Infernal Artist

Chapter 171 Chivalry

The majestic dark light falls from the void.

The black light skeleton was shaking all over, trying its best to bear the infusion of light.

Its body shape began to change——

"Can't wait any longer!"

Zhao Chanyi shouted softly, and like a flash of lightning, he instantly appeared beside the black-manged skeleton.

The sound of dense slashes sounded like a sudden storm.

Under the dim light, her figure could not be seen clearly at all, and only a flash of lightning could be seen moving rapidly in the void.

The wisps of cold air emanating from the long knife gradually turned into a wave of frost, freezing most of the body of the black-manged skeleton, leaving only a head——

That's it!

The electric light suddenly changed back to Zhao Chanyi. One side of the long knife in her hand showed a pale green color, while the other side showed a frosty white color.


Zhao Chanyi gave a sweet shout, rushed to the front of the black mang skeleton, and stabbed forward with the long knife in his hand!

The long knife pierced the mouth of the black mang skeleton, but was bitten hard by it.

Almost instantly, a faint mist appeared on the black skeleton, spreading rapidly along the long knife, and swept towards Zhao Chanyi.

Zhao Chanyi immediately let go and once again turned into lightning and flew back, landing in front of Liu Ping.

At this time, the dark light that was pouring down from the void had disappeared, and a ferocious aura that seemed to have substance began to erupt from the black light skeleton.

The frost covering its body suddenly dispersed, and the long knife in its mouth was eaten clean by it.

"You want to cause harm to me just with your attack?" the black mane skeleton said with a ferocious smile.

It waved casually.


The huge wind pressure blew Zhao Chanyi and Liu Ping away. It was not until the wind stopped that they landed gently.

"It seems to have completed some kind of ritual and gained extraordinary power."

Zhao Chanyi whispered.

Liu Ping stared at the black skull without blinking and said: "That's right, I have never seen this method of transmitting power through the air. I have only seen it in some books describing gods - it's a pity that Yana didn't Wake up, or you can ask her."

In the void, a line of burning small characters quickly appeared:

"Your card: Thorn of Frost has been destroyed."

——This guy is so powerful that he destroyed the weapon without suffering any injuries.

Zhao Chanyi let out a breath, took a stance on the spot, and said softly: "It seems I have to go all out."

After she finished speaking, she started to twist the magic formula.

She saw complicated colorful shadows coming from all directions and falling on her one after another.

Such a vision also attracted the attention of the Blackmang Skeleton.

"I'll let you die right away. You all will die here, and then I can arrange it to be a mining accident... No one will know what happened here." The Black Mang Skeleton whispered.

"Don't be so self-righteous. I just have some power that I don't use easily. Do you think-" Zhao Chanyi said as he was about to activate something, but was held down by Liu Ping.

"Wait a moment." Liu Ping said.

"What are you waiting for?" Zhao Chanyi asked confused.

"Look, it doesn't seem ready yet. Isn't it a little reckless for you to rush up and fight it?" Liu Ping said.

Zhao Chanyi was stunned, with a look of uncertainty on her face.

The visions lingering around her naturally disappeared.

The black-manged skeleton had just put on a defensive posture, but upon hearing such words, it couldn't help but froze.

——I have never seen such a person.

Even a paladin is not a fool!

Zhao Chanyi said: "You mean..."

"After all, it has destroyed four of my cards, you can't have any more problems." Liu Ping said.

"You think I can't beat it?" Zhao Chanyi hummed.

"Even in the past, whenever we encountered something we had never touched before, we would usually be more cautious, wouldn't we?" Liu Ping said.

He took out the apple from his trouser pocket and took a bite.

"That's true, but it seems to be coming." Zhao Chanyi said.

Liu Ping looked across.

I saw sharp bone spurs sprouting all over the black mang skeleton, which was pulled out and crushed into a heavy bone pillar.

The black-manged skeleton kicked its feet hard, and with the majestic power surging all over its body, it rushed towards Zhao Chanyi.

The heavy bone pillar was lifted high by it.

"If you want to blame, blame your master. He was the one who stopped you from using your full strength——"

"Go to hell now!"

The black-manged skeleton roared loudly.

At this moment, Liu Ping suddenly said: "Hey, did the matcha and cream on that knife taste good? Chenghui three Qianyuan Tongbao, please pay the bill."

The words fell.

The black-manged skeleton staggered, and the heavy bone pillar happened to pass by the side of Zhao Chan's body.

Zhao Chanyi punched the black-manged skeleton and said, "Qianyuan Tongbao? I remember this thing was not issued before?"

"Huh? Do you know this thing?" Liu Ping asked curiously.

