Li Jiu thought for a moment, took off the small gourd from his waist, and drove out the white jade spider.

The Mirror Flower Moonworm is not considered a zerg. The so-called zerg is an insect monster tamed by humans. It breeds with gentle bugs and evolves from generation to generation. It abandons its bloodthirsty nature and becomes controllable, safe, and usable by humans. Normally, I will never betray the human race, unless it is an insect that can devour human brain memories like the white jade spider, there is a chance of rebellion.

But Wuyue is not an ordinary insect master, and may be able to tame the mirror flower water moon insect.

Last time in the ruins, Wu Yue lost his natal spirit insect, the Four-Winged Centipede, in order to refine the Holy Spirit Embryo for him. His spirit was damaged. He hasn't recovered yet, so he should give this thing to Wu Yue as a gift.

The white jade spider tilted its head and stared at Li Jiu with its gem-like eyes in confusion. If it could speak, it would definitely ask: What's wrong? Kick me out again.

Li Jiu's true energy wrapped around the mirror flower water moon insect and stuffed it into the gourd.

The Mirror Flower Water Moon Insect seemed to sense the crisis and struggled desperately. A stream of spiritual power rushed out, reducing the intelligence of nearby creatures.

The white jade spider stretched out its forelimbs blankly and pushed the water-moon in the mirror into the gourd. It itself did not have much intelligence and mental strength, so the innate ability of the water-moon in the mirror was of little use to it.

Poof, the Mirror Flower Water Moon Insect was put into the gourd. It was not honest inside and kept pounding, making the gourd vibrate.


Footsteps sounded one after another

Dozens of figures came with soldiers in hand, their eyes flashing blue, their faces expressionless, and there was no emotion in their eyes, just like puppets.

Li Fei broke in and was overjoyed when he saw Empress Li Jiu. He was wary of the figure with blue eyes and retreated, "Lord Demon Dragon, something is wrong with them. They seem to be controlled by someone. I slashed them and they shouted No shouting."

Li Jiu took out the demon catalog as if nothing had happened and rummaged through it quickly.

Chapter 301 of the Demon Catalog, a first-level dangerous species, the Mirror Flower Suigetsu. The talent is spiritual. The name Mirror Flower Suigetsu can control the five senses, create illusions, guide the darkness in people's hearts, and control people. Once controlled, they can never get rid of it, unless their strength exceeds Mirror Flower Water Moon Bug, but it will not let the controlled object surpass itself, so it can never get rid of it.

Physical strength: lower to lower level; talent strength: upper to upper level; danger level: upper to upper level

The mental power is weaker than that of the Mirror Flower Water Moon Bug, so don't get close, otherwise it will easily take away your five senses. Forms, sounds, smells, tastes, and touches will all be false, and your mental induction will also be deceived.

The mental power is stronger than that of the Mirror Flower Water Moon Insect and can be easily suppressed.

Li Jiu closed the catalog. It was an extreme monster, or a spiritual monster. Compared with spiritual power, whoever is stronger will win, and the weaker one will definitely lose.

These people were controlled by the Water Moon Worm and lost their identities. The reason why they were not noticed was because the Water Moon Worm gave them new selves. They did not know what they were doing, and the memories in their minds were all false.

It's terrifying that the entire Liu family has fallen, either controlled by the Mirror Flower Water Moon Insect, or has had its self modified and its intelligence reduced.

An elder from the Liu family walked out of the crowd, his eyes thick with blue, "Li Jiu, I don't want to fight with you, let go of my body, and I will give you the Ascension Flower. All the collections of the Liu family belong to you, if you want If you want women, I can completely modify their consciousness and become your slaves."

"The gourd can also control others through space. It's true that the catalog rated your talent as top-notch."

"Why, you didn't control me." Liu Ruyan said weakly.

She is a parasite of the Water Moon Worm, but the Water Moon Worm did not control her. It only affected her spirit, led to darkness, and reduced her intelligence.

The elder glanced at Liu Ruyan and said, "Your master once liked you very much and set a restriction for you. Using all my natural abilities can only reduce your intelligence and expand the darkness in your heart. There is no way Completely revise your self-awareness, but you seem to have forgotten and imposed several restrictions on yourself without authorization. I hid in the restrictions you set and hid it from your master and everyone.

Being with you these years has actually been quite interesting. I have learned a lot from you, which the demon clan does not understand. Before, even if I was about to die, I would not surrender to the humans.

According to my guess, he will not kill me, but will enslave me. I, the puppets, will all die, and then he will say to me, 'Kill you, and the Liu family's treasures will also be mine.'

It's a pity that my plan has not been completed yet. Perhaps this is the fate of the Mirror Flower and Water Moon Insect clan. We will never be able to ascend to the order of kings. "

Liu Ruyan closed her eyes, and vague memories reappeared in her mind. A long time ago, she had just become a disciple of the True Lord, but she did not receive the initiation gift. After becoming a disciple, Hu Teeth, Ding Qiankun, and even Qi Kunpeng all She received the initiation gift, but she did not. She was still young at that time, and she went to Zhenjun with grievances. Then she got an answer that she did not believe. Zhenjun said that she had already received the initiation gift.

She always thought that Zhenjun deliberately refused to give it, or that someone was greedy for her initiation gift. Until now, she vaguely remembered that Zhenjun seemed to have told her to give her peace.


'Master... So that's what you meant... I am ignorant... I only understand it today'

Liu Ruyan died, her life was cut off, and two crystal tears spilled from the corners of her eyes, leaving two marks on her wrinkled face.

Elder Liu picked up his sword and said, "Let's have a fight. I know I will lose, but I still want to fight. This is what Liu Ruyan taught me. Even if there is no hope, I have to fight for it. ”

"Let me see your true strength!"

Dozens of figures attacked Li Jiu from all directions at the same time, using various methods.

Black light bloomed!

A black line appeared in the sight of the elder of the Liu family, and he felt something on his head, and then a violent force was transmitted to his head.

Bang! The blood mist exploded!

Li Jiu glanced at the people around him, pointed to the sky with one hand, thunderclouds gathered, thunderstorms roared, and a thunder column as thick as a bucket descended. With him as the center, the space of hundreds of meters in radius was completely covered. The purple thunder roared and destroyed everything.

Li Fei had been stunned for a long time, and was extremely shocked. The elder of the Liu family was a strong man in the Earthly Evil Realm! He couldn't even withstand a single move in Li Jiu's hands!

And what's the matter with this thunder! Why can a warrior change the celestial phenomena and set off such a terrifying thunderstorm?

Is this... really a human method?

When the lightning gradually dissipated, Li Jiu stood above the void, like a god coming with the storm, bringing the anger of the sky and sending down thunder to cleanse the sins of the world.

"Command thunderstorm... No wonder the Qinglong branch calls it the Demon Dragon."

A seed called worship took root in Li Fei's heart, and his eyes turned hot when he looked at Li Jiu.

Dozens of Liu family members fell to the ground like dumplings, their bodies were charred, their flesh and blood turned into charcoal, and they were lifeless.

Li Jiu retracted his hand and bowed his head and said: "You said everything I wanted to say, damn it."

The mirror flower and water moon insect trapped in the gourd seemed to hear his voice and struggled more violently.

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