"What? Do you still need to shout?" Li Jiu said while eating.

Ming Yuan was silent, he was also a genius, why couldn't he break through the realm easily and simply like Li Jiu.

"Have you mastered the teleportation technique to become the Yunlong Chatian?"

"Well, I got it by accident."

Li Jiu had no intention of hiding anything. Some high-level martial arts had obvious characteristics. A knowledgeable person could tell which faction the other party belonged to through the martial arts at a glance.

"Do you have a fundamental picture?"

"No more, I have used up all the meaning above." Li Jiu said lightly.

There are not many meanings in the sky of Yunlong Cha. After helping him get started, there is not much left. He has used up the remaining meanings and has not achieved anything.

"The painting is still there."

"You want it?"

"No, what do I want a painting for? It's useful. You keep it for now. Maybe you can use it one day.

The fundamental diagram of Yunlong Chatian was left by the six disciples of Zhenjun. There should be a woman on the picture. That person is Zhenjun's disciple and the founder of the method of moving Yunlong Chatian. "Ming Yuan said.

After Li Jiu ate up all the fruits on the table, he leaned on his chair and asked relaxedly: "What do you mean, this painting is exquisite?"

Mingyuan thought for a while and said slowly: "This painting was secretly taken out by Qi Kunpeng. If you take it back, you can exchange it for something with Zhenjun. What you don't know is that the sixth disciple has died.

She was the most proud disciple of Zhenjun during her lifetime, and her understanding was astonishing. Zhenjun once said that he was not as good as her when he was young. Zhenjun put her through many tests and wanted to train her as his heir.

When she was in the Pure Mortal Realm, under the protection of the True Lord, she went deep into the Shiwan Mountains to search for high-level spiritual objects, baptize herself, and improve her potential. On the third day, she accidentally entered the territory of a white dragon and witnessed the white dragon ascending to the sky, causing chaos. In one scene of celestial phenomena, he created the method of moving the sky with clouds and dragons.

At first, Yunlong Chatian was only at the middle level of the yellow level. As her realm improved, her understanding of martial arts also improved rapidly. After improving Yunlong Chatian little by little, she was promoted to the upper level of the Xuan level! But because she had only witnessed the white dragon ascending to heaven once and didn't know much about white dragons, she was stuck at the upper level of the Xuan level and could no longer progress.

In order to break the barrier, she once again entered the Hundred Thousand Mountains alone. At this time, she was no longer in the Mortal Realm. She was not afraid even if she faced Bai Long alone. But this meeting with Bai Long indirectly led to her death.

For some reason, she rewrote Yunlong Chatian so that Bailong could also practice this teleportation method! After Zhuxiesi learned about it, he was afraid that other demons could also practice Yunlong Chatian, so he asked the True Lord to kill the white dragon. However, when the True Lord entered the Shiwan Mountain again, he found that the white dragon had disappeared long ago.

After the true king returned, the six disciples were dead. There were no external injuries. They died of self-cutting of the heart. There was no suicide note, only a fundamental picture of Yunlong Chatian! From then on, the true king only accepted disciples again! "

After listening to this, Li Jiu knocked on the table and asked, "Has the result been obtained from the final test? Can other demons practice Yunlong Chatian?"

"White Dragon can do it, but other monsters can't."

Li Jiu did not continue to ask, but stood up and said: "Detoxify as soon as possible and regain strength."

"And you?"

"Searching for loot, of course."

Half an hour later, Li Jiu returned with a large piece of ground beef, as well as a dozen land deeds and some gold and silver, which he put into his storage equipment.

Naturally, the land deed was planned to be sold to the Huo family in exchange for herbs, while the gold and silver would be kept.

The two left the martial arts gym, first looking for Leng Nuannuan, who was still in a coma, and then Jin Tongxuan and the others.

Li Jiu arranged for a few people to rest at the Fubo Gang station. Early the next morning, Huo Wushuang sent a batch of herbal medicines. Just like before, Qingxuan refined the medicine and Li Jiu concentrated on practicing.

