Infernal Artist

Chapter 140 Forced Recruitment

Libertas is in the library!

Liu Ping silently remembered it in his mind and asked: "Is there any way to help the city defend now?"

The long metal pipe said: "There are no formal soldiers available and we cannot fight."

"Are there any defensive combat equipment?" Liu Ping asked again.

"Large combat equipment requires five people to operate it at the same time. There is currently no operator available and it cannot be started." Metal Pipe continued.

"Can I go find my teammates first?" Liu Ping said.

The metal pipe was silent for a few breaths, then suddenly emitted a rapid alarm sound.

"Emergency detected."

"The severity of this incident is the highest level."

"In response to this situation, we immediately began to deploy defenses forcefully."

"Please prepare for battle!"

Liu Ping was stunned and said, "What——"

Before he finished speaking, two metal tubes stretched out from the void and connected with a "click" in the void behind him and Xiao Mengluo.

A faint card frame appeared around the two people, and instantly disappeared into the void.

Dozens of miles away.

In a hidden alley.

Liu Ping and Xiao Mengluo appeared quietly and landed on the ground.

The cold metal sound sounded:

"Deployment completed."

"In ten seconds, a shadow demon will pass by here. You must stop it."

Liu Ping asked: "Where are the others?"

"Deployment is underway. All those with combat capabilities must respond to this compulsory recruitment."

"——This incident is extremely serious. All combatants who passively fight, escape, or surrender will be regarded as accomplices of the devil and be executed immediately afterwards!"

The metal pipe sank into the void and disappeared.

The next moment.

A monster wearing a black cloak appeared across the alley.

It looks like a human, but under its long cloak, it stretches out dense complex legs.

Seeing Liu Ping and Xiao Mengluo, the monster took off the hood on its head, revealing its thin, skeleton-like face.

"Dragon? No, there must be something wrong with the intelligence. You are obviously a human." The monster said in confusion.

Liu Ping raised his shield and said behind him: "Can you still fight?"

Xiao Mengluo said: "It's okay to shoot a few arrows, but there's no way to run or dodge."

"Get ready," Liu Ping said.

He strode towards the monster.

The monster hesitated for a moment and stretched out its long claws from its cloak.

Its claws quickly turned into a sharp curved bone knife, and the blade was covered with thick green liquid.

"A small wound can corrode everything about you!"

The monster grinned ferociously, and rushed forward suddenly, dancing its bone knife into a dazzling green shadow.

When Liu Ping was halfway through his run, his speed increased a bit, he suddenly put down his shield and threw the spear hidden behind him with all his strength.


In his roar, the spear made a shrill whistling sound, passing through the layers of green shadows, and was about to hit the monster.

The monster calmly stretched out its other front paw, which instantly turned into a bone knife, and raised it vigorously towards the spear.


A crisp clashing sound sounded.

The monster snorted coldly, and was about to say something when something unexpected happened——

A cloud of cold frost burst out from the spear, completely covering the monster.

This moment.

Liu Ping had already jumped over the green bone blade that suddenly stopped and rushed to the monster.

"It's now!"

He shouted loudly and slammed his shield upward with all his strength!

The monster was immediately knocked into the air.

Xiao Mengluo had been waiting for a long time. When she heard Liu Ping shouting, she immediately let go of her bowstring.


The arrow flew away and hit the monster in the head.

At the same time, Liu Ping had caught the spear and stabbed the monster's body from below.

The monster burst out with a shrill scream.

Drops of green liquid splashed out from it and landed on the shield.

The shield immediately made a "crack" sound and was corroded with holes.

What a powerful poison!

Liu Ping's expression changed and he threw his shield on the ground.

The monster's figure turned into fleeting afterimages, completely disappearing in the void.

It sounds slow, but the entire battle lasted less than ten seconds.

The outcome has been decided.

Xiao Mengluo looked at Liu Ping with a thoughtful look on her face.

"What?" Liu Ping turned around and asked her.

"It's okay, your timing is so accurate, there are no mistakes." Xiao Mengluo said with admiration.

Behind the two of them, the void opened again.

The metal pipe popped out.

It made a cold voice:

"Your battle is won."

"This victory will delay the entire battle a little longer."

"Start getting supplies to you."

"Please use supplies immediately to improve your status."

"In two minutes, you will be deployed to the next battlefield."

The metal pipe slowly grew larger and placed two items in front of Liu Ping and Xiao Mengluo.

In front of Xiao Mengluo was a bottle of milky white potion.

She picked up the potion and saw a line of words written on it:

"Wound-healing and stamina-replenishing potions."

Xiao Mengluo unscrewed the lid, took a tentative sip, paused for a few breaths, and drank the potion in one go.

There was a hint of rosy color on her face.

"How?" Liu Ping asked.

"I feel much better. I can continue fighting." Xiao Mengluo said.

A brand new shield was placed in front of Liu Ping.

He raised his shield, only to feel that this shield was heavier than the previous imperial soldier's shield.

Lines of burning small characters appeared in the void:

"You have obtained the item: Knight Protector."

"Armor, high-level magic items."

"This shield has two defensive properties: 'Strong' and 'Elemental Resistance', as well as a unique attack magic: Primary Thunderstorm."

"Primary Thunderstorm: Whenever your shield blocks ten attacks from evil forces, its sacred attributes will be activated, erupting into a layer of lightning field that will cover all around you within three seconds."

Liu Ping waved his shield gently, feeling a sense of security in his heart.

——When his shield was corroded by the venom, the city defense system immediately added a better shield for him.

This shield is completely different from the previous one.

——It should be regarded as some kind of treasure.

The same goes for Xiao Mengluo.

