Infernal Artist

Chapter 144 Truth and Contract!

underground tunnel.

The three of them ran forward quickly.

"Why are we the real target of the devil?" Xiao Mengluo asked puzzledly.

"I don't know. Is there anything in us that is worthy of the devil's attack?" Liu Ping was also a little confused.

At this time, an old, dusty iron door appeared in front of him.

Liu Ping looked at the door.

Lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"The Door of Isolation."

"All enchantments, barriers, and sealing forces are isolated from the door."

I see.

The devil's large barrier sealed the entire city, but it could not seal this underground secret room on the edge of the city!

It seems that this time we have finally reached the end of the road.

Libertas remained silent, then laughed proudly:

"Hahaha, you two, it's time to reveal the answer——"

"I am an assassin, specializing in completing various hidden and deadly important tasks. Do you understand this?"

Liu Ping and Xiao Mengluo looked at him together.

Libertas unbuttoned his trench coat and pulled out a long box like a magic trick.

The box opens.

I saw a baby lying inside.

"The oxygen was almost exhausted. Fortunately, we finally got here." Libertas said softly.

"Who is he?" Xiao Mengluo asked curiously.

"I don't know. I guess his identity must be very important. The entire city defense system is fighting desperately to protect him." Libertas said.

"No matter who he is, let's escape first." Liu Ping pressed his hand on the iron door and pushed it open on both sides with difficulty.

The three of them filed in.

Liu Ping carefully closed the door again.

I saw a fully mechanical suspension platform in front of me. All the instruments around it were lit up, and various high-frequency sounds were emitted around the suspension platform.

The cold metal sound sounded again:

"You need to wait for the last guard, and then you can take the important people for long-distance space transformation and leave here."

"Is there anyone else coming?" Liu Ping asked.

The metallic voice said: "Yes, she is responsible for causing huge commotion in the east to buy you time - she is here!"

Quietly, a figure appeared in front of everyone.

Flowers clear the sky!

Different from usual, she had taken off her pair of thick black-rimmed glasses, which made her look less bookish and more charming.

Her hair has also become longer, and her figure is even about ten centimeters taller than before.

"Is it you? Are you alone in the east?" Libertas shouted.

Hua Qingkong glanced at the three of them and said indifferently: "I am not her."

Libertas was stunned.

Hua Qingkong didn't explain anything more. She stretched out her hand and gently held the baby in her arms.

"What a cute little guy," she laughed and said softly: "Who would have thought that you, with the blood of the imperial royal family flowing in your body, are qualified to control the entire imperial war system?"

I see!

No wonder the devils are desperately looking for something, and the city's defense system is desperately trying to stop them.

This baby is simply the key to changing the situation of the war!

"Such a character deserves the best protection, how could he end up in such a situation?" Liu Ping asked.

Hua Qingkong glanced at him and said emotionlessly:

"The word 'betrayal' was invented by the devil, but you humans have carried it forward to the point where even the devil is ashamed, so there is nothing surprising."

At this time, various machines on the entire floating platform began to rotate rapidly.

After counting the interest.

The metallic sound sounded again:

"You will leave the battlefield and arrive at another city 3,500 miles away: Oren City."

"Space transformation begins!"

There was a flash of light.

Several people disappeared from the terrace.

The metallic sound continued:

"This system is isolated here and has gradually separated from the main war system."

"To avoid revealing His Highness's whereabouts, this system will enter a self-destruction program."

"Self-destruction begins."






"Execute command: permanently delete all data."

Secret room.

In this dusty secret room, electronic lights gradually lit up.

Almost instantly——

All machines are activated.

They started running like crazy and gradually reached a certain peak.

On the mechanical platform in the middle of the secret room, a white light appeared.

Several figures appeared on the mechanical platform.

Immediately afterwards, all the light dimmed instantly.

Almost instantly——

All the machines stopped working.

"This is the secret room in Oren City? There is no difference in the layout." Libertas said.

"Wait and see what we will do next." Xiao Mengluo said.

Liu Ping jumped off the mechanical platform, checked the various mechanical parts around him, and muttered: "There is something wrong with the status of these things. They seem to be set to only allow one transmission, and then they disconnected all connections with the outside world. , even the electricity has been completely cut off."

Several people looked at each other.

Hua Qingkong said: "Let's take a look at the situation outside."

She reached out and touched it, and a scene of light and shadow suddenly appeared in the void.

Under the dark night, the ruins of a city were displayed in front of a few people.

The streets full of people, countless lights, and magnificent buildings were all burned to the ground, leaving only ruins.

— and mountains of corpses.

"Olen City...has been destroyed..."

Hua Qingkong chuckled and said, "You humans are always unexpected, and this has never changed."

She handed the baby to Liu Ping, then took out her black-rimmed glasses and put them on, and whispered: "Qingkong, I'm leaving first. You can call me when there is danger."

