Infernal Artist

Chapter 136 The devil appears!

"We're going to live in a place like this?" Libertas asked dissatisfied.

There are two beds in the double dormitory.

There is also a window.

——Nothing else.

Liu Ping opened the window and looked outside.

Seventy meters away there is a three-story building made entirely of red bricks, which is no different from the boys' dormitory.

That's the girls' dormitory.

Looking farther away, you can see the empty valley and the hazy mist between the valleys.

When the mountain breeze blows, the smoke and mist disperse slightly, and you can overlook the illuminated villages at the foot of the mountain.

"Not bad." Liu Ping said.

"Not bad?" Libertas' voice suddenly rose: "There is not even a toilet or bathing place in this room. You have to go out and walk to the end of the corridor. Is this not bad?"

"The room is very quiet." Liu Ping said.

There were boxes at the end of one bed.

Open the box and you will see a complete set of imperial soldier standard armor.

——Exactly the equipment sent by someone before.

Liu Ping walked to the bed, sat down and said, "I'll take a rest for a while, how about you?"

"I'm going to take a shower," Libertas said.

He opened the door and walked out.

Liu Ping sat on the bed, silently thinking about what had happened in the past two days.

The heroic spirit sequence interface disappeared into the void.

Only when he calls, or when something happens, will the interface appear quietly.

Everything is in order now.

Maybe tomorrow we can get in touch with this world more deeply and understand the secrets of the card system.

There is also "spiritual inheritance"——

You need to find a way to collect those things as soon as possible to see what good things you can "inherit" from the giant guy sleeping outside the village.


Is there anything else you need to pay attention to?

Liu Ping thought for a few breaths and suddenly felt something in his heart.

He turned and looked out the window.

Under the dark night, a humanoid creature with black wings quietly landed on the roof of the girls' dormitory building.

The old man then appeared and shouted sternly: "Come quickly -"

The humanoid creature made a move with both hands, and immediately pulled out a pale bone ax from the void and chopped off the old man's head.

It's slow to say, but everything happened in the blink of an eye.

Liu Ping only had time to see clearly the two lines of small words on the top of the humanoid creature's head:

"Nightwing Darkghost."

"——The devil's scout and assassination messenger."

Almost the moment he saw these two lines of small characters, Liu Ping read quickly without thinking:

"May all your flesh, blood, and spirit return to your soul and be absorbed by me until there is nothing left."

Purgatory soul divine spell, the power of torture, a variant from the heroic spirit sequence——

Spell: Soul Drain!

The humanoid monster with wings shook its body and let out an extremely sharp and angry roar.

Its body suddenly spread out and turned into countless flying dark butterflies, sinking into the void and disappearing.

The white bone ax was only a few inches away from the old man's neck, but it lost the power to drive it.

The ax roared unwillingly, spinning diagonally forward and falling.


The ax hit the ground, creating a deep hole.

Liu Ping withdrew his gaze, lay down on the bed, calmed his breathing, and entered a deep state of concentration in an instant.

——He seemed to be asleep.

Lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"You cast Soul Drain."

"The other party has been killed."

"The upper limit of your soul power has been expanded."

"The current soul power value is: 2/10."

——The upper limit of soul power has been directly changed from 3 to 10!

It expanded more than three times in one go!

Liu Ping continued to sleep soundly.

It wasn't until the noise outside got louder that he rubbed his eyes and sat up from the bed, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Who are you?" he shouted vigilantly.

He saw two masked men wearing full body armor standing in front of his bed, looking at him with scrutiny.

One person said: "It's not him."

Another person said: "Definitely not, he is just a teenager."

"Died young, not that strong. Let's go to the murderer class and see."


The two figures flashed and disappeared immediately.

Liu Ping was stunned for a moment and murmured: "What on earth is going on?"

He looked puzzled, stood up and stood in front of the window and looked out.

I saw that every window was crowded with people.

Everyone looked towards the middle of the two dormitory buildings.

There, two teams of soldiers in full armor stood on the spot, exuding bursts of powerful coercion.

In front of these soldiers stood a man holding a giant hammer.

"What just happened?" the man asked.

"It's a devil...the kind who is good at assassinating." The old man said.

The man's expression became ugly. He looked up at the windows on both sides and said loudly: "Okay, martial law tonight, close the windows and go back to sleep. Anyone who walks around at will will be arrested and interrogated -"

"from now on!"

