Outside the ruins

Li Jiu and Wu Yue left the ruins and saw endless black soil. The originally dense forest had disappeared. There were several huge pits not far away. It seemed that more than a dozen meteorites had fallen from outer space and changed the terrain here.

There were a lot of bloodstains and some scattered ice crystals on the ground under their feet.

The Yuheng Star Envoy and Liuyun Zhenjun were both missing.

"The terrain has changed. Did Liuyun Zhenjun fight with Yuheng Star Envoy before his death?" Li Jiu guessed.

Wu Yue squatted on the ground and released a strange insect to suck the blood on the ground. After a while, she shook her head, "The blood on the ground has no star breath. This is not the blood of Yuheng Star Envoy."

Wu Yue's face was complicated. She had learned from Li Jiu that Zhenjun had fallen. A generation of legends had fallen, and she couldn't help feeling sad.

She had heard the legend of Liuyun Zhenjun when she was a child.

The strongest female warrior in Hanzhou's history, the most gifted woman in the Tianyuan Dynasty, and a beauty that even the emperor could not resist. Moreover, Zhenjun is not from a big family, but a proud daughter of heaven who rose from obscurity and was worshipped as a fairy by countless people.

If Wu Yue were asked to describe Zhenjun Liuyun, she would give a word.

Almost perfect!

Not letting down the dynasty, not letting down himself, and pursuing the true way all his life.

Such a person should not end easily. Even if he dies, there should be a grand scene to send Zhenjun off for the last time.

To die in obscurity in the demon forest is really... too bad.

"Zhenjun lost to Yuheng? No, maybe there is a third person." Li Jiu said.

"I think so too. You said before that before the death of the True Lord, he forced a crack in the ruins formation and passed a memory to the True Lord's clone. If the True Lord was defeated by the Yuheng Star Envoy, he would not have the opportunity to pass on the memory, and he would remind us to be careful of the Yuheng Star Envoy. Maybe the True Lord and the Yuheng Star Envoy encountered a strong enemy, and the two joined forces to fight against the strong enemy. After the battle, the True Lord's life span was exhausted, and the Yuheng Star Envoy should also be injured."

The strong enemy

Is it the demon king? Or the strong man sent by Yuanqiu Guozhu?

Or is it that the strong enemy that the True Lord had provoked came to take revenge?

The True Lord has a strange style of doing things, harming others for his own benefit, and has provoked countless strong enemies. It is hard to say which strong enemy will have a great opportunity, soar into the sky, and his strength will skyrocket, and he will turn around to take revenge on the True Lord.

"Song Jinxian should have come out early, and the Yuheng Star Envoy was afraid of trouble, so he took Song Jinxian away early." Wu Yue said.

Li Jiu nodded, "Kill Song Jinxian again when there is a chance."

"Wait, wait until Song Jinxian gives birth to a child, I will kill Song Jinxian with my own hands, I am also a star envoy, Yuheng Star Envoy will not attack me if his brain is not broken." Wu Yue said, she did not like Song Jinxian, nor did she like Yuheng Star Envoy's style, but there was one thing that could not be denied, Yuheng Star Envoy was also a demon slayer, blessed the peace of one side, and made great contributions, otherwise he would not have become a seven-star envoy.

Such a person just wants a talented offspring, which is understandable.

But some hatreds must be avenged.

Yuheng Star Envoy can't stop it, and he has no right to stop it.

To become a seven-star envoy, not only powerful strength is required, but also great merit.

Yuheng Star Envoy once went deep into the demon forest alone, sneaked into the territory of the Nine-Headed Lion King, stole its three cubs, presented two to the imperial court, and kept one for himself.

One of the two cubs presented was pure blood, the other was close to pure blood, and the one kept for himself was only mixed blood.

With this merit, he got the opportunity to take the Yuheng Star Trial. After passing the test, he became the Yuheng Star Envoy.

Wu Yue touched the mask on her face, then looked down at the storage ring. The body of the three-headed, six-armed stone man was inside. "I will go back to my hometown first to recover my physical condition, and then refine the Holy Spirit Fetus. I will find you if I succeed."

"It's time to go."

As Li Jiu finished speaking, the Golden Winged Dapeng bird was born under the feet of the two people. The huge bird head was enough to carry two people.

Tsk! The Golden Winged Dapeng bird looked up to the sky and howled, flapping its wings, straight into the blue sky, breaking through the air.

Wu Yue released her true energy to fix her body firmly. The strong wind hit the mask, and several cracks appeared on the mask. She hurriedly released her true energy to protect the mask.

"Your Dapeng bird is too fast." Wu Yue said.

"Wu Yue, you have learned bad things. You would not make such a joke before." Li Jiu said casually.

