Infernal Artist

Chapter 153 Meeting again

The female secretary wiped her hands with paper and looked at her appearance in front of the mirror.

"Another long day..."

She whispered, turned and walked out of the bathroom.

In the bathroom, everything returned to quiet.

after awhile.

The male officer appears again.

He looked around, reached out and pulled out the card, and shouted: "Check!"

The card flew out and suddenly turned into a small machine, emitting bursts of light to scan the entire toilet.

"everything is normal!"

the machine reported.

"Damn it, am I really mistaken? There was obviously a person who originally wanted to enter the men's restroom, but then ran into the women's restroom."

The male officer murmured.

He was a little disappointed, but had to leave.

The bathroom was quiet again.

One minute.

three minutes.

——Seven minutes.

A man in uniform with a beard came out of the bathroom, pressed the brim of his hat, and quickly walked towards the stairs.

No one was around.

The man walked all the way from the thirteenth floor to the first floor, then exited the side door and walked along the road to the mailroom.

There are already two officers waiting here.

They put piles of letters on the ground and said impatiently:

"What time is it and why are you here?"

The man smiled apologetically while waving a few letters in his hand: "Sorry, I went to get the general's letter. You two put the letter here and I will take care of it."

The two officers were already impatient and turned around and left without looking at him.

The man slowly took out the key, opened the door, put all the letters away, locked the door again, and walked out of the headquarters.

No one cared about me all the way.

After all, the mailroom is the lowest level of the entire command, and people never pay too much attention to it.

Only the guard at the side door casually asked, "Where are you going?"

"Eat breakfast."

The man answered, walked out of the side door of the headquarters, and quickly disappeared across the street.

About twenty minutes passed.

The door to the headquarters mailroom opened again.

A man with a beard also stood at the door, looking around.


He was a little dazed, trying to remember what happened before, and reached out to touch his body again.

——There are no wounds.

"Who would deal with a mail recipient like me... I'm afraid no one would believe me."

The man shook his head, feeling in a dilemma.

When this matter is reported, I will have to shed a layer of my skin.

If you don't report it, you will be dead if someone discovers it.

Will he be silenced?

While he was hesitating, he saw a male officer walking in.

"Hello, send a letter?" the man asked.

"Where is your colleague?" the officer asked.


"...When did you come back here?"

"I didn't go out?"

The officer looked at him, finally realizing the truth of the matter.

He rushed out of the mail room and quickly ran towards the side door of the headquarters, but then slowly stopped.

outside the door.

The streets are busy with cars and people.

Where can I find the pretender?

The officer stood there, thought for a while, and said helplessly:


Royal Academy.

Boys dormitory building.

Libertas is not here.

Liu Ping stood in the dormitory, holding a card in his hand.

"The Flesh Hunting Dog: Fire Fang."

"Level 8."

"Infernal creatures (pets)."

"Has three abilities."

Liu Ping thought for a while and threw the card out.


The flesh hunting dog quietly appeared.

"Is it time to eat?" it asked, licking its nose.

"No, I want to ask you to help me see if there is anything wrong in this room." Liu Ping said.

"What, is someone trying to frame you?" Huoyang asked.

"I guess so, but I have no clue." Liu Ping said.

Huo Ya sniffed, sniffed around the room, shook his head and said, "I didn't find anything."

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong here?" Liu Ping asked.

"No, after all, I'm not a dog that specializes in searching for things, so I don't have any talent in this area." Huoyang said.

"Then you still sniffed for a long time?"

"I am a dog after all, and a sniff means I tried my best."


Liu Ping sighed.

Huoyang looked at his face and said, "I advise you to find some guys who are responsible for collecting intelligence and searching for things. They are generally very good at this kind of situation."

"...I do have a friend like this, but I don't know how far I can go to wake her up."

Liu Ping took out another card.

Advanced card.

The scale on this card already shows "7".

The total scale of the entire card is "10".

Once the scale becomes full, you can try to contribute these "10" points of power to the war machine in exchange for the opportunity to advance——

Or contribute it to the heroic spirits at any time to replenish the strength of the heroic spirits and let them wake up early.

"I'll give it a try. Anyway, my strength has reached 99%, so I might be able to succeed."