The windows were immediately closed, and the onlookers dispersed in a hurry.

Liu Ping also closed the window and lay back on his bed.

Libertas pushed the door open and said excitedly: "I saw it."

"What did you see?" Liu Ping asked.

"You can see the rooftop of the building opposite from the bathroom. We all saw a devil!" Libertas said.

"What? How could the devil come to our human territory?" Liu Ping asked in confusion.

"It seemed to be testing something, but it was killed by some force as soon as it took action." Libertas said.

Liu Ping breathed a sigh of relief and said thankfully: "It seems we are safe here."

"It's not safe. When I was taking a shower just now, I met a few guys from the murder class, and they also discussed this matter." Libertas said.

"What did they say?" Liu Ping asked with interest.

Libertas lowered his voice and said: "There is a demonic force to the west of the empire. They have always wanted to conquer mankind - just like in purgatory."

He looked a little complicated and sighed: "I thought the only enemies in the eternal night were monsters. Who knew we would still have to face devils."

Liu Ping said nothing.

Lines of burning small characters appeared before his eyes:

"By eating and resting, your soul power has recovered a little."

"Current soul power: 3/10."

"Tip: All attacks and defenses, and even all powers, can be driven by soul power."

Liu Ping fell into thinking.

To release the Holy Song Technique once, you need to spend a little soul power.

His original upper limit of soul power was three points.

In other words, in one battle, he could have released the Holy Song Technique three times.

But now, the upper limit of soul power is ten points.

This is equivalent to being able to use the Holy Song Technique ten times in one battle!

Liu Ping's eyes moved slightly and fell on the heroic spirit interface in the void again.

——So "Heroic Spirit Asylum" is so powerful?

He thought for a moment, stood up, took off his coat and shoes, lay back on the bed, and covered himself with the quilt.

"What time is it and you're already sleeping?" Libertas asked in surprise.

"I'm tired after fighting for so long during the day. Good night." Liu Ping said.

He closed his eyes after saying this.

The current situation is so weird that even the devil has appeared.

It seems that he must rest as soon as possible to allow his soul power to be further restored.

In this way, if various situations occur, I will be more at ease.

A few minutes later.

Even breathing sounded from Liu Ping's bed.

Libertas glanced out of the window.

I saw more and more soldiers on the playground. Whenever they formed a team, they were immediately sent out to search for something all over the mountains and plains.

The atmosphere is chilling.

Libertas shook his head helplessly and murmured: "It seems that tonight is only suitable for sleeping."

He also took off his shoes, lay on the bed, and quickly fell asleep.

After a while.

Liu Ping opened his eyes, turned his hand, and already held a card.

"Purgatory Card: Flesh Hunting Dog."

He hid the card under his pillow and called directly from his heart:

"Firefang, you don't have to come out, but you have to be vigilant. Do you understand?"

The flesh-and-blood hunting dog named Fire Fang said: "Why do I feel that it's dark outside? Are we going into eternal night?"

"It's night, didn't you see me sleeping?" Liu Ping said.

"Yes," Huoyang said suddenly, "When will you let me see the gods, dragons and unkillable magical species around you?"

"They are all asleep - you are too young and not strong enough. In order to protect you right now, I will only let you be responsible for the nighttime vigilance work. We won't encounter them for the time being. Let's wait until later." Liu Ping said.

"I see. I didn't expect you to be a dog lover... I'm a little touched." Huoyang said.

"Don't worry, I promise to make you grow faster." Liu Ping said.

"Well, you can sleep peacefully. If something happens, I will call you immediately. If the situation is urgent, I will stand in the way first." Huoyang said.

"give it to you."

After Liu Ping finished speaking, he fell into sleep.

——He was really sleepy too.

After all, he is just a boy of thirteen or fourteen. He worked hard all day yesterday, and he is actually very exhausted both physically and mentally.

the next morning.

Liu Ping opened his eyes and saw lines of small burning words on the ceiling:

"You're well rested."

"Your soul power has been further replenished."

"The current soul power is: 9/10."

Liu Ping reached out and touched under the pillow, put the card: Flesh Hunting Dog back into the void, then sat up, stretched, and looked towards the other bed.

Libertas was still sleeping soundly.

Liu Ping looked out the window.

I saw several ferocious devils tied to the ground in the small square.


The old man stood aside and shouted loudly.

The soldiers in full armor stepped forward one by one, drew their swords, and waved them in unison.

The devils' heads fell off.

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