Inexorably in Love

Chapter 949: It's cold...Help me 7

He injected medicine into Gu Qingxin, someone brought the cooked **** soup, and Bei Minghan gave her a bowl of mouth-to-mouth.

Gu Qingxin finally warmed up, her eyelashes trembled slightly, she opened her eyes slightly, looked at the man above her head, and called, "Ahan."

With just one sound, he fainted again.

It was already the next day when Gu Qingxin responded.

"It's me." Gu Qingxin kept babbling, Bei Minghan held her shivering little girl tightly and touched her forehead, which was very hot.

She has a fever!

"Xin'er, wake up, Xin'er!" Bei Minghan gently patted her face, but Gu Qingxin refused to open her eyes, but kept shouting coldly.

Bei Minghan called out Bai Jingqing, who was guarding outside. Bai Jingqing checked Gu Qingxin and said, "Send to the hospital first."


When Gu Qingxin woke up, it was already night. She felt that she had had a very long dream. In the dream, she was locked in an ice store and thrown into the stove.

She felt that she was going to be tortured to death.

While she was in the fire, a stream of cool water flowed into her throat. Gu Qingxin opened her eyes and saw Bei Minghan's red bloodshot eyes.

"Xin'er, you are awake!" Bei Minghan was feeding her water, he quickly got up, put down the water glass, and nervously held her hand.

"Where is this?" Gu Qingxin looked at him blankly. She thought she was in heaven.


"I'm not dead." Gu Qingxin said lightly, closing her eyes again tiredly.

"Xin'er!" Bei Minghan called her anxiously, what she said just now, like a knife pierced into his heart.

Blame him, and blame him this time. If he hadn't left her alone in the banquet hall, she wouldn't have had an accident.

He thought there was a bodyguard to protect her, and she was safe.

He is so damned.

"I'm fine, just tired, I want to sleep again."

Gu Qingxin was really tired and exhausted. She felt that this year was really unfavorable. She was so sad that she was almost burned to death by fire a few days ago. This time she was almost frozen to death again!

She deeply felt the realm of ice and fire.

Although there is no life-threatening danger, but this time she was kept in the cold storage for so long, and the harm to the body was also great. This time she was seriously ill, with a fever and a severe cold, which directly turned into pneumonia.

She is taking medication every day, but her condition does not improve much.

Bei Minghan was very anxious and stayed beside her bed every day, not going anywhere.

The person who attacked Gu Qingxin has been caught. It was a staff member of the Presidential Palace. The other party insisted that it was to avenge the Beiming family because he had an enmity with the Beiming family.

Since he refused to say it, Bei Minghan would never let him speak!

Bei Ming Yu strictly inspected the Presidential Palace and the eight generations of the ancestors of all relevant personnel. He did not dare to make any more mistakes.

Gu Qingxin's body was relatively weak and her resistance was weaker because of the last miscarriage. This time it was different from being trapped in the fire last time. The cold storage did more harm to her body.

Looking at the little girl who was not energetic every day, Bei Minghan could not control Bai Jingqing's anger.

Bai Jingqing was equally anxious, but there was no way he had to take care of him if he was sick, no one else could do it.

He wants to cover the pot every day when he enters and leaves the ward.

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