Inexorably in Love

Vol 2 Chapter 6898:

Xiao Bai slept with Luo Yu again. Luo Baige got up very early the next day. She had to rush to the hospital for an infusion after breakfast. She was still very sorry.

Fortunately, the hotel poisoning has passed, and now everything is back to normal.

She doesn't have to worry about having a manager in the restaurant, besides, Los Angeles is there to help.

During Luo Baige's infusion, the nurses were always guarding her, and the nurses were the first to help if she needed anything and took care of her in every possible way.

After she arrived at the restaurant at noon, the restaurant had resumed its previous prosperity. When the manager saw her coming, he took a small notebook to report the situation.

"Internet celebrity shops are popular now, should we also build them?" the manager asked.

"Yes, you make a plan and show me first, where is Los Angeles?"

"Brother Cheng seems to be in a bad mood these days. I think he has been unhappy. I asked him what's wrong, but he didn't say anything. It seemed that there was something on his mind." The manager reported truthfully.

Luo Baige paid him a high salary, which was twice that of other positions, so the manager did his best.

Luo Baige wants this effect.

"I'm going to see him, you can do it first, and plan to show it to me after finishing it." Luo Baige has actually been thinking about the transformation of the hotel recently.

This kind of general public hotel traffic is indeed not small, but it will not be particularly explosive. She must launch something with her own characteristics.

Luo Baige's business territory has just begun, and she will definitely not only do so much.

What she wants is an empire!

Luo Baige knows that it may be difficult, but she has this dream, she will move towards this dream, where she can do it is fate, but it is her choice whether to do it or not.

Luo Baige found Luocheng. He was smoking in a place, and the cigarette in his hand was taken away. He was about to get angry. When he turned around, he saw that it was Luo Baige.

"Dove, you are here." Los Angeles' eyes flickered.

"Okay, you! You still learned to smoke! Why didn't I know you are so capable?" Luo Baige put out the cigarette and looked at him blankly.

"I...I won't, I just try." Los Angeles has always been very scared in front of Luo Baige.

"Don't let me see it again in the future! This kind of body-damaging thing is not allowed to be tried!" Luo Baige stared at him strongly.

Los Angeles nodded immediately.

"How is Xiaodouzi? I haven't seen him for a few days, and miss him." Luo Cheng's eyes were a little darker when he mentioned this.

He felt that he had lost her and Xiaodouzi.

They used to be a family, eating and living together, but now, it is difficult for him to see them.

Luo Baige didn't expect this. After all, the place where Los Angeles lives is not bad. It is the house she rented, and the rent has not yet expired.

She moved with Luo Yu, so she would let him live there first if she thought about it.

Is he so depressed all day because of this?

Luo Baige looked at him helplessly, "You tell me you are not stupid, you can go if you want to see him, and it is not very far...Forget it, you can move in with us."

"Really? Not suitable, right?" Los Angeles hesitated a bit, after all, there was someone's place.

"What's not appropriate? We are a family. Don't use ink stains. It's just that. It's not allowed in the future. Just tell me if you have anything." Luo Baige touched Moluocheng's head.

Los Angeles immediately nodded, and in the next second he was happy like a child.

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