Infernal Artist

Chapter 131 Spiritual Inheritance

"These rubbish are so useless!"

Libertas stepped on the headless corpse of a lost soul and said somewhat boredly.

After several hours of fighting, he and Liu Ping cleared all the lost souls on the road.

Maybe what happened before has spread——

The two of them were not disturbed by other teenagers along the way.

Ahead is the end of the village.

The road cuts off here, and the distant scene is shrouded in a layer of gray fog, making it impossible to see anything.

Liu Ping stood in the middle of the road and reached forward.

He touched a layer of transparent, glass-like material.

Lines of burning small characters emerged:

"You touched the hidden barrier."

An old voice then sounded:

"Libertas, Liu Ping, you did a very good job and got excellent in this trial."

The two of them turned to look together.

I saw the old man who was in class standing on the roadside, looking at the two people with a smile.

"Excuse me, what is the place ahead and why can't I go there?" Liu Ping asked.

The old man said: "Are you interested in this? There is a sleeper in front of you. We must not disturb its sleep."

He waved his hand.

At the end of the road, the gray mist dispersed, revealing a deep darkness.

In the darkness, a huge skull with a grayish color lay quietly on the ground, blocking a slope leading downward.

The skull was so huge that it took up all the sight of the two men.

If you look closely, you will find that there is a long vertebra connected to the bottom of the skull, going deep into the ground.

"Is it sleeping?" Liu Ping asked doubtfully.

"Yes, it is sleeping, and has been sleeping for more than 1,300 years. Until three days ago, it breathed out a slight breath." The old man said.

Liu Ping said: "Then these lost souls——"

The old man explained: "The dead who were originally our human race were contaminated by that breath, so they all lost their souls."

Lines of burning small characters suddenly appeared in front of Liu Ping's eyes:

"Discover the sleeping heroic spirit."

"When the triggering conditions are met, the second ability in this sequence is activated."

"From now on, you can use the second ability in this sequence: spiritual inheritance."


"You must collect enough elements to meet the conditions for spiritual inheritance."

"You saw the sleeping heroic spirit:????"

"Please collect the following elements:"

"The blood of the dead, the grass of the earth, the powder of resentful souls, the silver dagger, the shield inlaid with iron and wood, the broken sacred contract."

"After collecting all the elements, please come here again and activate the 'spiritual inheritance'."

"Once the spiritual inheritance is activated, you will obtain a blueprint from the sleeping heroic spirit:????"

Liu Ping couldn't help but ask: "What's on the drawing?"

A line of small burning words responded: "There is something on the drawing that is suitable for your current card level——"

"Maybe it's how to make certain equipment, maybe it's the whereabouts of a certain mysterious item, maybe it's a knight's practice, or it's a unique skill, or maybe it's a secret."

"In short, we didn't know what it would be until we got the drawings."

Liu Ping thought for a moment and asked: "It's like saying - we stole a piece of knowledge that belongs to it from it?"

"It's not stealing, it's inheritance." Sequence corrected.

Liu Ping looked at the void in front of him and saw a small light spot staying in the corner of his vision.

This is "spiritual inheritance."

——Touch people’s things while they are sleeping.

Can this be called inheritance?

Liu Ping thought about it and sighed: "This kind of inheritance is too spiritual."

"It is originally called spiritual inheritance." Sequence said solemnly.

"Sequence, you haven't done anything for so many years. Today, you suddenly opened up two abilities. I'm a little uncomfortable with it." Liu Ping joked.

A line of burning small words appeared:

"There are still sixteen hours left, and you will face Aldrich's deck as one of Yana's cards. This sequence hopes that you will still be so funny by then."

Liu Ping pondered: "How long will this battle to ascend to the gods continue?"

Two more lines of burning small letters appeared:

"You must keep fighting until Aldrich wakes up from the eternal night as the dead five years later."

"At that time, you will have a final battle to decide who will own the Torment God's throne."

"...It takes so long?" Liu Ping asked.

"There is no way. The Ascension War is an advanced spell on the side of the law of cause and effect. Even if you escape from that time, you still have to face Aldrich at the current moment." Sequence said.

Liu Ping's eyes moved slowly and fell on the previous prompts again.

Blood of the dead, earthly grass, resentful soul powder, silver dagger, iron-clad shield, broken sacred contract...

Hopefully these aren't hard to find.

To take a step back, the reason why the sequence seems so tense is probably because Aldrich is difficult to deal with.

after all.

His master is the "mistress" that even Yana can't afford to offend.

Liu Ping thought about it and gradually became serious.

Never lose!

Once she loses to the opponent, not only Yana will die, but she may also have no way to survive.

At this time, the old man stretched out his hand, and the gray fog suddenly closed, and the huge monster head disappeared from Liu Ping's field of vision.

The old man drew a card from the void and pinned it to the ground.

"The cleanup work has been completed and the relocated population can move in," he read.

The card suddenly turned into a ray of light and sank into the ground.

Rumble, rumble——

The ground cracked.

Only a deep tunnel appeared in front of the three people.

Not long after, a train came from the depths of the tunnel and stopped slowly.

The car door opens.

Many people walked out of the car doors and climbed up the steps to the ground.

"Is this where we're going to live?"

“Although it’s a little dilapidated——”

"But finally there is a safe place."

"Very good."

These people talked one after another.

Liu Ping took a glance and saw that there were about two hundred people, all of whom were extremely ordinary people.

Several people in uniform came to the old man and saluted: "Sir."

"Well, don't worry about us. Let's resettle the population quickly and start farming tomorrow. Otherwise, the food gap in this area will continue to expand." The old man said.


Several people responded and led those people towards the center of the village.

The old man turned around and said to Liu Ping and Libertas: "The so-called food is an eternal night crop used to maintain the soul's form. If we don't eat these food, we can only ensure the stable existence of the soul through deep sleep—— But the human race is so weak, if it falls into a deep sleep, it will have no means of protecting itself."

Libertas asked: "What happened to those people just now?"

"They are ordinary dead, responsible for cultivating food, and exchange this kind of work for the protection of the empire." The old man said.

Libertas said: "But there is a monster outside the village——"

The old man interrupted him and said: "Monsters are everywhere in the eternal night. The guy just took a breath for more than a thousand years - for ordinary people, this is an extremely safe place."

"Those of us are responsible for fighting monsters, isn't that right?" Liu Ping asked.

"To put it simply, that's it." The old man said.

"How strong is the enemy?" Liu Ping asked again.

"Hundreds of years ago, the empire defeated countless monsters and occupied a large area of ​​land. However, at the last moment, it accidentally disturbed a sleeping monster. That guy was very powerful... We almost destroyed the country." The old man said.

"The enemy is unpredictable." Liu Ping commented.

"Yes, you must be mentally prepared and kill them as soon as possible if you can win. Otherwise, you don't know what back-ups there are for some monsters." The old man warned.

"Thank you for the reminder." Liu Ping said.

Libertas was silent for a moment and sighed: "If I had known that I would face such a dangerous situation after death, I should have lost to that kid."

The old man smiled and said, "Let's go, it's time for us to go back and distribute materials and shelter to you."

He reached out and pulled out a card from the void, and read: "Returner, Liu Ping, Libertas."

Two rays of light flew out from the card, wrapped around Liu Ping and Libertas, flew directly into the sky, and fell towards the mountainside outside the village.

There were already some uniformed people waiting for them here.

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