Inexorably in Love

Chapter 5221:

Bei Ming's house.

Bei Minghan and Gu Qingxin sat in the living room looking at the little Shui Lingling on the opposite side, while Ren Lan sat on the opposite side of Shining, accepting their scrutiny.

Ren Lan thinks Alexander!

"You said this is my daughter's daughter?" Gu Qingxin asked first, her eyes fixed on the little girl in front of her.

She was still at a loss now. She didn't know what the baby girl was doing. She had brought back a Lu Xing earlier, and she was an adopted son. Now she has brought back a daughter.

Does she think her home is an orphanage? Keep bringing children home.

Even if their family is not short of money, they can raise a child, but they can't just take it home so casually.

"Yes, her name is Xingxing, she is Mingbei's daughter." Ren Lan regretted a little, he should have sent the child to leave immediately, should not stay to accept such interrogation.

"My daughter has never been married. She can't have children." Bei Minghan waved his hand. There are already two little demons in the family, and he doesn't want a third one.

"This is really Mingbei's child, she found it after a lot of hard work." Ren Lan continued to explain.

"I want to talk to my daughter on the phone now, otherwise I won't recognize this kid." Gu Qingxin now cares more about where her daughter is now.

"This...she may not want to talk to you." Ren Lan knew that the baby was hiding from the family.

"Call her to me, I'll call." Gu Qingxin was very anxious now, that girl left home without a word, and there has been no news at all.

She almost died of sudden death!

"This..." Ren Lan dared not give it, fearing that the baby would be angry.

"Grandpa and grandma, Xing is Mommy's daughter. Mommy called me and asked me to take good care of her." Lu Xing walked in from outside.

Gu Qingxin frowned when she heard Lu Xing's words, and when she looked at the little girl in front of her, she didn't dislike it. She just felt that her daughter was too silly, one by one, one by one. After more than ten years , How many children do they have?

She couldn't possibly have thought that Yan Xing was actually the baby's biological daughter.

"Lu Xing, when did your mom call you?" Bei Minghan is most worried about her daughter's safety.

"Two days ago, she didn't let me say, she just told me to take good care of my sister." Lu Tian walked in and put down his schoolbag and sat on the sofa.

Bei Minghan, "..."

Lu Xing's character is getting colder and colder, and now he rarely talks at home. Most of the time, he is not at home, and when he comes back, he sleeps.

He knew that his daughter had found him a martial arts gym to learn martial arts. The child even suggested that he wanted to live in the martial arts gym, but he refused, so he had to go home every day.

"Well, since Lu Xing has said so, Xing will stay, but you, don't want to go, unless you tell me where my daughter is now." Ming Han said with a light cough.

Ren Lan, "..."

He felt that he was wronged. How could he help send a child? He was detained.

"Uncles and aunts, I still have a lot of things to deal with. I just help Mingbei take the children back. Don't detain me!"

"If you tell us the whereabouts of our daughter, you can leave. Don't tell me... just stay as a guest. I have nothing to do at home. I study food every day. You can try it at my house." Gu Qingxin smiled slightly.

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