.

How thick-skinned she is to care about such things.

"It doesn't matter, you are my wife, I won't mind."

When the baby heard him say the word wife, he was stunned for a moment, and then he sneered at him, and returned his wife? When Guan was suffering in the water prison, why didn't she remember that she was his wife?

"You don't mind, but I do, I am a girl, my face is not that thick, can you think about me, don't always think about yourself!" The baby was a little angry.


"I'll wait for you outside." Lu Tianzun finally compromised.

Baby heaved a sigh of relief, but what can this guy do if he stays alive?

If you really can't escape, then meet up. I don't have makeup today, which is a bit troublesome.

If she put on makeup, she was confident that the king would not recognize herself.

Baby thought of this and started wondering what to do next.

It is not her character to blame Tianyouren. Since the problem has arisen, it is useless to face, solve, and be afraid.

Baby thought of this, sat for a while, and left the bathroom.

When she came out, she glanced at Lu Tianzun, "Let's go."

"Is your stomach okay? Do you want the doctor to see it?"

"No, no problem." The baby said.


Lu Tianzun didn't say much, and took her out.

"Oh." The baby called out suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Lu Tianzun asked.

"My face hurts, I have cramps!" The baby was holding his left face in pain.

"Let me see!" Lu Tianzun looked at her nervously, trying to pull her hand down to see the situation.

"It's cramping! Can't watch."

Lu Tianzun pulled her hand down hard, and had to see what was wrong, the baby tried hard to make himself twitch on his left cheek, it was like performing with his life.

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