Infernal Artist

Chapter 104 Efforts to summon heroic spirits!

"Why did you become a waiter?"

Zhao Chanyi said in a voice message.

"I have secrets, don't expose my secrets." Liu Ping said in a message.

"Can you help me?" Zhao Chanyi asked.

"No, it's best to pretend you don't know me." Liu Ping said.

"Is that so..." She fell into deep thought.

"Don't even think about helping me. This matter is very important to me, so you must leave it alone." Liu Ping said in a message.

——This cat is very curious. If she doesn't tell her, she will definitely stay and see what happens.

So I have to say no now!

The main laws of the entire purgatory and eternal night are mysterious, and other powers are suppressed.

How could she participate in the card master's battle?

"Okay, by the way, when will you help me break the thread behind my back?" the demon king said angrily.

"Don't be anxious. I will help you solve this matter step by step." Liu Ping said.

"You won't suddenly disappear from the world of practice." Zhao Chanyi said with some worry.

"Don't worry, it won't be that easy to leave this time." Liu Ping said.

He went to get the food and came to the seat again.

"Then I'll wait here for your news?" Zhao Chanyi asked.

"No, I have something to ask of you."

"Say it."

"I'm looking for news about my master. It's rumored that the heads of the seven major sects were guarding him when he last died." Liu Ping said.

"So that's what happened. I'm the Demon King now. It's easy to find some things. Just wait for me to help you find them." The Demon King said.

"That couldn't be better. You are the best at collecting intelligence in the world." Liu Ping said.

The demon king's eyes narrowed.

She suddenly slapped a piece of silver on the table and said, "You are quite clever, waiter. Take it, this is what I reward you with."

Liu Ping took the silver and felt something wrapped in the silver as soon as he touched it.

"What?" he asked via voice message.

"For the sake of you praising me, I will give you my token - it is not peaceful here recently. Seeing the token is like seeing me. If something happens, no demon or heretic can touch you." The demon king said.

This can be collected.

"Thank you very much." Liu Ping said in a voice message.

He put the silver into his arms.

Zhao Chanyi pressed the bamboo hat and said: "Now that you are back, will you become the master of the demonic path? If you reappear in the practice world as the leader of the demonic path..."

"You're right, that will make things easier for me." Liu Ping agreed.

"Then I'll go find out about your master first. We'll see you later."

"Go ahead and stay in touch."

Zhao Chanyi stood up and patted the table and said, "Waiter, pack it up."

"...You were ousted back then because it was too delicious and angered the descendants of the Dragon Clan. Don't you remember?" Liu Ping said in a voice message.

"I don't care! Pack this fish, that fish, and that fish, all for me!" The other party pointed to several dishes on the table.

Liu Ping packed the dishes and handed them to the other party.

The other party turned around and walked out of the restaurant, quickly disappearing on the road out of the city.

Liu Ping returned to the door of the restaurant and sat on a chair.


If you become the master of the Demonic Way, it will be very convenient to do many things.

Yana's voice suddenly sounded:

"Were you once the leader of this world?"

"That's right."

"Tsk, this identity is very useful, why don't you use it now?"

"Because my cultivation level is not enough - I lost all my cultivation level and am trying to cultivate it again." Liu Ping sighed.

Andrea suddenly interjected: "Then you have to repair quickly. Your soul is not strong enough. I can't use your power to be summoned to fight now."

"What does this mean?" Liu Ping asked.

"It's easy to fight with ordinary cards, but the power of heroic spirits is very powerful, far beyond what ordinary cards can match." Andrea said.

Liu Ping thought so too.

In terms of single-round combat effectiveness, Andrea is now much stronger than herself.

Moreover, she is also known as the "True Red Lord", who controls all poisons and feeds on all devils.

At this time, Yana said:

"The heroic spirit has been recognized by the mysterious side law and has become your card, but you may not have enough soul power to summon it to fight for you."

"She can come out and fight on her own without my summons," Liu Ping said.

"But in that case, she will be fighting freely. She will not be able to connect with your mind, nor will she be able to gain power from the cards you drew, nor will she be able to use your professional-specific power." Yana said.

"That's it." Liu Ping muttered.

An ordinary card, if it is professionally specialized, will have a qualitative leap in power.

Like that double-barreled shotgun.

After being professionalized exclusively by the Joker, it turned directly into a Gatling minigun, and its power is incomparable!

As for Andrea…

Liu Ping's eyes fell on her.

What would such a heroic spirit become if he was professionalized by himself?

