Inexorably in Love

Chapter 5036:

"I don't want to go home, they are bullying me, Shi Chen, don't send me home, I will go to you first." Xiaodie looked at him with red eyes.

Her appearance made him feel more distressed than when she was crying.

Shi Chen didn't say anything, and drove him back home.

"Hey, where is this? Why don't you go to the hotel?" Xiaodie looked at him wonderingly.

"My house and the hotel are too crowded and inconvenient. My mother is away recently. I will sleep here tonight." Shi Chen carried her upstairs.

Xiaodie had no objection, and now she was alive again, she told him that she watched several bodyguards looking for her back and forth, but she just didn't go out, let them find it.

Shi Chen looked at her helplessly, his eyes full of doting.

When he got home, Shi Chen turned on the light, and he put Xiaodie on the sofa, and Xiaodie began to scratch.

"Damn mosquitoes, why have they stung so many bags?" Xiaodie frowned depressed, really itchy.

"God... don't scratch!" Shi Chen also saw the situation on Xiaodie's body clearly, the white skin was densely covered with bumps!

Are those mosquitoes crazy?

"Woo, so many, how so many, so ugly!" Xiaodie was scared and cried, because there were so many, her white skin was gone.

"Don't cry, I'll take you to the hospital." Shi Chen wanted to take her to the hospital.

"No, I don't want to go to the hospital, you go buy medicine and apply it for me, it's itchy." Xiaodie reached out and scratched.

"In this way, I'm going to buy medicine. You first go to the bathroom and flush with water. It should be better. Don't grab it, you know?" Shi Chen told her.

Fluttershy nodded with red eyes.

Shi Chen hesitated, took her to the bathroom personally, adjusted the water for her, and left with his head down.

Fluttershy immediately took off her clothes and stood under the shower, feeling a little better under the water.

Opposite the shower is a mirror. Fluttershy looks at her horrible body, crying even harder.

Xiaodie didn't know how long it took, and the bathroom suddenly became dark.

She was taken aback, her face turned pale, she screamed and rushed out.

When Shi Chen came back, he hurried over when he heard the cry, and Xiaodie ran into his arms.

"Xiaodie, don't be afraid, it's just the power outage." Shi Chen comforted her.

Fluttershy hugged him tightly, "I'm afraid of the dark, I'm afraid of the dark, so good."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here." Shi Chen patted her back gently.

With him, Xiaodie quickly calmed down, but Shi Chen suddenly froze.

She is not wearing clothes!

However, the little girl in his arms was completely unaware of this situation, and kept drilling into his arms.

"Fluttershy, wait a minute, I'll get a bath towel, you stand still."

Xiaodie nodded and stood still obediently. Shi Chen let go of her, went to the bathroom, and took out a bath towel for her own use.

He was walking towards her, feeling fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, there is no electricity now. As long as he doesn't look closely, he can't see clearly.

However, the next second...

light is on……

Shi Chen froze, staring at the small figure in the distance.

Fluttershy wanted to jump up happily at first, thinking that the call was great, but when she got to the man in Petrochemical, she lowered her head and glanced at herself...

A scream almost overturned the roof.


In the living room, Fluttershy wrapped her bath towel hard, her cheeks were red, and the two big bags that mosquitoes bit her made her even more red...

Shi Chen is even worse, countless times more popular than her.

The two were sitting there.

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