Inexorably in Love

Chapter 5258:

Tong Tong wanted to push him away, but she couldn't move at all.

Huangfu Ye, An Xiaonuan, and the Luo family were so scared that the four of them stood up. Huangfu Ye cursed, and rushed forward, kicking the woman to the ground. The bodyguard rushed over and pressed her. Can't move on the ground.

The Luo family's faces turned pale from fright, and the three of them rushed over.

"How are you? How are you?" Tong Tong was frightened and cried. The woman who splashed it over was definitely not a good thing.

Xiangxiang must be injured.

" seems okay." Xiangxiang was also a little dazed for a while.

Instinctively, this woman will throw sulfuric acid over, but how can he be all right?

"Really?" Tong Tong's tears stopped, looking at him as if he was really okay, but also stupid there.

Then, Tong Tong suddenly hugged him tightly and continued to cry.

At this time, Luo Nan Ling came with someone, and he looked at the woman on the ground displeasedly, "The sulfuric acid you prepared has been replaced by my people."

In one word, everyone knew what was going on. It turned out that Luo Nan Ling had been paying attention to their safety issues, and he had been sending people to stare at this woman.

Therefore, after discovering that she had purchased sulfuric acid, Luo Nanling found out and changed the bottle of sulfuric acid with water to avoid the tragedy.

Ye Yanran was pressed to the ground, she was still yelling, struggling to get up, but how could the bodyguard let her go, crushing her to the ground, and she started to yell at her. .

She scolded Luo's family, Luo Wuji, and Tong Tong.

Listening to the foul language in her mouth, Huangfu Ye came over angrily and kicked her twice.

Ye Yanran was so painful to be kicked that her expression was distorted, and she couldn't say a word.

"Such a person, you can bring it back as a tester, there is no need to stay to harm people." An Xiaonuan said coldly.

She shuddered with anger at the thought that her daughter was almost disfigured by her.

To such a vicious person, there must never be half kindness!

Mrs. Luo also agreed, "I thought she was not a good thing a long time ago. Wuji was bewitched by her and lost her life! Now she wants to harm Xiangxiang and Tongtong again, she should die."

"Take her away and put her in my laboratory." Luo Nan Ling's voice did not fluctuate at all.

Obviously also disgusted what she did.

Ye Yanran really knew she was scared this time, but it was too late. She was arrested and pulled away. She wanted to scold, her mouth was blocked, and she couldn't make a sound anymore.

After Ye Yanran was taken away, everyone's originally relaxed and happy mood disappeared. The plane has already started boarding. Huangfuye said, "Let's go, you can go back."

After Huangfu finished speaking, he went through the priority boarding lane and got on the plane.

Xiangxiang talked to his parents and took Tong Tong up first.

When the Luo family saw this, they left first.

Only An Xiao Nuan and Luo Nan Ling are left here.

"You take care of yourself, maybe, you won't see each other again, take care of yourself." An Xiaonuan looked at him and exhorted.

"Well, I will, you too, take care of yourself." Luo Nan Ling said.

When Xiangxiang and Tongtong got on the plane, they saw Daddy lying on the aisle and looking out, looking funny.

"Daddy, let's go." Tong Tong pulled him.

"You go up first, I'll wait for your mommy." Huangfu Ye threw away his daughter's hand.

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