Bang, bang, bang!

The headless body fell!

The other two demons approached Li Jiu and were torn in half, becoming four demons.

The black robe on Li Jiu was stained with demon blood. Under the dark demonic energy, he seemed to be a demon lord from the mysterious underworld, terrifying and ferocious, which made people shudder.


Li Jiu walked towards Zuo Tianqing step by step. The demon blood was quite sticky, and stepping on it was like stepping on sticky sugar water, and every step would make a tearing sound.

Zuo Tianqing, who was just arrogant, lost his confidence. When Li Jiu took a step forward, he took a step back.

Soon, Zuo Tianqing was forced to the wall.


Thunder roared! It briefly illuminated the courtyard.

Under the lightning, Li Jiu's tall shadow was reflected on the wall, covering Zuo Tianqing.

"Wait! I'll tell you Bashe's plan! Don't kill me first!" Zuo Tianqing begged for mercy.

Li Jiu ignored him and punched directly!

The punch was like thunder! Swift and violent!

Zuo Tianqing extended his palm, trying to repeat the old trick to dissolve Li Jiu's attack!

The fists touched! But the result was completely different!

The arm exploded, and the bones were broken!

"Mingyuan and Leng Nuannuan are not dead yet! They are trapped by the Bashen!"

"The Bashen wants to transform into a black prison dragon! It is a demon that walked out of the King Snake Cave!"

"Stop it! I told you to stop! I told you! Why don't you stop!" Zuo Tianqing yelled hysterically.

Li Jiu said nothing, just punched blindly.

Punch after punch, every punch was full of effort, he didn't seem to get tired, the strength of the punch didn't decrease at all, but increased.

Zuo Tianqing fell down, his life was cut off, and the gods couldn't save him.

A pure white slender worm drilled out of Zuo Tianqing's ear and quickly escaped into the soil.

Unfortunately, Li Jiu's hand speed was faster, grabbing the worm's tail and pulling it out with force.

The insect twisted wildly. There was a small spike on its head, which drilled into Li Jiu's palm.

Qing Xuan shook his dizzy head and forced himself to cheer up, "Brother Jiu! Be careful! That is a phantom insect that can control people!"

The phantom insect's combat power is extremely weak. Any demon of the same level is stronger than the phantom insect.

But as long as the phantom insect takes over a powerful body, it will be completely different. It can not only inherit the original owner's memory, but also use the original owner's ability!

Combined with the phantom insect's super mental power and illusion, it can exert a stronger combat power than the original owner!

The phantom insect's possession is an irreversible process. The object of possession will die the moment the phantom insect successfully seizes the body. Even if the phantom insect takes the initiative to leave, the original owner will not be able to survive.

If it weren't for the phantom insect's possession of the body with defects, it could be seen through at a glance. Its danger level would definitely be more than level four!

Li Jiu was made of iron and steel, so he was naturally not afraid. Even if the insect used its spikes to drill, it could not break his membrane.

He closed his five fingers and squeezed the phantom insect hard.

"Where are Mingyuan and the others, and where is Bashe?"


The phantom insect shook its head and made a strange sound.

Li Jiu understood what the phantom insect meant, jumped onto the wall, and looked around. He saw an abandoned flower bed in the yard next door, and several green toads were croaking beside it.

His figure flashed and appeared next to the flower bed.

The green toad was startled and jumped towards the flower bed, but was caught by a big hand in mid-air.

Li Jiu pinched the phantom insect with one hand and stuffed it into the green toad's mouth.

The phantom insect struggled desperately and was unwilling to take over the green toad's body. Its possession was not unlimited and unconditional. Each time it took over a body, it would consume a part of its potential. The more times it took over, the harder it would be to improve its own level.

Taking over the green toad's body was a complete waste of potential!

It was also unwilling to take over an unintelligent green toad's body!

"Don't want to?" Li Jiu decisively tore off half of the body of the phantom insect and threw it on the ground. The white evil wrapped around his right foot and stepped on it heavily.

When he raised his foot again, half of the phantom insect's body had turned into ashes.

The phantom insect, which only had half of its body left, was terrified and unwillingly "actively" drilled into the mouth of the green toad, activated its ability, and took over the green toad's body.

Li Jiu saw that the green toad's eyes had turned extremely dark, and knew that the phantom insect had succeeded in taking over the body, and said lightly: "Answer my question."

"The county magistrate's mansion! They are trapped in the county magistrate's mansion! The Bashe is in the Sanxing Martial Arts Hall!" The green toad spoke in human language, and his voice was charming.

As a race with advanced intelligence, the phantom insect is not as bloodthirsty as ordinary demons, which means that it is afraid of death and will try its best to save its life when facing a fatal threat.

Li Jiu exerted force on his palm, "Change your voice!"

"I thought you liked this voice! Change! Change! Don't do it!" The green toad was deformed by the pinch and hurriedly changed its voice.

"Why do you want to help the Bashen!"

"It promised me that if I help it to transform into a dragon, it will help me take over its brother's body, so I help it!" said the green toad.

The phantom insects like strong bodies the most, and the bodies of the Bashen clan have an incomparable temptation to the phantom insects.

No phantom insect can refuse the body of the Bashen!

It is no exception.

"Don't kill me! I can help you kill the Bashen!" said the phantom insect.

"Answer my question! Why are you the only one here, why doesn't it come together?" said Li Jiu.

"It is guarding the dragon fetus! You should know that the body it occupies now is a human, and the old Bashen body was taken away by the Yuheng Star Envoy! It killed its own sister and used a secret method to train her body into a dragon fetus! Before the dragon fetus is formed, it needs to be nurtured with true qi! It doesn't trust others and insists on guarding the dragon fetus by itself!"

Qing Xuan said on the side: "Demons are indeed cruel and ruthless. A female Bashen can only lay three Bashen eggs in her lifetime. She regards her brothers and sisters from the same mother as the nourishment for her transformation."

"You don't understand us at all. The Bashen's approach is not wrong. Even if the old Bashen knew, he would not stop it. In this world, the weak have no right to survive! No matter what method you use, as long as you can become stronger, it is the right choice!" Green Toad refuted Qing Xuan.

Li Jiu exerted force with his palm, almost crushing the green toad, "Let's talk about the dragon fetus."

"With the body of a Bashen, gathering dragon energy, dragon blood, and dragon skin, and practicing it with secret methods, it can become the fetus of a Black Prison Dragon! For the Bashen clan, it is a road to heaven. It only needs dragon skin to practice a real dragon fetus! Then use your blood to continue its own dragon transformation! Abandon the incomplete human body and transform into a Black Prison Dragon! If there is a chance, it may transform into the legendary Black Prison Demon Dragon!"

"Where did it find the dragon energy and dragon blood?"

"It came from the King Snake Cave, and used this identity to make a deal with the Dragon Palace. I don't know the details."

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