Wu Yue lifted her hair, her black hair fluttering, "People always change, nothing stays the same. Zhenjun's death made me see through some things. I want to live for myself once. It may conflict with my previous dream, but I want to do it."

"What do you want to do?"

Wu Yue raised her head, looked at the sun in the sky, and slowly stretched out her hand, as if to hold the most yang thing that illuminates the world.

"I don't want to practice the secret scroll of stars anymore. I want to change my practice and find a way to survive the backlash of the stars."

Once a star envoy practices the secret scroll of stars, he has already embarked on a dead end. Even if he returns halfway, the star curse will come when he is fifty years old.

In the past, a star envoy made the same decision, but he died in the end. The big star will not let go of any existence that steals its power.

Every night, the big star sheds starlight and benefits all things. The big star can give power to all things and spirits, but all things and spirits cannot actively steal the power of the big star. Those who go against the will of heaven can only die to appease the anger of the big star.

"I heard that it is very difficult to change the cultivation of a star envoy."

"If it doesn't work, you will have to pay for the cultivation at your own expense and start over."

Wu Yue turned her head and gently took off the mask, revealing a scarred face with a hint of blood on it, which added a touch of strange beauty to Wu Yue, and there were tears in her beautiful eyes.

She opened her red lips slightly, trying to suppress her tears, "I want to live, not die."

Tears streaked across her face, blending with the blood and dripping quietly.

"Li Jiu, am I really useless? When I was less than ten years old, I dared to fight with demons and was not afraid of death. Later, I resolutely practiced the secret scroll of stars. I grew up and turned twenty years old, but my courage became smaller. I just witnessed the end of the legend and became afraid and timid."

The tears gradually became uncontrollable and the voice became hoarse.

"Being a star messenger is not fun at all. The more you know, the more you are bound. You have to consider the consequences before doing things. This is not the growing up I expect."

Li Jiu put his hands behind his back, did not wipe Wu Yue's tears, nor did he give Wu Yue a hug. He just asked in a deep voice.

"When Song Jinxian escaped, why didn't you just abandon the Holy Spirit Fetus and escape with Song Jinxian?"


"You are not reluctant to give up the Holy Spirit Fetus. You have no intention of using the Holy Spirit Fetus yourself. Refining the Fetus will also consume your physical vitality. It will only harm you, not benefit you. But you didn't escape in the end. You continued to refine it at the risk of your life."

Wu Yue was silent.

"You didn't lose to death. You just didn't want to die. There is nothing wrong with that. There are countless creatures in the world. How many creatures are willing to die? Very few!

When I first joined the Black Fox Gang, I met a couple. They were very afraid of death. They were kind and never fought with others. Every autumn tax, they prepared more for fear that the tax officer would cause trouble. Later, the couple's child bumped into a housekeeper of the Bai family. The housekeeper ordered people to catch the child and whip him twenty times. Even an adult strong man couldn't withstand twenty whips, let alone a child. After twenty whips, the child was estimated to be Ji couldn't even keep his human form.

For the sake of their child, the couple was willing to receive 20 horse whips each and begged the housekeeper to let the child go. The woman died on the eighth horse whip and the man died on the eighteenth horse whip. Before they died, they told the child not to cause trouble next time and to find a way to survive.

Both the couple feared death, but they were also willing to stand up and die for their child.

Not wanting to die is the instinct of living beings.

You. Are. Right. "Li Jiu's voice was very flat, without the taste of preaching. What he said was for Wu Yue to understand and then walk out, not to educate Wu Yue.

He was the same age as Wu Yue, so he couldn't be a teacher, and on the road of life, he was the best teacher in life.

Li Jiu looked ahead and didn't look at Wu Yue.

Wu Yue lowered her head, and after a long time, she silently put on the mask, "I'm sorry, I lost my composure."

Li Jiu's mouth corners slightly raised, and he smiled lightly, "You suddenly became quiet again, you change your face faster than I punch."

Wu Yue raised her head, "Women are like this, haven't you heard that women change their faces faster than turning pages of a book?"

"What about the ending of the Bai family's housekeeper?"

"The Bai family is gone." Li Jiu said.

The corners of Wu Yue's mouth under the mask rose, "When were you born?"

Li Jiu said it casually, and Wu Yue's mouth corners rose higher.

"I'm older than you, can you call me sister? I have wanted to have a younger brother since I was a child. When I was a child, if I had a younger brother, my mother might not look down on me." Wu Yue said.

"Don't dream."

Li Jiu raised his hand, "We have reached the end."


The golden-winged roc cried loudly, breaking through the clouds, and the huge city lying on the ground appeared in sight.

Qinglong City


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