Inexorably in Love

Chapter 5481:

"Suxin, calm down first. I'll go to you right away. Listen to my explanation. I can explain you. Calm down first."

After Zhou Tongcheng came back, he put on his clothes and told Li Wan'er that he had something to do and then left.

When he returned to Yang Suxin's residence, she was sitting there crying, she also wanted to curse and make trouble, but what happened today hit her too hard, she has no energy.

Zhou Tongcheng was terrified when he looked at her, and walked over nervously, sat beside her and held her hand, "Suxin, how are you? Are you okay?"

"Why are you lying to me? Why? You promised that I would not touch Li Wan'er. You are sleeping with her now, and the filming is cancelled. I have nothing now. What's the point of being alive? Let me go Forget it!" Yang Suxin was very desperate.

"No, no, you really misunderstood!"

Zhou Tongcheng could only surrender in Yang Suxin’s accusing eyes, “Suxin, listen to me, I drank too much last night, I think of her as you, I really don’t feel anything towards her, look at her face, It’s so ugly, I’m blind, will I fall in love with her? You know, it’s all for the company. If the company really collapses, your good days will be gone. I swear, there will be no more Time."

"Why are you doing this to me? Now the filming is cancelled! What do you ask me to do?" Yang Suxin began to cry again.

She minded that Zhou Tongcheng slept with Li Wan'er, but she minded the movie more.

After all, Zhou Tongcheng is not that important to her.

However, it is not that there is no feeling at all. After all, the two have been together for several years, and she has spent his money smoothly, and he has been helping her buy resources.

Yang Suxin couldn't find a more suitable replacement for the time being, so Zhou Tongcheng could not be lost.

Even if she really leaves Zhou Tongcheng, he definitely cannot be the one who dumped herself!

"Don't worry, don't worry, how can such a large production and investment be cancelled as soon as it is cancelled? Maybe it is a mistake, let's wait and see." Zhou Tongcheng hugged her to comfort.

Yang Suxin is in a particularly bad mood now, but she also has a sense of measure in her heart. Now she is helpless and has not become popular yet, she absolutely cannot lose Zhou Tongcheng.

"By the way, I have someone order a bag for you back. It should be here today, your favorite that loves the horse family."

"Oh, thank you, I didn't expect you to still think about me." Yang Suxin still couldn't help it.

"Fool, the person I love the most is you, don't want to think about who you are, don't be sad, let's see the follow-up." Zhou Tongcheng persuaded her.

Although Yang Suxin felt angry, she had to swallow this breath.


Because Li Zuer is in a good mood, he feels that good people are rewarded, and evil people have their own rewards, so they are very excited about everything.

She was humming a song while washing the dishes in the kitchen, twisting a few times from time to time.

Xiao Ye's sister fan was happily sitting at the dining table and watching, her eyes full of infatuation and affection.

"Smelly boy, should you converge?" Xia Xia reached out and patted her son on the head.

He felt that the child liked this woman too deeply, which he could not understand.

"Why should I converge? I just like elder sister, I tell you, you don't like elder sister anymore, because elder sister was booked by me!" Xiao Ye said seriously.

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