Inexorably in Love

Chapter 6769:

Shi Chen only felt like his body was being burned by a fire. In this case, it is strange that he can sleep!

Fluttershy didn't notice it, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Shi Chen could only breathe deeply and silently, chanting the Qingxin Mantra, hoping that he could suppress the evil thoughts, Xiaodie was still young, and he couldn't always hurt her like this.

However, the little thing in his arms moved a little, and kept rubbing against him.

Shi Chen, "..."

Xiaodie raised her head and suddenly kissed him again, then kissed his neck again.

At this moment, the tense string in Chen's mind was completely broken. He found her little mouth and kissed it, wishing to **** the sweetness in her mouth completely!

Xiaodie smiled successfully. What she wanted was this effect. These days, she looked at his hard work every day, and she felt extremely distressed.

In fact, he really didn't have to endure it. They really loved each other, and it was not that she could not accept this.

Or should he restrain himself and do less.

Shi Chen still couldn't bear it in the end. After all, Xiaodie deliberately did it. He was still a normal man who loved her deeply, so how could he hold it.

When it was over, Xiaodie huddled up in his arms, her little face covered with tears.

He lost control again, and it hurt her. He was already trying to control himself, but he really couldn't control it.

"In the future, we will sleep in separate rooms." Shi Chen softly coaxed her.

"No, I can't sleep without you." Xiaodie shook his head.


"It's okay, I know it's all normal. You always hold back badly, but it's a little troublesome to have contraception." Xiaodie said in a low voice, her voice soft like a little milk cat, and she felt complicated when she heard it.

"Farewell, I will control myself from now on." Shi Chen comforted her softly.

"How to control it? This is the normal physiological needs of human beings. Even if you don't want it, I still need it. I'm an adult. Let's go to the hospital tomorrow for contraception." Xiaodie felt that this was done once and for all.

"No, I'm going to go, and men can do it too." How could Shi Chen let her suffer this kind of suffering.

"Okay, then it's settled." Xiaodie raised her head and smiled treacherously.

Shi Chen, "..."

It turned out that this girl was deliberate, and she was waiting for him here.

"Go to sleep, you can't get up too late tomorrow, and you have to go to the store." Xiaodie also attaches great importance to the store now, after all, it is the source of their lives.

The two of them hugged each other, and fell asleep not long after, with a happy smile on their lips.

The next day, Xiaodie got up earlier than Shi Chen. Now Shi Chen is taking care of him in the store. In order to save money, his clerk is reluctant to ask him more. When the time comes, he will have to let the family off work. So sleep has always been severely insufficient.

Fluttershy wakes up early most mornings, prepares a simple breakfast, and then calls him to get up and send her to school.

In the past, Shi Chen was determined not to let Xiaodie do any housework, but now there is really no way he can do it. He said he would get up early, but Xiaodie firmly rejected it.

Xiaodie feels that since the two decide to be together, it is impossible for one party to always pay. Shi Chen has paid enough for her, and she has to pay some too.

It's not troublesome to prepare breakfast, and Shi Chen will leave her alone.

Xiaodie was ready to serve her breakfast, when she was suddenly hugged from behind, Shi Chen kissed her on the ear, "My wife, you have worked hard."

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