Infernal Artist

Chapter 157 New Master

Three half-human, half-insect monsters pounced on Liu Ping.

At this moment.

Liu Ping closed his eyes.

"The technique of possession cannot bring out my true strength, so why not let me fight with my true body." Zhao Chanyi's voice sounded.

"I told you not to expose yourself—forget it, I haven't fought as a practitioner for a long time, and my hands are a little itchy. I want to lend you your demonic power," Liu Ping said.

"Okay." Zhao Chanyi said.

Liu Ping opened his eyes.

The attacks from the three sharp claws almost reached the body.

I saw him twisting slightly, somehow avoiding the attack of the sharp claws, rushing forward, and appearing next to a monster.


After he finished speaking, he grabbed the monster's neck with both hands and twisted it at lightning speed.

The monster's head was twisted off, turned 180 degrees and hung behind it, but there was still a ferocious look on its face, as if it was still immersed in the blow that had just attacked Liu Ping.

——It doesn’t know it’s dead yet.

A line of burning small words quickly appeared:

"You have obtained a soul in eternal night. From now on, he belongs to you and is one of your cards. Everything must obey your will."

"You got the card: Cemetery Corpse Worm."

"Card level: 11."

"Melee type."

"Special Ability: Soul Explosion."

"After death, the soul directly enters the soul explosion state and contributes soul power to its owner."

After Liu Ping glanced at it, he retreated close to the ground, avoiding the attack of the other two monsters, but kicked one of them into the air.

The remaining monster looked stern and quickly entered a defensive state.

"Qian Zhouwu, come here and kill him together!" the monster roared.

"Here we come!" Qian Zhouwu endured the severe pain in his back and stumbled towards this side.


A soft sound.

The monster calling Qian Zhouwu was stunned.

It slowly looked down and saw a long spike piercing its chest.

"why you……"

said the monster.

Behind it, the monster that Liu Ping had just killed stood up and pierced its body with the spike hidden in its six pairs of compound legs.

The monster's figure slowly became heavier, and it hung motionless on the spikes.

The next moment.

Lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"You got another card: Cemetery Corpse Worm."

"Card details are as stated above."

At this time, the monster that was kicked away fell down.

Liu Ping took action with the two monsters and killed them on the spot.

The burning prompt appears again.

——The souls of the three monsters all belong to Liu Ping.

Qian Zhouwu just arrived.

When he saw this strange situation, he turned around and ran away without saying a word.


The three monsters and Liu Ping surrounded him, and they all attacked together, pressing him to the ground and beating him until he was almost alive.

Liu Ping looked back at the students.

I saw fear on the faces of the students, and everyone who caught his gaze avoided him, or even took a few steps back.

——Kill monsters, make them surrender, and drive them to deal with their own kind.

This ability was unheard of.

Even in the long history, there is no record even in the entire royal library.

Not to mention that they felt scared, Liu Ping himself felt that the profession of "prison knight" was a bit strange and fierce.

He shook his head and glanced at the three-headed monster.

——You should pretend to be dead first, so as not to stand behind me all the time and frighten not only those students, but also Qian Zhouwu.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There were three muffled sounds in a row.

The three-headed monster fell to the ground.

The almost stagnant atmosphere around him gradually became looser.

Qian Zhouwu also showed a look of relief and murmured in a low voice: "Corpse control... turns out to be the ability to summon corpses..."

Liu Ping knelt down in front of him and whispered:

"You are different from other bugs. What is your mission?"

"Kill me." Qian Zhouwu said coldly.

——Since the other party is only controlling the corpse for a short time, there is no need to worry too much.

"When other bugs die, their souls will explode in the form of sacrifices, but you are not afraid of this. It seems that you must have something to rely on." Liu Ping said thoughtfully.

Qian Zhouwu's expression changed, and he couldn't help but said: "How do you know? Who are you?"

Liu Ping paused.

"More blessings from demon power." He silently called in his heart.

"Okay." Zhao Chanyi responded.

Under Qian Zhouwu's gaze, white hair suddenly appeared on Liu Ping's body, his pupils turned blue, and his hands turned into sharp claws.

Liu Ping let out a short chuckle and said: "You and I are not human beings, so why not open the skylight and speak frankly - I'm just afraid that the guy behind you will disrupt my plan."

Qian Zhouwu looked thoughtful.

The other party is not human.

In other words, the other party actually has no conflict of interest with the person behind him.

In the eternal night, if he is not a human being... he has penetrated deep into the hinterland of humanity and disguised himself as a soldier in the imperial city.

It would be better if we could communicate without getting blamed.

Thinking of this, Qian Zhouwu said: "The various kingdoms of mankind in the eternal night are being destroyed one after another, and all souls have become vassals of the great existence behind me. What is your plan?"

"Same as you, so you and the monster behind you want to start a war with me?" Liu Ping said.

"Just you?" Qian Zhouwu showed disdain.

In an instant, lines of small burning characters slowly appeared in the void:

"The other party responded to your invitation to fight."

"The conditions have been met."

"As a prison knight, your personal exclusive battle mode: soul gambling has been started."

Liu Ping smiled silently and said:

"There is someone behind me that you don't know - to put it bluntly, I am just like you, just a soldier standing in front of me."

Qian Zhouwu's expression changed slightly.

If this is the case, it means there is an unknown enemy who also wants to divide the human souls in this country.

This thing is too big.

——You must tell that great existence this information immediately, maybe it will forgive your failure!

Qian Zhouwu was just thinking when he saw the other party reach out his hand and hit him hard with a punch.

Fierce pain struck.

Consciousness comes to a standstill.


Qian Zhouwu trembled and uttered two words, his body twitched a few times and stopped moving.

Lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"You have obtained a soul in eternal night. From now on, he belongs to you and is one of your cards. Everything must obey your will."

"You got the card: Cemetery Herald."

"Card level: 12."

"Melee type."

"Ability 1: Soul Parasitism."

"Choose a soul, plant the master's soul in it, and let the master gradually devour the other's soul and control everything about the other."

"Activating this ability requires ten days of preparation."

"This ability has been activated, and it will take nine days before it can be activated again."

"Ability 2: Return to the soul from thousands of miles away."

"After death, the soul flies directly to the location of its owner."

All small characters are displayed.

Qian Zhouwu suddenly opened his eyes, stood up from the ground, and said loudly:

"Great Master, I have something to report to you, and I promise that-"

His voice broke.

——This is still the fighting training hall of the Royal Academy.

It shouldn't be.

As soon as he dies, he will activate the Thousand Miles Return Soul—

Why didn't you fly back?

Qian Zhouwu showed a baffled expression.

Suddenly, bursts of human cheers came from outside.

Liu Ping looked outside.

I saw fewer and fewer bugs in the sky.

Humans sealed the Royal Academy to prevent any monsters from escaping, and then carried out large-scale strangulation.

Today, the battle is gradually being won.

Liu Ping thought for a moment and waved his hand casually.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The three monsters on the ground pretending to be dead, as well as Qian Zhouwu who was at a loss, turned into cards at the same time and fell into Liu Ping's hands.

Liu Ping looked down at the cards in his hand, looking thoughtful.

I'm afraid Qian Zhouwu will come to trouble him as soon as he returns to the imperial city. It's just something he wants to do privately.

Because he is full of resentment towards fate.

In fact, his real mission is to release that ability——

Soul parasitism.

In other words, the alarming war outside is just a cover.

Qian Zhouwu's master has already parasitized in the soul of a certain human being.


He is his new master.

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