Inexorably in Love

Chapter 5305:

"Sister Zu'er, how do I think you and Sister Xiaoyuan's knife skills are so similar." Xiao Ye asked suspiciously.

"Ha, what can be different about cutting vegetables, you see that other people actually cut vegetables like this." Li Zuer smiled.

Xiao Ye nodded suspiciously, and continued to appreciate her cooking.

Luo Zheng returned from shopping, he glanced at the woman in the kitchen, and then went to the summer study.

When I came out in the summer, I saw this woman in the kitchen and said, "What are you doing? I bought the things, and leave after the test!"

Xiao Ye said nervously when he heard Daddy's words, "Daddy, I'm hungry. Sister Zu'er just cooks for me."

"Xiao Ye rescued me today. I just made a meal to thank him! I will do it when I finish it. You don't have to worry about it." Li Zuer glanced back at him and continued cooking.

Xia Xia frowned and looked at her, and his eyes fell on his son's face. Seeing his anxious expression, he stopped talking and went to the living room.

Li Zuer is a professional cook, so the speed is very fast. If the average person needs an hour and a half to complete the dishes, she only took forty minutes to cook them all.

Xiao Ye looked at these delicacies happily, "Wow, sister Zuer is awesome!"

"I will serve you rice." Li Zuer turned on the rice cooker, stirred the vegetables and rice in it, and served Xiao Ye a bowl.

Xiao Ye also took the initiative to help bring the dishes to the restaurant.

After everything was ready, Li Zuer said, "You eat, I have something to do."

"Sister, why don't you go after dinner with me? Not bad for a while. You didn't eat at noon." Xiao Ye demanded, holding her hand.

"This..." Li Zuer was a little embarrassed, she didn't think that man would let herself eat here.

"Daddy, come over for dinner too, sister Zuer's cooking is so delicious." Xiao Ye said.

"No need!" Xia Gao Leng refused.

"Daddy... I beg you, Xiao Ye, okay, you should just eat with me... Please, you have been so bad to me lately, you definitely don't love me anymore." Xiao Ye's emotions suddenly changed. Became very depressed.

Summer looked at her son, her brows wrinkled.

Li Zuer looked at Xiao Ye's low-pitched air, a fire surged in his heart.

"Don't you just want to know the result? I will go to the test now, and you will eat with him." Li Zuer said and went out.

Xiao Ye immediately grabbed her, "But Sister Zu'er, you have been doing this for so long, and you haven't had lunch."

"I'm okay, I don't want to die without eating a meal." Li Zuer smiled at him.

"No, daddy... I beg you." Xiao Ye looked at him with tears in his eyes.

Xia Xia did not refuse, pushing the wheelchair over, in fact, how could he be really cruel to this child.

After the three of them sat down, Xiao Ye looked at Li Zuer who was sitting far away and asked, "Sister, can you get food like this?"

"I have long arms." Li Zuer picked up the bowl and started eating.

In fact, the meal she cooks is not a single meal. A lot of ingredients are added to it, and the meal alone is delicious.

Xiao Ye looked at the two people, then stopped talking, lowered his head and took a bite of his meal.

With just a mouthful, Xiao Ye raised his head abruptly, and his eyes began to shine.

Xia Xia frowned and looked at him, "What's wrong with you?"

"The meal is delicious! It's delicious! It's really delicious!" Xiao Ye was so excited, he lowered his head and took two bites.

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