Li Jiu swung the hammer very slowly, counting one, two, three for almost a minute, completely different from Ding Qiankun, as if he was really waiting for others to bid.

"Let us congratulate Master Gu for bidding on the second treasure!"

After getting two more Yuanling Wood Fruits, Li Jiu put away the fruits and took out another head.

That's right, it was still the head of the water monkey, which was bigger than the previous two.

"The reserve price is three! Everyone bid."

Many eyes fell on Gu Anyi, who said unhappily: "I don't have any more! Yuanling Wood Fruits are not weeds that can be found everywhere!"

After a long time, Gu Anyi did not bid, leaning back on the chair with his arms folded, as if he really had no more.

Someone couldn't help but ask, "I wonder how many items are there?"

If the True Lord imitated the large auction and made thousands of items, they would not buy anything, so they would just give up.

All the people present could not come up with thousands of Yuanling Wood Fruits together.

"Not much." Li Jiu said.

"How much is not much?"

"No more than ten."

The person who asked the question breathed a sigh of relief. With less than ten lots, they could still bid for them with a little effort.

Come to think of it, if there were thousands or hundreds of lots, most of the people on the scene would have left and given up directly.

"Three Yuanling Wood Fruits!" The person who asked the question raised a small sign.

"Is there anyone else bidding?" Li Jiu stared at Gu Anyi, as if to say, "Aren't you going to grab it?"

Gu Anyi was even more determined to kill Li Jiu. He really treated him as a sucker!

After breaking the bottleneck with the help of Zhenjun's Yuanchu Yin Qi, he would find an opportunity to kill Li Jiu.

Li Jiu said "What a pity", waved the small hammer, and decided the ownership of the third lot.

As expected by everyone, the fourth lot prepared by Zhenjun was still the water monkey head, with a reserve price of four Yuanling Wood Fruits, and it was quickly bid.

The fifth lot, the peak of Qi and blood water monkey head, had a reserve price of five.

The sixth lot... the seventh lot... the eighth... the ninth

Li Jiu took out the tenth lot, a small bottle of water, "I have good news for you all, the next treasure is the spirit beast jade! I have a bottle of water in my hand! What exactly is this water? You can bid and study it carefully!"

Everyone on the stage secretly said that this is a profiteer, he didn't even bother to use the monkey head, he just used water to cheat, and the bottle for the water was the worst wooden bottle, he didn't even make up a story, even if he said it was the bath water of the True Lord, it would be fine, it was just a bottle of water, this is to take advantage of them, playing tricks on them.

"Ten Yuanling Wood Fruits!" Someone bid.

"No, no, the reserve price of the last lot is not ten, but thirty." Li Jiu said.


Directly tripled?

No martial ethics!

Poor crazy!

Somewhere in the auction venue

Zhenjun pinched a piece of cake, slowly put it into his mouth, chewed it slowly, "What do you think of him?"

Ding Qiankun lowered his head and said: "He is full of devilishness. I thought he would sell ten items according to the reserve price I set, but he raised the price without authorization."

Zhenjun smiled, "What do you want to say? Are you worried that he will mess things up and drive everyone away?"

Ding Qiankun was silent, and often silence is an admission.

Zhenjun pinched another piece of cake, opened his red lips slightly, bit off a small piece, and tasted it carefully, "Qiankun, you are older than him and have experienced more things. Why can't you see through the nature of these people?

They came for the spirit beast jade. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, they will not give up easily. Those who would give up gave up as soon as they heard that I was going to auction the jade. They were all blinded by greed."

"Qiankun, I will teach you." Ding Qiankun said honestly.

Zhenjun swallowed the cake and drank a sip of spirit wine. "Do you know why I am optimistic about him? Because he is very similar to me, and his talent is better than mine. He can become the second Yaoqi."

"Yourong will become the second Zhenjun." Ding Qiankun said firmly.

"Yourong is not suitable for you."

"I have never thought of forming a Taoist couple with Junior Sister Yourong. What I insist on is another thing!" Ding Qiankun raised his eyes, his eyes were extremely firm.

"It's up to you. You have graduated. It's not good for me to control you. Just remember one thing, take good care of Yourong." Zhenjun said.

Ding Qiankun nodded, very seriously.

Zhenjun looked at Ding Qiankun who didn't know anything, and couldn't help but think of Huchi.

She didn't like to eat normally. After practicing the Red Dust Ten Thousand Tribulations Sutra, she suppressed her appetite to the minimum, and at most she would eat some fasting pills.

If Huchi saw her tasting cakes and drinking spirit wine, he would definitely guess that she was in trouble and take the initiative to ask for help.

Just like last time, Hu Chi saw it and asked about it. She told Hu Chi that she was dying.

Hu Chi and Ding Qiankun have completely opposite personalities. One likes to be clever and flexible, while the other is extremely stubborn, stubborn and inflexible.

She didn't mean to blame Ding Qiankun, but she felt that she was also a layman and would be happy because of the disciple's carefulness.

"Master, is there something on my face?" Ding Qiankun asked.

Zhenjun retracted his gaze and glanced at his chest from the corner of his eyes.

The purple robe concealed the purple-black plum blossom mark on her chest.

That was the mark of the immortal disease.

It was also the reason why she concluded that Li Jiu was not infected with the immortal disease.

In the same period, the immortal disease can only infect one person!

She is the immortal disease infected at this stage!

'The Curse of the East Desert'

'The Hundred-Year Plan'

'I am going to die, and I have to complete the plan. '

Zhenjun Liuyun stood up and put away all the cakes and spirit wine.

Next, it was her turn to auction the spirit beast gems.

At the same time, the plan is coming to an end.

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