"Back then, the head of Taiwei Palace suddenly had a whim and wanted to use this kind of spiritual coin to replace the spiritual stone. As soon as he put forward the idea, it was rejected by the other six sects. The reason was that the spiritual stone was more intuitive and easier to use, so Qianyuan Tongbao should not have appeared in this world."

"Actually, there was one. The boss at that time came to me and asked me to design and mint a sample coin. After a lot of tinkering, I finally minted one, but his idea was rejected by everyone, so I had to cast that coin again. One was destroyed," Liu Ping said.

"Then you just said you wanted three?" Zhao Chanyi asked.

"Because it can't be obtained." Liu Ping shrugged.

"Didn't you just eat the apple?" Zhao Chanyi said.

"I think double insurance is needed - after all, it is so powerful, it can defeat you, and then kill me, but in the end it capsizes in the gutter. We don't want this." Liu Ping said.

In front of his eyes, lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"The Holy Communion spell has taken effect."

"The other party ate two kinds of cake, matcha flavor and cream flavor."

"You offered to pay."

"Based on the actual situation, the other party cannot complete this payment."

"Based on the actual situation, you have already eaten one of the fruits in the Holy Communion, so that the other party cannot complete the complete Holy Communion."

"The result can be determined:"

"Holy Communion has been interrupted."

"The opponent entered a state of weakness. Within a day, he became dizzy, lost strength, and was unable to fight with all his strength."

All the small words disappeared in a flash.

Liu Ping pulled out a card, threw it out gently and whispered: "Although he is weak, some of the power he has summoned for so long should still remain in his body..."

Two daggers suddenly appeared in Zhao Chanyi's hands.

She found it interesting and giggled: "There is obviously a sword on the card, but why are there two daggers in my hand?"

"Although it is my card, after the card is personalized, it will become more suitable for you to use." Liu Ping said.

"I like this kind of battle." Zhao Chanyi waved her swords casually and walked towards the black skeleton step by step.

The black-manged skeleton took a few steps back and roared in fear:

"My power! What methods did you use just now to take away my power!"

Zhao Chanyi smiled and said: "Don't worry, there are people who are reluctant to let you die."

She suddenly disappeared and turned into an afterimage in the wind. She passed by the black light skeleton at a speed beyond the reach of the eyes, and looked back at it ten meters away with her sword retracted.


The black-manged skeleton was hoarse, and as soon as he uttered a word, stagnant sword lights appeared all over his body.


The whole skeleton of the black-manged skeleton suddenly scattered, leaving only a big head, which fell among the piles of bones.

A surprised voice suddenly came from not far away:

"Oh, why are you so seriously injured? Zhao Chanyi, you went too far - Major, are you okay?"

Immediately afterwards.

The soft and warm light fell, and an all-round healing began.

Those severed bones were reconnected and restored to their original state, so that the black-manged skeleton stood up again in an instant.

It moved its body.

——It was really dangerous just now. If only one head was left, I would have no power to resist.

Suddenly another voice came from the opposite side:

"How's it going? Are you feeling better? Try taking a few steps if you have nothing to do?"

The skeleton was silent for a moment and took two steps.

It looks across.

Under the dim light, I saw the knight standing in the distance, his hands shining with the sacred and soft healing light, and his face full of sincere concern.

The skeleton sighed, shook his head and said: "There are still fools like you in this world, but no matter what -"

"I want to thank you."

Liu Ping glanced into the void.

I saw lines of burning small words floating there:

"You performed a life-saving technique."

"Congratulations, you have gained one hundred and thirty points of soul power."

"Pour all your soul power into Andrea."

"Heroic Spirit: Andrea's awakening level has greatly exceeded 30%. Please collect another 20 points of soul power to reach 40%."

"Please keep up the good work."

Three percent done!

——It’s not far from 40%.

As Sequence said, it seems that we still need to continue to work hard.

Thinking of this, Liu Ping showed a look of compassion and holiness on his face and said: "Saving lives and healing the wounded is our duty as knights. I would rather you not thank me, but give up the cult, change your ways, and become a true soldier."

The black-manged skeleton shook his head and said, "That's impossible."

"No, you will definitely change your ways. Trust me, I will help you."


"for me."

"But why?"

"This is a kind of chivalry - I can't say more, it will appear that I am not humble enough. In fact, I can't deceive you, I will only use actions - in short, you will find that actions are more true than words."

The skeleton fell into a long silence, and then murmured for a while: " turns out there really is such a person in the world."

Liu Ping noticed that Zhao Chanyi was looking at him and winked at her.

Why are you standing there?


Zhao Chanyi naturally understood what he meant, silently raised her swords and muttered in a low voice:

"You sold someone and forced them to give you a banner..."

She turned into a flash of lightning and suddenly disappeared from the place.

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