Infernal Artist

Chapter 183 Prison Room

In the void.

Lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"Your role is full."

"You are about to acquire a new mysterious skill."

"Given that you have lost the power of a 'first-time actor' and you have rejected the past experience of debuting as a 'popular actor'—"

"You have to start all over again."

Liu Ping was speechless for a while.

The "debutante" was lost due to time and space travel. What does it have to do with me?

As for "popular actor", this is a skill that can gain everyone's temporary understanding by bowing and apologizing——

It doesn't solve the problem fundamentally, it just delays it.

In the face of the iron fist of the law of cause and effect, when time comes, you will have to do whatever you want.

Such skills are completely meaningless.

Is there anything wrong with your refusal to become a "popular actor"?

I saw lines of burning small characters continuing to appear in the void:


"You have obtained a new mysterious side spell——"

"Performance ability: fisherman."

"Explanation: You can integrate into groups that you would otherwise not be able to integrate into, become a member of the group, and learn the communication methods of the group without being questioned by the group."

"To release this ability, you must imitate the group in some way so that the ability can be activated smoothly."

"——Excellent at catching fish, and can perform in a group."

Liu Ping was speechless for a while.

I don’t know where this heroic spirit operation interface got some weird abilities from, but it can still have amazing effects.

From the meaning between the lines, does it mean that he is working towards becoming an extra actor?

He looked around and saw Zhao Chanyi, the soldier and the devil lord all frozen in place, not daring to move.

The soldier looked around desperately, but could not find any trace of Liu Ping.

——Liu Ping has been covered by Yana's cloak and cannot be noticed by the outside world for a while.

Those bugs haven't noticed the movement here yet.

Liu Ping thought for a while and asked:

"Sequence, if I continue to gain mysterious abilities in the future, and eventually reach the stage of 'popular actor', do I have to accept that ability before I can continue to develop to a higher level?"

A line of burning characters appeared:

"If you can discover a very valuable secret later, you will skip the 'popular actor' and directly obtain the next level of mysterious power."

"What is it?" Liu Ping asked.

"No comment." Sequence said.

Liu Ping was about to say something more when he saw the insects moving.

Densely packed insects swarmed towards the wall like a tide, which was terrifying to see.

Did they discover what was going on here?

"There are too many to kill," the devil lord said with a pale face.

"Try it!"

The warrior was not willing to give in, and flew forward from the window sill, waving the giant sword in his hand in the air——


Infinite flames emitted from the blade.

However, a fiery red insect came forward and let out a sharp cry.

In an instant, the flames were absorbed by the insects.

The soldier's expression changed.

He saw that the void in all directions was filled with insects, completely surrounding him.

In the midst of lightning and flint, Liu Ping stretched out his hand and shouted: "Take it."

There were two soft sounds in a row.

Zhao Chanyi and the Devil Lord turned into cards and were put away by him.

at the same time.

Lines of prompts also appeared in front of the soldier:


"Your level is not sufficient to complete the current task."

"Please exit immediately!"

The soldier sighed, still a little unwilling.

A half-human, half-insect monster suddenly appeared behind him.

The monster gently raised its arms——


The warrior reacted suddenly and blocked the monster's attack with his giant sword.

But such a violent sneak attack sent him flying out of the air, and he rolled down towards the window sill.

Thick swarms of insects swarmed towards him.

A moment.

The soldier turned into a white skeleton, falling continuously on the hard and broken steps, and gradually scattered on the ground.

The bugs flew around for another week, and then gradually became quiet.

They crawled on the walls, landed on the steps, and crowded everywhere as far as the eye could see.

——Even the huge black metal pillar was covered with half-human, half-insect monsters.

The world returned to silence.

"How is your health?" Liu Pingmo asked.

"I'm too weak now. I'm afraid it will take several months of rest to recover," Yana said.

"It seems that I woke up too hastily." Liu Ping sighed.

"What is this place? What happened after I fell asleep?" Yana asked softly.

"It's a long story," Liu Ping said.

He briefly told what happened recently.

Yana listened carefully and said, "It seems we have to find a way out. You help me go to the window sill to see what's going on outside."

"Okay." Liu Ping said.

He hugged Yana directly, and the two of them were wrapped in a wide black cloak. They came to the edge of the window sill silently and looked out.

All I saw outside was endless emptiness.

There was no scenery, no land, and no life.

Whether it's up or down, there's no end in sight.

"How about I try to climb down a section of the wall and see what's underneath," Liu Ping said.

"No, you can't go out. I have already sensed it. The law of eternal night has formed a chaotic tide of power outside. Once something goes out, it will definitely end badly." Yana said.

She thought for a while, then bent down hard, picked up a stone, and threw it out of the window.

As soon as the stone was thrown out, the void suddenly flashed.

As the two watched, the stone was squeezed into a piece of dust and fell towards the endless cliff.

"It seems we have to find another way." Liu Ping said.

He hugged Yana and returned to the other side of the window sill again, looking into the prison room.

A dense sea of ​​insects.

A three-headed corpse a hundred meters long.

A huge black metal pillar.

——What’s the chance of survival in a place like this?

Yana suddenly said: "I feel that the power of time and space is constantly arising from one place."

"I don't feel anything at all." Liu Ping said.

Yana laughed and said: "You are not a god, so naturally you cannot sense the flow of rules."

She stretched out her hand and pointed gently in a direction.


Liu Ping looked in the direction she pointed and saw a broken black hole at the bottom of the black metal pillar where it connected to the floor of the prison cell.

The entrance to the cave is only half a person's height and is blocked by numerous insects. If you don't keep staring, you won't be able to spot it.

"It seems like something broke the black metal pillar." Liu Ping said.

"This is a completely sealed prison room, but the power of the law of time and space is constantly escaping from the hole... This is so strange." Yana said.

Liu Ping was silent for a few breaths and then said, "Let's go there and have a look."

Yana said: "These bugs are very troublesome, I'm afraid I won't be able to get through them."

"Are they strong?"

"The strongest ones already have the power of gods. If we don't get close with our cloaks on, they won't be able to detect it, but if we insist on getting close to the giant metal pillar, they will definitely sense it."

"Tsk, that's really troublesome."

Liu Ping thought for a few breaths and gently placed Yana on the ground.

"Yana, I have a mysterious ability, but I have never had the chance to try its power."

"Are you going to try it here?"

"This is our only method of escape - later if I fail, you hide."

"...Are you sure?"

"No, but I want to try."

After Liu Ping finished speaking, he walked out of the cloak and took advantage of the fact that the insects hadn't noticed him yet, and took a stance on the spot.

He raised his hands and imitated the movements of those insects, staggering around.

Almost instantly.

The surrounding insects discovered the movement here.

A swarm of insects swarmed over, making sharp chirps and rushing toward Liu Ping.

Yana was so frightened that she couldn't help but draw out her long whip and said, "I'm here to help you."

"Don't move." Liu Ping said quickly.

Yana was startled.

The next second.

The bugs landed on the windowsill, circled around, and came to Liu Ping one after another.

Liu Ping raised his hands, shook his body, and imitated the sound of an insect, making a chirp full of confusion.

The bugs stared at him.

Liu Ping's body shook even more fiercely, and he let out a bored cry.

The murderous intent on the insects gradually dissipated.

They chirped a few times, turned around and flew away.

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