Li Fei sighed and explained for Li Jiu.

Collaborating with demons is a serious crime, and everyone in the world will fight against it.

Liu Ruyan did not collude with the demon, but tamed a demon as a war pet, and used gold and silver to attract ordinary people to donate blood and Yang energy to feed the war pet.

Demons devouring human blood can accelerate bloodline growth and shorten promotion time.

After someone kills an enemy, he feeds the enemy to a battle pet to increase the strength of the battle pet.

Very few people would feed human blood to their war pets in an upright manner, because this act was too dark and would be bad for reputation if word spread about it. Of course, if you were a demon cultivator, you wouldn't care about your reputation.

Liu Ruyan was not a demon cultivator, and the Liu family was still a famous family in Chihe City. This move made many forces in Chihe City dissatisfied with the Liu family.

The reason why Li Fei hates Liu Ruyan is not because Liu Ruyan feeds his war pets with human blood, but because Liu Ruyan lures people to donate Yang Qi. Warriors have many ways to replenish Yang Qi. Ordinary people can only take big supplements if they want to replenish Yang Qi. However, ordinary people only offer gold and silver to offer yang energy to subsidize their families. How can they have the money to buy big supplements for themselves? Over time, ordinary people will lack yang energy, feel weak and weak, and their spirits will be depressed. Their longevity will also be affected. .

The thing that disgusts Li Fei the most is that Liu Ruyan doesn't even let the children go!

Many children have no plans for their future. They give up their Qi, blood and Yang Qi in ignorance, and their bones are depleted. Even if they have martial arts talent, they will be disabled due to long-term lack of Qi and blood when they grow up, and they will have no chance of martial arts.

Many demon slayers in the Zhuxie Division have climbed up from the bottom, and Li Fei is one of them. He knows how difficult it is for ordinary people to get ahead, but Liu Ruyan artificially makes it more difficult, so Li Fei is very angry, but powerless. Prevent.

Liu Ruyan is very powerful. Under her leadership, the Liu family's power has expanded rapidly, and powerful people in the family have appeared frequently. It is now the strongest family in Chihe City, surpassing the Yuan family in Chihe City.

He, a little silver medal demon slayer, can't do anything.

"Lead the way." Li Jiu said calmly.

Li Fei nodded, his heart full of disappointment. It seemed that he had misunderstood. Li Jiu was not investigating the Liu family.

"plz follow me."

The Liu family, deep in a courtyard

There was a beautiful woman sitting under the pavilion, and behind her were two maids who looked like flowers and jade, combing the beautiful woman's hair. They were very careful with every stroke, so as not to damage the beautiful woman's hair.

A giant red-haired wolf crawled at the feet of the gorgeous woman. The giant wolf slowly opened its mouth, and its sharp teeth were mixed with minced meat. A fishy smell rushed out of its mouth. Its claws were very large, about the same size as a human head, with sharp claws. Hidden in the flesh pad, the end of the tail looks like a scorpion's hook, black and green.

Liu Ruyan's red lips moved slightly, "Is someone here?"

The maid on the left said softly: "Miss, he has arrived in Chihe City and will arrive at the Liu family soon."

Liu Ruyan stretched out her jade hand and stroked the giant red wolf carefully. The wolf's fur was tough and felt very bad. If she was not careful, the wolf's fur would pierce her skin. However, she liked stroking the giant wolf very much. It didn't matter if her palms were pricked.

This giant wolf is the future sacred beast of the Liu family. When it grows into a complete form, it can protect the Liu family for hundreds or even thousands of years.

"Has the investigation been clear? What is his identity?" Liu Ruyan asked.

"It hasn't been found out yet."

"What you found, please tell me in detail." Liu Ruyan narrowed her eyes slightly, feeling very comfortable as the breeze blew by.

"Li Jiu, a native of Qinghe County, joined the Zhuxie Division more than half a month ago. He is twenty years old and has excellent talent. Some time ago, he killed the clone of the Lord of Radiance in the Five Extremes Realm. True Lord Liuyun seems to be very optimistic about him. Participated in the auction of spiritual beasts and jade." The maid told all the information she had collected.

The trouble in the Han Palace was not spread, but related to the majesty of the Han Palace. The Han Palace would not take the initiative to spread it. The strength of the Liu family was not enough to investigate the secrets of the Qinglong branch and the Han Palace.

"Wuji realm? Twenty-year-old Wuji, no wonder the master has the idea of ​​accepting a disciple." Liu Ruyan's voice was low, and a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes.

Her talent in martial arts is not as good as that of the top geniuses, and she is not much different from the time when she entered Ding Qiankun. After practicing with Zhenjun for decades, the two of them are two big differences apart. It is obvious that she has worked hard in training, and she has suffered no less than Ding Qiankun, but she has gained continuously. There is not even one tenth of Ding Qiankun.

Devastated, she clearly realized that her talent was limited and she was obsessed with martial arts and her achievements were limited. She might as well learn a few special skills for a guarantee.

Under the guidance of Zhenjun, she quickly mastered the talismans and alchemy skills, and became more and more proficient. Later, Zhenjun could no longer teach her, so she returned to the family. With the talismans and alchemy skills, she became the elder of the Liu family and also the representative of the Liu family. The clan leader, she will lead the Liu family when the clan leader is in retreat.

She knew that she could achieve what she has now, thanks to Zhenjun's teachings, so she wanted Zhenjun to accept another member of the Liu family as an apprentice to strengthen the Liu family. She would take any children in the family who had some talent or special performance. Give Zhenjun a look.

Later, due to an incident, Zhenjun expelled her from the school.

She is no longer Zhenjun's disciple.

