Tie Shixian sneered, looking up with an arrogant look, "You Black Fox Gang don't have high-grade martial arts and skills. What you practice is the worst in the cultivation world, no different from the casual martial artists.

Perhaps you think that martial artists are similar to martial artists, and fighting at the same level depends on ruthlessness and will, but the actual gap is huge. Qi, blood, strength, speed, and all aspects, you are the weakest at the same level!

Do you know? The martial artists of Tiexian Martial Arts Hall like to fight with casual martial artists the most, because they can enjoy the pleasure of fighting across levels!"

Tangzhu Li raised the corner of his mouth, wanting to see Li Jiu's frightened eyes, but found that Li Jiu had no expression on his face, Gu Bo was not surprised, and looked at them as if he was looking at a dead person.

He frowned and said in a deep voice: "Li Jiu, I can give you a chance. Hand over the Dragon Roar Iron Shirt, leave one hand and one foot, and I will let you walk out of the door alive!"

Li Jiu raised his head, "Have you said enough? Your last words are quite long."

Before he finished speaking, Li Jiu rushed out and rushed to Li Tangzhu in a breath, holding the steel whip high! The golden dragon pattern on his back flickered, and the dragon eyes seemed to be burning. The Dragon Roar Iron Shirt burst out with all its strength, and the terrifying strange power penetrated his whole body.

At this moment, Li Jiu was like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and Li Tangzhu and Tie Shixian were tigers and lions. They were both predators, but there was also a gap!

And! The gap was huge!

The steel whip swung down violently, producing a sound similar to an explosion, and the strong wind howled!

Li Tangzhu raised his arms and circulated his true energy to his arms to resist.

Before the steel whip fell, the strong wind tore his sleeves, his black hair flew, and his face seemed to be pierced by countless silver needles.

To die!

Li Tangzhu's pupils shrank into needles, and his instincts told him that he would die. He couldn't block this blow!

But, he had no chance to dodge!

Li Jiu was too fast, and the steel whip would fall in the next moment!

With reluctance and despair, Li Tangzhu exploded! Flesh and blood flew everywhere! Bones shattered into countless pieces, flying all over the sky!

The seat representing the leader of the gang collapsed, and the bluestone floor cracked inch by inch!

One move!

Just one move! Li Tangzhu died suddenly!

Things happened so fast that Tie Shixian didn't have time to react. She watched her lover die in front of her eyes, and his flesh and blood splashed on her face, making a bloody mask for her.

Endless anger rose, Tie Shixian bit her teeth to pieces, staring at Li Jiu, and her murderous intent exploded, wishing to skin Li Jiu alive.

"You! You killed A Lang! My father will not let you go! The Iron Wire Martial Arts School will not let the Black Fox Gang go!"

"Why don't you ask if I will let your father and the Iron Wire Martial Arts School go?"

Li Jiu raised the steel whip and swung it again.

This time, it was still a full-strength blow!

Tie Shixian was shocked, her hair stood on end, and she really understood how strong Li Jiu was when she faced this blow!

There was no trace of true energy on the steel whip!

Pure power and speed!

"You are a body-tempered warrior!" Tie Shixian exclaimed in surprise, crossing her arms and shaking them violently, her sleeves burst open, revealing the iron rings inside.

There were eighteen iron rings on her arms, nine on each side, which meant that she had practiced the Iron Wire Fist to the ninth level, and was only three levels away from the twelfth level of great success!


The violent recoil force was transmitted to Tie Shixian along the iron ring.

Tie Shixian felt a sweetness in her throat, and couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood, which spurted out.

"The Iron Wire Fist is for the Body Tempered Warriors!"

Tie Shixian waved her arms, the iron rings collided, making a crisp sound, and layers of force accumulated on the iron rings, and then she pushed her palm forward, all the iron rings moved forward and collided together.

Layers of force were kneaded together, and under the guidance of Tie Shixian's true qi, they turned into a ball and burst out with terrible power!

This is the power of the Iron Wire Fist. It can use the iron rings to accumulate qi, and then burst out in one breath, hitting a force far beyond its own limit, and can be used to defeat enemies stronger than itself at a critical moment!

Especially restraining the Body Tempered Warriors with a single means!

Li Jiu threw away the steel whip, his arms were entangled by evil spirits, his body shook, and the tiger and leopard thunder sound was mixed with dragon roars. The golden lines behind him flickered more and more, and the dragon eyes became more agile, as if alive.

Qi and blood rose steadily!

Fist to fist!

The two collided with all their strength, and the qi spread, blowing away the surrounding gravel and flesh!

The bluestone floor could not bear the weight and shattered into slag with a bang.

Tie Shixian's face suddenly changed. She felt an extremely strong force burst out.

Her hand bones were shattered!

Both arms were destroyed by this force!

Tie Shixian's eyes were bloodshot, her blood was unstable, her legs softened, and she stepped back a few steps, leaning against the wall weakly, barely standing.

How is it possible!

She used the Iron Wire Fist! How could she lose to Li Jiu?

Li Jiu picked up the steel whip and walked towards Tie Shixian step by step, "It seems that I underestimated the Iron Wire Fist. I originally wanted to kill you with one blow."

"You can't kill me! Otherwise, my father will not let you go!" Tie Shixian threatened.

Unfortunately, her threat was like the barking of a loser. It was impossible to shake Li Jiu's will, and it couldn't even make Li Jiu have a slight emotional fluctuation.

Li Jiu raised his arm indifferently and raised the steel whip.

Tie Shixian wanted to run, but after running two steps, the steel whip landed on her back, and the evil spirit rushed in, and her internal organs burst instantly.

Li Jiu threw the steel whip without looking back.

The steel whip broke through the air and pierced the knifeman who had escaped to the big mouth.


The steel whip pierced the ground, and the knifeman hung on the steel whip, his eyes were dazed, and he took his last breath.

Outside the door, Bai Yu was not surprised at all. He had experienced many similar things and was used to it.

Xiong Gang was dumbfounded and shocked.

Li Jiu, with his late Qi and blood, fought back against two strong warriors? And one of them was from a martial arts gym! Not a casual cultivator!

"Is this... normal?" Xiong Gang said.

"Is it abnormal?" Bai Yu asked back.

"What's normal about it?"

"Boss is not a normal warrior, isn't it normal to do abnormal things?"

When Li Jiu tore off his bloodstained robe, Xiong Gang couldn't help but widen his eyes and looked at the dragon head totem behind Li Jiu in disbelief.

"Dragon Roar Iron Cloth Shirt? Have you mastered it?"

"Buddha's son! The posture of a Buddha's son!"

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