Song Xian Huang wanted to subdue Huo Lin and use the power of disaster for himself, but Huo Lin was too special. If the King of Han and the First Lady knew about it, they would definitely not agree to keep Huo Lin in the palace, so Song Xian Huang did not tell others.

The only people who knew about Huo Lin were Song Xian Huang, the maid who was responsible for feeding Huo Lin, and the Blood Jade Soul Spider who captured Huo Lin.

Ever since Huo Lin entered the Han Wang Mansion, she has been unlucky. Her mother died suddenly, her father went crazy because of martial arts, and her brother fell in love with Liuyun Zhenjun for some reason. He kept saying that he wanted to marry Zhenjun home, but was heard by the Fifth Prince and was beaten to death with sticks.

She hated Huo Lin and had a little hatred for Song Xian Huang, but she didn't dare to show it.

Obviously, Song Xian Huang was also afraid of Huo Lin's ability, so he followed the King of Han to the imperial court to avoid the possible disaster.

If he was afraid, why did he keep Huo Lin in the palace? Can't he be locked outside?

She didn't understand Song Xian Huang's thoughts. Didn't the lives of other people in the mansion count? The eldest lady was still staying in the mansion. Wasn't Song Xian Huang afraid of implicating the eldest lady? Didn't he have feelings?

"Senior, wait, help me, take me away." The boy's voice interrupted the maid's thoughts.

The maid stopped and took the initiative to say: "My lord, he is Niu Tongtian, the grandson of Elder Niu of Longhu Temple. The second prince captured him back for the Kuiniu Zhentian body secret book and Kuiniu blood. There are rumors that Niu Tongtian asked for a small bottle of mixed-blood Kuiniu blood from the forbidden area of ​​Longhu Temple. Elder Niu loves his grandson very much, and it is likely that he gave it to him."

Kui Niu Zhentian body

Li Jiuduo glanced at the boy. He had wanted to practice this body quenching method for a long time. If nothing unexpected happens, this body quenching method can be combined with the self-restraint of Suanni's talent to have a miraculous effect.

He has not yet obtained the pure-blooded Kui Niu essence blood, and even if he obtains the skills, he cannot get started. He does not want to use mixed blood or hybrid blood to get started, so he has not put his energy into finding the skills for the time being.

"Can you walk by yourself?" Li Jiu asked.

Niu Tongtian nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes."

Li Jiu stepped forward quickly and grabbed the iron chain on Niu Tongtian's body. The power burst out, and the teeth-grinding creaking sound continued. The chain made of spiritual gold deformed and twisted in his hand, and with a crisp sound, the chain broke.

He stretched out his hand and pulled all the chains off.

Niu Tongtian landed and looked at the deformed chain in Li Jiu's hand, and swallowed his saliva in shock.

Xifan Realm does not need true energy, and can easily break the spiritual gold with the flesh?

Where did this monster come from! It feels more powerful than the few true disciples in the temple!

Li Jiu didn't want to waste any more time, and said in a deep voice to follow.

Niu Tongtian was a physical warrior, and he could still move even with injuries on his body. He followed closely behind Li Jiu, not daring to fall behind.

He did not forget that the area under his feet was the territory of the Han Palace. He did not want to be caught, gagged, and tortured for three consecutive days and nights.

The maid was the personal maid of Emperor Song Xian. She had a good martial arts cultivation and was a strong warrior. She was not slow. She soon brought Li Jiu to a huge palace. After twisting and turning, the maid pressed the secret compartment and the door of the basement slowly opened.

"My lord, the Qilin is down there," the maid walked down carefully.

The basement was very wide, with many luminous crystals on the four walls for lighting. The ground was engraved with black and red patterns, which were extremely complex and dense, covering the ground of the basement.

In the center, there was an iron cage covered with black cloth.

The maid pointed to the iron cage, and the meaning was very clear. The Qilin was inside.

As soon as Li Jiu stepped into the basement, a strong stench hit him, like the stench of dead sea fish rotting and moldy in a dark corner.

He lifted his foot, and the sole of his shoe was stained with some sticky black and red blood plasma.

"Human blood and demon blood." Li Jiu judged the composition of the blood plasma on the ground at a glance.

"Blood Soul Refining Array, you Han Wangfu are really bold, you actually use this array." Niu Tongtian couldn't help but say.

The maid was confused, "What is the Blood Soul Refining Array? I don't know."

"You don't know? Then let me ask you, what do you feed Qilin every day?" Niu Tongtian asked.

"Human blood and demon blood."

"No! There are also human souls!"

Niu Tongtian briefly described the role of the Blood Soul Refining Array to Li Jiu.

The Blood Soul Refining Array was originally a magic array used by the big magic sects to brainwash their disciples. It used human souls and demon blood as dyes to affect the disciples' minds, and then violently instilled the consciousness of loyalty to the sect, transforming the disciples into death warriors willing to fight to the death for the sect.

Because this array is too cruel, and the death warriors produced will have problems with their comprehension, nothing can be seen at the basic level of martial arts. After reaching a certain level, the death warriors cannot make progress due to lack of spirit. Now the magic sects rarely use it.

Using the Blood Soul Refining Array to control the Qilin will cause the Qilin to never become a complete body!

"It's a good idea. Use the Blood Soul Refining Array to collect the Qilin. Even if the Qilin cannot become a demon king, it can become a quasi-demon king. At that time, it will be a high-level combat force." Niu Tongtian said.

Li Jiu's eyes condensed, hoping that it was not too late. He didn't want to devour a defective Qilin.

He walked towards the central area of ​​the basement.

After approaching, he lifted the black cloth on the iron cage.


The deafening roar of the beast echoed in the basement.

A wounded Qilin came into view, with both legs broken and pierced by two iron nails, nailing it to the ground, making it unable to move.

Half of the scales were missing, and there were many whip marks. Niu Tongtian knew at a glance that he was beaten by the Blood Jade Soul Spider, because he also had the same whip marks on his body.

"It's really cruel. I'm almost dead." Niu Tongtian said.

"Do you know where the Blood Jade Soul Spider caught the Qilin?" Li Jiu asked.

He thought that the Qilin should have parents. It couldn't have jumped out of a stone. After swallowing the Qilin, it swallowed the Qilin's parents, which would allow the Qilin demon fetus to reach a higher level.

The maid shook her head repeatedly and said cautiously: "I don't know, but I heard the Blood Jade Soul Spider warn the second prince not to go to Huazhou within a hundred years. I think it might be the Qilin caught in Huazhou."

When Niu Tongtian heard Huazhou, he seemed to think of something and frowned.

Suddenly, he found the relevant memory and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"Huazhou, this Qilin can't be the child of the two demon kings in Huazhou!!" Niu Tongtian exclaimed.

There are two demon kings in Huazhou!

One is a mixed-blood Qilin! One is a pure-blooded Zhu Yan!

Pure-blooded Zhu Yan is male! The mixed-blooded Qilin is female!

If this Qilin is really their descendant, then it would be a big deal!

Let’s not talk about the mixed-blooded Qilin for now, the pure-blooded Zhu Yan is the top demon king!

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