Inexorably in Love

Vol 2 Chapter 6837:

Because her youth was wrongly paid to others, and no one cherished or appreciated her contribution. On the contrary, she felt that she was the cheap one, and felt that she had taken advantage of the Luo family. No one would have experienced her hard work, and no one was willing to go. Experience, huh!

In addition to being unworthy, she also felt sad for herself, but now there is no point in saying this!

"I didn't expect you to be so determined to get a divorce. I really never thought about divorcing you."

Mr. Luo said bitterly.

He didn't know why he wanted to tell her this, he just felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. As for what the discomfort was for, he didn't know.

"Now it's useless to say that these are no longer good. If you haven't been able to get together, then let's go away. After eating this meal today, there is no need to meet again, and there is no need to meet again." Mother Luo smiled, that is relief Smile.

"You really don't miss it at all? Is it true that our marriage of more than 20 years is really nothing to you?" Mr. Luo still asked unwillingly.

"Are you wrong? It’s not that this marriage is nothing to me, but it’s nothing to you. Do you still want to keep the marriage relationship with me and raise that junior outside? That really disappoints you. I can't do it." Mother Luo sneered.


"I'm leaving, just to fulfill your lovers, isn't it great? It's also your wish." Mother Luo said coldly.

"Have you ever loved me all these years?" Mr. Luo stared at her and asked, his heart tightened inch by inch.

"I loved, if I didn’t love, I wouldn’t know that there was someone else in your heart, and I would jump into the fire pit. I was too stupid. I thought that even if your heart was a rock, I could be hot. Now I Understand that a stone is always a stone, and it cannot be heated."


Father Luo looked at the cold woman in front of him, and he didn't know what to say for a while, but he knew that he was not feeling well.

"If I don’t divorce you, that woman will try to get me to divorce you. She is definitely not a woman with no ambitions. She is definitely not willing to be your junior. You... Be careful with her, be careful, she is not as pure and harmless as you seem on the surface."

Mr. Luo frowned when he heard this, and Mother Luo immediately said, "Forget it, just treat it as if I didn't say it, I know you won't believe it, I just kindly remind you that I have nothing to do with you, there is no need to frame that woman. ."

Mother Luo coldly picked up the water and drank it, and quickly served the food. Mother Luo picked up the chopsticks and ate. During the meal, the two did not communicate much. Mr. Luo spoke, and Mother Luo didn't bother paying attention.

After dinner, Mother Luo left without nostalgia, leaving only Mr. Luo sitting in the private room in a daze. What he thought in his mind turned out to be the little things he and his wife had had for so many years, those he had overlooked. The thorough details suddenly popped up, and the series became a movie, which kept playing in his mind.

He suddenly felt an empty heart, as if he had lost something important. The position where he was covering his chest was completely lost. What's wrong with him? Didn’t you love your first love? Don't you want to be with her? Why is it finally possible now, but he is not happy at all, but feels uncomfortable?

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