In the compound of the station, Qingxuan is refining the secret medicine in front of a large pot. The secret medicine corresponding to each layer of the Dragon's Roar Iron Cloth Shirt and Tiger's Roaring Golden Bell Cover is different. The first layer's secret medicine is relatively easy to refine. There are many steps required for the second-level secret medicine. It takes at least an hour to refine it once. With his ability, he can refine up to three copies at a time, which is not enough for Li Jiu.


Qingxuan refined three more secret medicines. After giving the secret medicine to Bai Yu, he hurried to the water tank, plopped his head into the water tank.

"It's so hot, I feel like I'm half-baked."


Huo Wushuang, who was enjoying the cool under the tree, laughed out loud, "The more you practice, the more proficient you will become. Sooner or later you will have to refine the secret medicine for yourself. Now that you are proficient in it, you can use it in the future."

"Stop making sarcastic comments and make a few pots of it for me. I think if I continue to make it, I will go from half-cooked to fully cooked." Qingxuan said.

Huo Wushuang crossed his legs and said with a smile: "I also want to help Brother Ninth refine the secret medicine. Unfortunately, I don't know how to refine the medicine."

"You are the daughter of the Huo family after all. Even if you don't know how to make pills, why don't you know how to make medicine?"

"Only the legitimate daughter of the Huo family can learn alchemy. I am not the legitimate daughter." Huo Wushuang spread his hands.

Qingxuan held his forehead, it was clear that Huo Wushuang did not want to learn alchemy. Huo Wushuang was a concubine, but his status and treatment were much higher than those of direct descendants of the Huo family. If he wanted to learn alchemy, the leader of the Huo family could not refuse.

Jin Tongxuan leaned against the tree trunk and stared blankly at the familiar scene in front of him. Unforgettable scenes from his childhood flashed through his mind from time to time.

"I can't go back." Jin Tongxuan muttered.

Huo Wushuang patted Jin Tongxuan on the shoulder and comforted him: "Looking forward, your father must also hope that you live well."

Jin Tongxuan pursed his lips and said, "Sister Huo, is there really reincarnation in the world?"

Huo Wushuang raised his head slightly and pondered for a moment, "There should be."

On the roof, Ming Yuan looked at a few people quietly, thinking of Zuo Tianqing who died in front of him.

"Reincarnation.....there is no reincarnation. When a person dies, it is like a light going out. It is just a self-deception." Ming Yuan said in a low voice.

He did not know how to face Zuo Tianqing's wife and children.

He still remembered that before leaving, Zuo Tianqing's wife brought two bags of homemade snacks to his house and asked him to keep an eye on Zuo Tianqing and not let him take risks.

His solemn promise at that time was like a joke.

After a few days, Leng Nuannuan woke up, and with difficulty propped up her upper body, she looked around the strange house.

"I was saved? Wasn't what I saw an illusion?"

Jin Tongxuan, who was waiting outside, heard the voice and hurriedly opened the door. Seeing that Leng Nuannuan really woke up, he was very surprised.

"Senior Leng! How do you feel? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?"

Leng Nuannuan shook her head. She was too seriously injured and could not recover for a while. She would feel pain in her body for a short time. "Did we win?"

"Yes! We won! Brother Jiu killed the Bashe alone!" Jin Tongxuan said excitedly.

"It's really Li Jiu!" Leng Nuannuan recalled the blurry figure she saw before she fell into a coma. She thought it looked like Li Jiu at the time and thought she was hallucinating. After all, Li Jiu didn't have such a strong fighting power.

A few minutes later, after listening to Jin Tongxuan's story, Leng Nuannuan rubbed her eyebrows vigorously. She always felt unreal in her heart, as if she was listening to a folk legend.

"You mean he killed the Bashen close to the late stage of the Melting God when he was in the late stage of the inner strength?"

"No, no, Brother Jiu killed the Bashen in the middle stage of the inner strength."

"How many days was I unconscious?"

"Four days."

"In just four days, he broke through a small realm again?"

As soon as Leng Nuannuan finished speaking, a violent and powerful breath rose, and the sound of dragon roars resounded throughout the station, as if a young dragon had awakened, howling to the sky, and the sound shook all the beasts.

Jin Tongxuan pointed to the place where Li Jiu was in retreat, which was also the direction of the breath, "Look, he seems to have become stronger again."

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