Her injuries were not healed and her strength was low. She immediately received a potion specifically designed to heal her injuries and replenish her physical strength. After using it, she immediately returned to her full strength.

Such a potion must be worth a lot of money.

——The city's defense system has put out all its strength to help them fight and save the city.

Just as he was thinking, a cold metal sound sounded from the void:

"Two minutes are up."

"Apprentice knight Liu Ping, apprentice archer Xiao Mengluo."

"You will be drafted to the department store immediately."

"There are five flying thorn wing demons there."


"Based on the comparison of strength, you are no match for these five-headed monsters."

"But the outcome in other battlefields has not yet been determined, and no one can use this defense system."

"You are the only available card."

"Please fight with all your strength. If you win, this system will gather the power of the entire city to repair your wounds and replenish your strength."

"Transmission will begin in ten seconds."

Both of them were startled.

Xiao Mengluo said: "Will we die? I mean, our souls will disappear."

"Fight with all your strength, and be sure to hide behind my shield."

After Liu Ping finished speaking, he couldn't help but sigh: "Teacher Ted once said that the battles in the empire were all about the unified deployment of all personnel by machines. Only now do I understand what is going on."

The metal pipe appeared from the void and was gently connected behind the two people, making two sounds of "click" and "click".

The next moment.

The two of them disappeared directly from where they were.

They appear in front of a burning building.

In the billowing black smoke, swift shadows flew down from the building one after another.

——These are five bat-like monsters.

"Is it a dragon?"


"It looks like the guy in the video, but the aura on him belongs to humans."

"Then kill him."


The monsters spread their wings and flew towards Liu Ping and Xiao Mengluo.

"How are we going to fight?" Xiao Mengluo asked anxiously.

"They are too fast. You hide first and wait for me to give you the signal." Liu Ping said, raising his shield and rushing forward.

Four flying thorn wing demons surrounded him, and the fifth one flew towards Xiao Mengluo.

Liu Ping turned his head, spat at the flying thorn winged demon, and said disdainfully: "As a sissy who only dares to fight with women, I guess you don't even dare to look at me, because it will scare the shit out of you. "

The flying thorn winged demon paused in mid-air, then flew back and roared: "Kill this one first!"

It rushed towards Liu Ping first and stabbed him in the heart with its sharp claws.


Liu Ping raised his shield to block it, then turned his steps and changed the direction of the shield.

when! when!

Twice in a row.

The other two flying winged demons launched attacks from behind him, but they were also blocked by the shield.

The fourth flying thorn wing demon was about to rush forward, but seeing that Liu Ping was able to block it, he simply stopped charging and spat out a scorching fireball.

Liu Ping, however, did not catch the fireball forcefully, but instead tilted his shield at an angle.


The fireball hit the shield and splashed with streaks of fire, causing the fifth flying thorn wing demon who was about to attack in a panic to dodge.

The flying thorn wing demons were a little surprised.

"Is this boy really a trainee knight?"

"Not even a halo..."

"It certainly seems so."

"Kill him and never let him grow up!"

They flew rapidly in mid-air, getting faster and faster, turning into afterimages, swooping down towards Liu Ping at a tricky angle.

Liu Ping simply put the spear back behind his back, held up the shield with both hands, and continued to resist.

Several attacks in a row——

None of the five flying thorn wing demons broke through his shield.

Xiao Mengluo, holding a long bow, looked on and couldn't help but tremble all over.

Such defensive skills.

Such judgment.

As a trainee, he doesn't have much strength to begin with, but he can block one from five, to this incredible extent.

Did he really die because of robbing a woman?

It's a lie!

But if it is true, what kind of woman is worthy of such a guy?

Xiao Mengluo suddenly noticed that Liu Ping glanced at her.

——He is signaling himself to prepare!

Xiao Mengluo took a deep breath and put the arrow on the long bow.

The next moment.

I saw Liu Ping raising his big shield high and slamming a flying thorn winged demon onto the ground.

All the other flying thorn wing demons immediately rushed forward, trying to save the flying thorn wing demon——

"Take action!"

Liu Ping roared loudly.

A dazzling blue-white light burst out from the shield and instantly transformed into a hemisphere, covering all around him.

The five flying thorn winged demons suddenly twitched and were unable to move at all.

Swish swish——

Xiao Mengluo kept shooting arrows with her hands.

A flying thorn winged demon was shot into a sieve.

The second one was shot through the head.

The third one barely dodged an arrow and was pierced by Liu Ping's spear.

The fourth head——


Only a dull sound was heard.

Liu Ping used his shield with his backhand and knocked it to the ground.

Xiao Mengluo added another arrow.

The last flying thorn wing demon soared into the sky and fled towards the distance.

An afterimage caught up with it, passed through its body without any delay, and nailed it to a lamppost dozens of meters away.

It's the spear.

The Flying Stinging Wing Demon struggled a few times, but the spear didn't move at all.

Black blood emerged from the monster's body and gurgled downwards along the street lamppost.

After a few breaths, it stopped moving.

Xiao Mengluo looked at Liu Ping with a look of shock on her face.

I saw him looking at me, giving a thumbs up and saying: "Amazing archery skills, thanks to you."

Xiao Mengluo was stunned.

Thanks to me?

...This guy really knows how to talk.

Actually, let’s talk about it seriously——

The level of defense just now is a truly amazing skill.

Suddenly, a cold metal sound sounded:

"Apprentice knight Liu Ping, apprentice archer Xiao Mengluo."

"You have completed an extremely important defense mission."

"In order to protect the optimal event, this city's defense system has made the following decisions:"

"I will provide you with promotion resources immediately."

"You must be promoted to a formal career immediately, and then stop the devil's plan!"

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