The next moment.

Her figure gradually became shorter, and her expression changed accordingly. Suddenly she rubbed her hair with her hands and said:

"Ah, it's really difficult to handle. What should we do in this situation?"

"Are you spending time in the clear sky?" Libertas asked.

"It's me. Just now, a spirit was fighting with my body. What should we do now? Who among you has an idea?" Hua Qingkong asked.

Liu Ping said: "This city should also have a defense system. Wait until it comes to us."

Several people waited quietly for a while.

Nothing happens.

"It seems that the city's defense system has been completely destroyed - is this a war to destroy the country?" Libertas said in disbelief.

"If this is the case, the only safe place is this secret room." Xiao Mengluo said.

"That's hard to say. If the devils in Frostwind City don't gain anything in the end, they may realize that we must have escaped." Hua Qingkong said.

"Is there a devil outside just now?" Liu Ping asked.

"No." Hua Qingkong said.

"Let's go!" Liu Ping said immediately.

"Why?" Libertas asked.

"We alone cannot defend here. We urgently need to find strong human beings to save this baby." Liu Ping said.

It didn't take long.

Several people appeared on the mountain path outside the secret room.

"Go west, and there will be deeper into the hinterland of the empire, with several cities in a row." Hua Qingkong said.

"How do you know?" Libertas asked.

"I have been in Yongye for more than a year, and I have been in the ordinary class for more than a year. I finally got promoted to the young death class, so I naturally know more things than you." Hua Qingkong said.

Several people suddenly changed their expressions at the same time.

One after another, monsters with iron wings appeared on the big trees dozens of meters away.

"Humans found." An iron-winged monster said.

"It's a demon, we can't let one go, otherwise we will be doomed." Hua Qingkong said.

"YO~" Liu Ping shouted.

——Longwei activates!

Those monsters had already spread their wings and had just broken away from the branches and were about to fly into the sky, but suddenly their bodies went limp and they staggered to the ground.

Several people rushed forward and quickly resolved the battle while these monsters were unable to move.

Hua Qingkong stared at Liu Ping and said, "Was it a dragon curse just now?"

"How do you know?" Liu Ping said.

"I have done some research on dragon curses - you are clearly not a dragon, so you just used some kind of treasure to release the dragon curse?"


"Can you still use the Dragon Curse?"

"It can be used once more."

"Very well, this is for you -"

Hua Qingkong took out a piece of parchment and handed it to Liu Ping.

Liu Ping took the piece of paper and saw that it was filled with mysterious spell characters.

Lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"Dragon Spirit Contract."

"This contract must rely on the Dragon Curse to be activated."

"Activate this contract and you will be able to awaken a sleeping dragon spirit from the Eternal Night Pillar. If you can reach an agreement on the summons, the dragon spirit will fight for you."

Hua Qingkong said: "This is a dragon clan's heroic spirit contract. If you can successfully sign a contract with a dragon clan heroic spirit, then our chances of survival will be greater."

Liu Ping sighed deeply and said, "Hua Qingkong, I owe you a favor."

Hua Qingkong shook his head and said: "You're welcome. The main reason is that you have nothing now. I really don't know how you can convince a dragon spirit to sign a contract with you. In fact, this is the most difficult step. We can only Take a chance.”

"No, there is no need to try your luck. After all, this contract is used to awaken the heroic spirits." Liu Ping said.

Hua Qingkong was confused and frowned: "Huh? The real difficulty begins after awakening. The Dragon Clan never signs contracts with other races easily. You have to do your best to convince them, do you understand?"

Libertas interjected: "When I was still alive, I heard that the clan once invited the Dragon Clan to participate in the war. They took out the treasures accumulated over hundreds of years, but did not invite the Dragon Clan."

Xiao Mengluo looked at Liu Ping and said softly: "The Dragon Clan is too difficult to move, and it is even more difficult to sign a contract with them - Liu Ping, don't be discouraged if you fail. This kind of thing is too rare in history." It’s common.”

Liu Ping nodded slightly at the three of them, indicating that he understood.

The three people immediately closed their mouths, held their breaths, and waited quietly for the arrival of the dragon clan.

Liu Ping held the parchment and shouted softly: "YO, don't sleep, do you hear me? Wake up!"


The parchment burned and quickly turned into dust, scattering on the ground.

The next moment.

A little girl with twin ponytails appeared in front of everyone.

She rubbed her eyes, yawned and said, "Ah, mortal, I am the legendary dragon spirit. Since you have awakened me, how about we sign a contract?"

"Okay." Liu Ping smiled.

A line of burning small words quickly appeared in the void:

"Relying on the dragon spirit contract of Yong Ye, you cleverly avoided the problem of insufficient soul power and awakened your heroic spirit——"

"The True Red Lord: Andrea."

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