Infernal Artist

Chapter 126 Activation!


This is the wind that strikes during time travel.

It is like a rushing current, making those in it unable to struggle.

Nothing can be seen clearly.

When he finally broke away from the passage of time and space and fell into the real river with a "plop", he even felt that the river was no different from the wind in time and space.

A female voice echoed in my ears:

"When you give up returning to the Six Paths of will lose your identity as a practitioner and become a true Eternal Night Practitioner."

"Time travel will deprive you of everything. Only extremely powerful cause and effect can accompany you."

"Considering that you want to save that woman—"

"Only by becoming a card can you fight for her."

"Stay alive."

"Only by living can there be hope."

The sound disappears.

The man listened silently, but did not care to think about anything else.

The undercurrent swept him deeper into the abyss, causing him to lose his breath and fall into a coma.

Lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:


"The time travel state has ended."

"You broke away from the old world system, entered the eternal night, and became a true eternal nighter."

"Time changes your age."

"The current situation is unknown."


"The current in the river has some kind of power. It is comprehensively detecting your situation and making corresponding strategies."

"The strategy is about to be executed."


He was washed ashore by the current and lay quietly on the beach, motionless.

"Look, a new deceased."

"Okay, let's get to work."

someone shouted.

He was dragged by two people and carried all the way to an old truck.

He opened his eyes.

I saw myself lying on a metal platform, with my hands and feet firmly fixed, unable to move.

An electronic voice then sounded: "Please don't move, the drawing is about to begin."

He blinked, remembering everything in an instant.

He reluctantly raised his head and looked around, only to see that this was a place similar to a factory. On each metal platform, people were lying tied up.

"What do I need to do?" he asked.

"Relax, just state your name." The electronic voice said.


Now that time travel has occurred and the time flow is different...

"Liu Ping." He said.

"Very good, the name is the code name of a human being, Liu Ping, the newly deceased person. Now I am officially informing you that after a comprehensive evaluation, you meet the conditions for entering the school."

"The body of the card will be drawn for you below. Please maintain your current posture and do not move."

The electronic voice disappeared after saying this.

Several mechanical arms rose up around him, spinning rapidly around him.

I saw streaks of light shooting out from the mechanical arm, and in just a few breaths, a rectangular frame was drawn outside him.

The mechanical arms took a closer look and then ejected another beam of light, hitting the upper left side of his head.

The light gradually solidified into a number:


Suddenly, a strange fluctuation occurred.

Liu Ping only felt that some indescribable fundamental changes had taken place in him.

The things that were bound to his limbs were instantly submerged into the ground.

"You can stand up, Liu Ping."

Electronic sound track.

Liu Ping stood up from the metal platform in confusion.

I saw some people standing up on other terraces.

A gray frame appeared around each person, so that they looked like a card.

But soon, the gray frame gradually disappeared into the void.

——Wait, cards?

Just as Liu Ping was thinking, lines of burning small characters suddenly appeared in front of his eyes:

"Congratulations, you have become a card."

"Details are as follows:"

"Card: Human race boy (14 years old)."

"Name: Liu Ping."

"Grade 1."

"HP: 2."

"Attack power: 1."

Liu Ping was stunned.

——Has this become a card?

Where are Yana and the others?

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw another line of small burning characters appearing quickly:

"Due to time travel, you lost most of your cards, lost all your power, and completely became an Eternal Night One."

"Your remaining cards are as follows:"

"Samurai God: Yana;"

"Heroic Spirit: Andrea;"

"Nine-lived cat demon: Zhao Chanyi;"

"Strange Card: The Rock of Inexistence;"

"Professional Card: Clown; Professional Card: Saint; Professional Card: Nightmare Walker."

Nightmare Walker!

Liu Ping's heart skipped a beat and he was about to say something when he saw a man walking under the metal platform and throwing a package up.

"Get dressed and wait at the door."

The man finished speaking in a hurry and walked quickly towards the next metal platform.

Liu Ping opened the package and saw that there was indeed a set of simple clothes and a pair of shoes inside.

He picked up his clothes and put them on slowly.

Lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:


"We have an emergency."

"If you have any opinions about the 'Nightmare Walker' career card, please explain it immediately."

Liu Ping had figured it out at this time, and while squatting on the ground to tie his shoelaces, he said silently in his heart:

"The gods of old said: 'This card cannot be found. You must find another way to make it yours.'"

"But we know that this card was clearly placed in the human world."

"So, since you can't find this card, how can you get it?"

"It's simple, let the world go home."

"Once the world leaves Eternal Night, the cards belonging to the old gods will naturally remain. It can only appear in front of us."

"Probably because I was the one who made it happen, it belongs to me."

As soon as Liu Ping finished speaking, the burning small characters were refreshed quickly:

"Special Note:"

"This card is related to the gods of the past. It is like a coordinate that will help those gods of the past find you."

"'Joker' and 'Saint' are also your identities, known to your enemies."

"The gods of Purgatory have the ability to find you through these two professions."

"Time has changed, and now you have become a boy who is only fourteen years old. You are a new Eternal Night One, and you have no power to fight against the gods."

"Once the gods find you, you can imagine your fate."

Liu Ping said: "Is there any way to prevent this situation?"

He stood up, got dressed, jumped off the metal platform, and walked toward the door.

A line of burning small words continued to appear:

"Only let this sequence devour the cards."

"Then swallow it." Liu Ping said.

"It's being swallowed, please wait." Sequence said.

Liu Ping said worriedly: "Where are Yana and the others? Why don't you speak?"

Lines of burning small characters appeared:

"Because your level is too low, all your cards have fallen asleep."

"Only when you recover a certain level of strength and your soul strength reaches the standard again, will they wake up again."

By this time he was standing at the door.

Everyone else is also gathered here.

Everyone's face was full of anxiety, not knowing what would happen next.

Liu Ping took a closer look.

These people were almost all teenagers about the same age as him.

No children, old people, adults.

——It seems that the river has been screened to a certain extent.

A middle-aged man with a kind face came to the teenagers.

He looked at everyone and said: "Everyone, I believe you all know that this is no longer purgatory, but the world of the dead - Eternal Night."

All the teenagers were silent.

The middle-aged man smiled and continued: "The impression of death is so strong, but you guys take it calmly. Obviously after being screened, you are a batch of qualified seeds."

"What do we need to do?" one boy asked boldly.

"It's very simple. If you just want to exist, then in our country, it doesn't matter what you do. No one will deprive you of your right to exist -"

"But the death of the soul is more terrifying than death. It means that you will never exist again."

"In the eternal night, there are many ways to deal with souls, which will make it impossible for you to survive or die."


"If you want to have the power to protect yourself in war, or if you want to gain great strength, become a strong man in the eternal night, and protect your soul from suffering any suffering, then please come with me."

"I will pass on relevant knowledge to you later."

The middle-aged man opened the door and made an inviting gesture.

Young men, you look at me and I look at you. Considering that there is no other way at the moment, they have no choice but to walk towards the door one after another.

Liu Ping mingled among the crowd and moved towards the door step by step.

As he walked, he recalled the previous battle.

Finally, everyone was sent back, except for himself.

——But I don’t know what era it is now?

When he woke up from the military camp, he was nineteen years old, but now he is fourteen years old.

Maybe five years ago?

As he was thinking about it, he suddenly remembered something and asked half-jokingly in his mind:

"Sequence, you didn't accept spirit stones at all before, but now you swallowed three of my professional cards at once. It's time to turn it on now."

Between the lightning and flint——

Lines of burning small characters quickly appeared in the void:

"The current situation is being reviewed."

"The most basic Evernight information has been obtained;"

"Has entered a more distant time stream;"

"Having escaped from the world of six reincarnations, reincarnated into the Eternal Night, and obtained a clean primary card identity;"

"Three professional cards have been devoured and the necessary professional power has been obtained;"

"To sum up, the environment is judged to be safe and all prerequisites are met."

"This sequence begins to activate."

"Activation successful, the Heroic Spirit operation interface is now open!"

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