Liu Ping held the card and said silently in his heart:

"Contribute to the Nine-Life Cat Demon: Zhao Chanyi."

The next moment.

The scale on the card immediately returned to zero.

Lines of burning small characters appeared in the void:

"You have contributed all the 7 points of soul power and physical strength you have accumulated recently to Zhao Chanyi."

"Current progress: 99%."

"She's almost awake."

"Please keep up the good work."

——Still not awake!

Liu Ping sighed and reluctantly pulled out Zhao Chanyi's card.

On the card, I saw a white cat curled up in a ball, lying under the eaves and basking in the sun.

"It's been almost two weeks, ninety-nine percent, why are you still not awake?"

Liu Ping murmured.

Suddenly, he remembered something.

Zhao Chanyi told herself at the beginning that she would have fish to eat every day.

For heroic spirits, fulfilling their wishes is actually a very important thing, like some kind of invisible contract——

"Fish..." Liu Ping said softly.

He saw the white cat's eyelids move.

——Almost awake, but not yet.

Can this process be sped up?

Liu Ping was silent for a few breaths, then suddenly shouted: "Zhao Chanyi, I bought you the fish you want to eat! Get up quickly!"

I saw the cat getting up suddenly and looking around with a pair of blue eyes.

It suddenly noticed Liu Ping.

"Where's the fish?" the cat asked anxiously.

Liu Ping was prepared——

From the sequence prompting Zhao Chanyi's energy accumulation to 99%, he prepared a lot of food.

"Come out to eat!"

He opened the cabinet and took out a large bag of dried fish and placed it on the table.


The card turned into a white cat and landed lightly on the table.

She started eating without hesitation.

"Bah, just this kind of dried fish, is it worth calling me to eat it?"

The white cat complained disdainfully while eating wildly.

"Don't eat it if you dare." Liu Ping said coldly.

"Forget it for today, let's go eat fresh food next time." The white cat raised its tail and waggled it gracefully.

Ten minutes passed.

The white cat's belly was round after eating, and it lay lazily on Liu Ping's bed, stretching out its paws and saying:

"This bed belongs to me from now on. Liu Ping, you can find another place by yourself."

"Sleep after eating? Get up, we have work to do." Liu Ping said.

"What kind of job?" White Cat asked.

Just as Liu Ping was about to speak, the white cat suddenly opened his eyes.

It suddenly got up, looked at Huoyang and said, "Liu Ping, when did you accept such a dog?"

"While you are sleeping," Liu Ping said.

"There's something wrong with it," said the white cat.

Huoyang grinned and growled: "What's wrong with me? Little white cat, I think you haven't found your position correctly."

Its aura is fully open——

I saw an illusory box appearing in the void around it, and in its upper left corner, a number appeared: 8.

Level 8 flesh and blood hunting dog!

The white cat narrowed his eyes, squatted on the edge of the bed, and licked his paws nonchalantly.

Around it, an illusory box also appeared, and in its upper left corner, a number appeared: 30.

Level 30 Divine Light Realm Demon King, Nine-Life Cat Demon!

——Liu Ping had already forgotten it. Rather than working hard to upgrade himself, it would be better to wake up Zhao Chanyi as soon as possible.

He became a prison knight.

In battle, all your strength must be contributed to your pets, heroic spirits, and comrades.

Even if I try my best to level up, I can't reach level 20 in half a year.

A twenty-level knight gives all his power to an eighth-level flesh and blood hunting dog, letting it take charge of the battle——

This is not a good idea.

It is true that flesh hunting dogs can also be upgraded.

But now that I am just a student of the Imperial Academy, how can I have so many resources to upgrade it?


If you can awaken a powerful heroic spirit in the short term, it is actually more important than upgrading yourself!

The white cat finished licking its paws, glanced sideways, looked down at the fire fangs below, and asked:

"Gouzi, what did you just say?"

A sharp cold light flashed from the white cat's paws.

Huoyang's body stiffened, and his tail slowly went under his buttocks.

"Sister, I'm only two years old and I'm not sensible. Don't argue with me."

"By the way, if you see what's wrong with me, I'll fix it."

"Sister, please calm down!"

Huoyang smiled apologetically and slowly lay down on the ground.

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