It's impossible to become another person, right?

Or will you change your attire?

So interesting...

I really want to know.

Yana continued to explain: "When you have enough soul power and can summon a heroic spirit to fight, you can truly break away from the ranks of rookies."

"How will she change?"

"I can't say for sure. There are two factors here. One is the card artist's profession, and the other is her wish. These two determine her change."

"Summoning heroic spirits counts as breaking away from the ranks of rookies? Do card masters also have different levels of strength?" Liu Ping asked with interest.

"Yes, heroic spirits are also called stars in the sky - being able to summon a heroic spirit is said to have the position of a star, and it is a true star card master." Yana said.

"The number of heroic spirits you can summon determines your status among card masters." Andrea said.

"Summoning one heroic spirit is a one-star card master; two are two-star card masters, and so on - until one day, if you can summon gods and demons to take action, you will be a card master of another level." Yana said with a smile.

"How much soul power do I need before I can summon a heroic spirit?" Liu Ping asked.

"It feels a little worse - wait! What are you doing?"

Andrea said in surprise.

I saw Liu Ping sitting on a chair, his eyes closed, and he fell into a state of selflessness.

"Yana, he seems to be practicing?" Andrea asked in confusion.

"Yes... I remembered it, ah, what a hell, don't ask me, you will know just by looking at it." Yana said in a helpless tone.

Andrea looked at Liu Ping.

The aura on his body suddenly rose, and the fluctuations of spiritual power gradually became stronger.

"Huh? The strength of the soul has increased a little - is this an improvement? Is it so fast?"

Andrea said with interest.

The next second, her beautiful eyes suddenly widened.

The fluctuations in Liu Ping's spiritual energy did not calm down, but as time went by, they climbed to another level again——

He breaks through again!

"It's fake..." Andrea said in a daze.

"Last time, I thought the same thing." Yana sighed.

Liu Ping opened his eyes, snapped his fingers and said: "Later Nascent Soul cultivation level - with my current soul strength, is it enough to summon Andrea?"

"There's still a little bit left." Yana said.

"It seems that I am going to survive the catastrophe - but my body has not adapted to the impact of a large amount of spiritual power, so I have to wait - no!"

Liu Ping gave a soft drink, and his expression suddenly turned terrifying.

Both women were startled.

Yana quickly asked: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Liu Ping slapped himself hard and cursed: "I'm such a fool!"

"Since the body cannot adapt to the impact of a large amount of spiritual power, why don't I study a technique specifically designed to carry spiritual power? In this case, wouldn't it be possible to continue to make breakthroughs?"

He stood up and walked back and forth in the lobby of the restaurant.

At this time, no one from the spiritual world entered the restaurant, and the team leader and others naturally did not dare to care about him. Instead, they stepped lightly because they saw him thinking about the problem.

There was silence for a moment.

In the restaurant, only the sound of footsteps walking back and forth could be heard.

"He wants to directly develop a technique?" Andrea asked quietly.

"It seems so." Yana said.

"Create a technique on the spot? How is this possible? No novel would dare to write this!" Andrea said in disbelief.

"It's really may have never seen him solving problems for others." Yana said.

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, Liu Ping suddenly stood still.

"It's better-"

He murmured softly, stretched his hands in the air, and quickly tried various seals.

"No, this is wrong..."

"Let me think about it, the Supreme Master should change the formula..."

"No, let's think about it differently."

"Using the magic method to quickly achieve cultivation, combined with the Nine Nether Blood Burning Technique——"

"If it doesn't work, change it again."

"Is there anything else missing in the natural method? No, the natural method is excluded."

"Change your thinking again."

"If you think about it carefully, the mechanism of the surge of spiritual power during a breakthrough can actually be traced. If you don't want them to impact the meridians..."


Liu Ping's hands changed like afterimages, and finally he held a strange seal.

This seal has never appeared in the history of the spiritual world.

A line of burning small words appeared in the void:

"You have created a new secret."

"Please name this technique."

Liu Ping thought for a while and said: "This technique can help people like me get rid of the constraints of physical endurance and constantly break through the realm. The disadvantage is that it is too ostentatious. I think it is better to call it -"

"The burning youth will never run towards the sunset. From today on, I vow to do the most secret art of becoming a popular boy."

As soon as he finished speaking, he directed his spiritual power towards the hand seal.


Wisps of spiritual power surged out from his dantian, turning into boiling ethereal mist, emanating from Liu Ping's body, and manifesting as a bright full moon behind him.

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