But she did not give up this name. Every once in a while, she would go to 'visit' Zhenjun, leaving an impression on outsiders that she was still Zhenjun's disciple, which would facilitate the development of the Liu family and deter some forces.

There was something that Liu Ruyan never understood.

Master removed her, why didn't he mention it to outsiders? Even Ding Qiankun didn't know that she had been removed from the list.

It was as if the master was missing part of his memory and forgot to remove her.

Huya knew that in order to block Huya's mouth, she gave Huya a dozen women from the Liu family and many resources, and she also got involved.

"Nai Yourong specially asked someone to send me the news because of him. Haha, it's quite impressive. He deceived the most talented disciple under the master's sect. The master didn't stop him. He must be very optimistic about him."

Liu Ruyan raised her foot and placed it on the head of the giant red wolf, poking the giant wolf's nostrils with her toes, "Do you think the master thinks highly of him, the junior sister thinks highly of him, will the spiritual beast treasure jade be in his hands?"

The two maids lowered their heads and whispered: "I don't know."

"Whether he is here or not, let's leave him in the Liu family first. He should be willing to join the Liu family." Liu Ruyan said calmly.

The maid opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say that Li Jiu would give up and choose to join Liu's family? Almost impossible!

Liu Ruyan didn't know if he had guessed the maid's inner thoughts, and continued: "He is not the master's disciple, but he is a talented demon slayer. The Liu family's female partner is more than enough for him. The value of the Ascension Flower is not small, how can we let him He took it for nothing, and Master wouldn’t do anything if he found out later. After all, Master respects his own people’s choices the most.”

Li Jiu's talent is very good, and he is suitable for improving the Liu family's talent. After all, Li Jiu has made a profit. He has gained several women for nothing, only at the expense of his own reputation. If word of this treatment spreads, I don't know how many men will envy him.

As for the spirit beast jade, although Liu Ruyan felt that the master valued Li Jiu, there was a high probability that he would not give the spirit beast jade to Li Jiu.

‘The spirit beast gem probably belongs to Nai Yourong. With her talent, there is no need for the spirit beast gem. It will probably be used by Taoist companions to stabilize Li Jiu first, and then use Li Jiu to plan the spirit beast gem. ’

As Liu Ruyan thought about it, he thought of that incident back then.

‘Master, I am your disciple with the least talent except for the useless senior brother. I am obviously the most suitable for refining spiritual beast jade, but why don’t you give it to me? Under your guidance, other disciples may become powerful people on the path to becoming gods, but I can't do it. Can't you pity me? ’

‘I have been with you for hundreds of years. Even if I am a stone, I should be warmed by it. Why don’t you show any relationship between master and disciple? ’

‘I left you on my own initiative, but you didn’t want to keep me. I kept a battle pet, but you jumped out to stop me immediately. Could you really not have thought of the reason why I kept a battle pet? Isn't it because you didn't give me the spiritual beast jade, forcing me to pursue external power? ’

‘You gave the spiritual beast gem to someone who didn’t need it, so don’t blame me for trying to get back what belongs to me. ’

other side

In the Liu family hall, Li Jiu started drinking tea after being welcomed into the hall by a servant. After waiting for a long time, a member of the Liu family arrived.

"Sorry, I've been busy lately and can't spare the time." Liu Gaowu handed over his hand and said politely.

"I want to see Liu Ruyan, didn't the servant who brought me in tell you?" Li Jiu looked calm, showing no signs of anger.

"Elder Ruyan is busy with something. He will come to see you as soon as possible after finishing it."

"how long."

Liu Gaowu looked embarrassed, "I don't know, why don't I go and ask you."

After saying that, Liu Gaowu walked out, and Li Jiu didn't stop him. He sat calmly drinking tea and whispered "three" in a low voice.

Half an hour later, there were bursts of screams outside, getting louder and closer, and with a click, a disheveled young woman broke in. She was petite and pretty, with tears on her face, looking pitiful. , like a little white flower about to be destroyed by the storm.

The petite woman panicked, glanced at the hall, and saw Empress Li Jiu grabbing the rope like a drowning person, trying to hold on to hope, "Senior, help me."

Li Jiu looked at the petite woman quietly, said "two" and continued drinking tea.

"Please, help me, I will find a way to repay you later." The petite woman prayed.

roar! A roar of beasts entered the hall, and the petite woman trembled twice, retreated, and carefully hid behind the stone pillar next to Li Jiu, as if Li Jiu could bring her a sense of security.


The ferocious wolf head entered the hall first. The huge wolf claws fell on the floor of the hall, leaving a deep mark. As the giant wolf entered, the figure on its back was also revealed. It was also a woman. With a single ponytail and smart clothes, he looks handsome, his thighs are straight and his lines are full of vitality.

The pony-tailed woman first glanced at Li Jiu, then looked at the petite woman behind the stone pillar, "Hey, why are you running here? It turns out that you are having an affair with your lover. Don't forget, you are my father's illegitimate son, and you are also a member of the Liu family. Man, it’s not up to you who you marry.”

"He's not." The petite woman whispered.

The pony-tailed woman sneered, waved the whip, hit the stone pillar, and said to Li Jiu: "Hey, do you want to explain to the Liu family that my half-sister is in the same room with you and her clothes are disheveled. It will not be spread out. Bar."

"Stupid." Li Jiu said lightly.

"What did you say?"

"It's so stupid that it makes people laugh. Is this the arrogance of a big family? Do you think I'm a weakling? You think you've got me, so you put on such a fake attitude."

Li Jiu stood up and said the last number.


"What are you counting?" The pony-tailed woman frowned, not panicking. Things were not out of control yet.

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