Infernal Artist

Chapter 188 Coming!

The city of St. Thomas.


The black light demonic insect followed closely behind the unicorn and was about to catch up with it.


A soft sound.

The unicorn disappeared.

The wooden box fell to the ground.

The black light demonic insect immediately swooped down, picked up the wooden box, and opened it.

Inside is a gem.

——There are no cards.

The black light demonic insect suddenly flew into the sky, making bursts of high-frequency chirping sounds.

After counting the breaths.

A voice came from the sky:

"I said, don't call me if you have nothing to do."

The Black Light Demonic Insect said: "King, I failed."

The voice said: "It's impossible. With your strength, no one can resist that card."

"I was fooled." said the Black Light Demonic Insect.

The voice was silent for a few breaths and became full of murderous intent: "...Wait until I finish dealing with a few troublesome ants, kill all the blockers, and go get the cards myself!"

the other side.

The banshee in the forest stood in the center of the card, and the expression on her face suddenly tightened.

"Things are more troublesome than we expected."

She spoke out.

"What's wrong, madam?" Liu Ping asked.

In front of his eyes, rows of burning small characters appeared quickly, first reminding him that he had become a level four professional, and then refreshing the process of continuous connection between the heroic spirit operation interface and the "Land of Exile".

The banshee in the forest seemed restless and said: "The prisoner, I don't know what method he used, but he has retained at least one-third of his original strength. He is fighting several outsiders in the prison cell, and he is about to win."

"An outsider? Maybe someone from the Supervisory Committee." Liu Ping asked.

"Fortunately, those people have delayed it, but it won't be delayed for long. It will definitely come here. It will kill everyone and take away the card-"

The banshee in the forest landed in front of Liu Ping and said firmly: "It's too late, I have to send you out first!"

"Get out?" Liu Ping said in surprise.

"Yes, once it catches you, the whole world is over!"

The forest succubus began to chant a long spell.

A clear spring gurgled from under her feet and began to spread gradually, forming a pool.

Liu Ping suddenly felt something. He stretched out his hand and pulled it gently from the void.

A card was drawn by him.


The card turned into a devil with scars all over his body.

——Cunning Lord!

It spit out a mouthful of blood and said with a pale face: "Help!"

Before he finished speaking, it fell to the ground and passed out.

Liu Ping raised his hand and performed a holy chant.

The light fell on the devil, but its injuries remained unchanged.

Yana said: "This won't work. Its injury contains the power of many rules, and stronger healing techniques must be used."

She stretched out her hand and pulled it gently, and a ball of blazing light flew out from her hand and landed on the devil lord.

I saw its injuries healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The devil slowly wakes up.

"What's going on?" Liu Ping asked.

"Quick! Take me to escape with you. I am willing to admit that you are my master - that prisoner is about to kill everyone in our group!" the devil lord said in panic.

Liu Ping frowned slightly and glanced at the banshee in the forest.

The banshee shook her head, indicating that it would take a while to complete the spell.

"How long can your people hold on?" Liu Ping asked.

"Two minutes? No, one minute at most - that prisoner has surpassed my understanding. Even my superiors are completely unable to defeat it!" the devil lord said in despair.

Liu Ping patted Zhao Mingguang on the shoulder.

Zhao Mingguang understood this and shouted repeatedly: "All personnel, prepare to defend!"

He began to arrange the various professionals on hand.

Yana shook her head and said: "These professionals are too weak and useless - if you have any handy weapons, give me one."

"Is this ok?"

Liu Ping casually took out the two-handed heavy sword and handed it over.

This is the portable weapon of the fifty-level warrior, named Shakian.

Yana's eyes lit up, she caught the epee, waved it casually with one hand, and said: "I have completely lost the torture deck, but the devotion deck I used to have as a paladin is still there -"

She pulled out a card and flicked it.

Blah blah blah!

There was a metallic sound.

Dozens of gleaming golden armor components flew around Yana and stuck to her body, turning into a female armor that exuded majestic golden light.

"If that monster comes, I can resist it for a while." Yana said.

A white halo spread out from under her feet, covering all the professionals around her.

"This is the halo of protection. It can help me fight better with everyone." She added.

Wisps of white light emerged from everyone's bodies, shocking people's spirits.

With such strength, everyone is sincerely convinced.

At this moment, Yana was wearing a light golden battle armor, with a white halo on her feet and a giant sword in her hand. She looked stunning and had a majestic and fierce aura.

Everyone looked at her and were speechless for a moment.

——The strange thing is that Liu Ping seemed not to be affected by the halo, and there was no white light coming out of his body.

"Liu Ping," Yana suddenly thought of something and quietly sent out telepathy:

"Last time you said you were a knight. What kind of knight are you now?"

"Holy Knight." Liu Ping said.

A happy look appeared on Yana's face and she said: "Holy Knight? That's great. I am the same type of professional."

"No, my profession... fighting is a bit unnatural," Liu Ping said.

"Then do you recognize my halo?" Yana asked.

Liu Ping glanced into the void.

I saw lines of burning small words staying there:

"Yana activated the 'Aura of Protection'."

"Friends shrouded in this halo will bear half of the damage for the Paladin when she is harmed."

--I see.

The aura of protection is used to protect the Paladin himself.

No wonder he was the only one not affected by the halo.

It seemed that she was specifically avoiding herself.

Liu Ping looked at Yana blankly.

Yana winked at him.

The devil lord suddenly howled: "No, all the members of my group were wiped out. Their souls must have been eaten by the prisoner."

"It's coming!"

The devil lord trembled all over.

"Don't you have any reinforcements?" Liu Ping asked.

"It's too late!" said the devil lord.

Suddenly there was a burst of insect chirping in the sky outside, sounding like a storm.

The earth keeps shaking.

A deep voice came from far away.

Sudden changes occurred——

Yana suddenly raised the heavy sword in her hand and slashed directly in front of Liu Ping!


An unexpected sound sounded in the void.

Immediately afterwards, a bone hand suddenly emerged from the void and resisted the edge of the heavy sword.

Yana's eyes narrowed and she shouted: "Go away!"

The blade of the giant sword burst out with a violent and beating golden light, instantly cutting through the void, exposing the owner of the bone hand and the hand to everyone.

It was a skeleton with three heads. It was swept away by the sword and landed outside the door of the treasure house.

All three heads of the skeleton stared at Yana and said:

"Come again——"

Almost instantly, it appeared behind Yana, and its long bone arms stabbed towards Yana like a blade.

Yana raised her sword to block it.


The entire treasure house was destroyed by the power of this blow, and even the armor on Yana's body showed traces of cracks.

The professionals shrouded in aura spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground with a scream.

——They took half of the attack for Yana!

"It seems that your teammates are not very reliable." The monster laughed softly.

Yana whispered: "With my life——"

The next moment.

The long sword in her hand emitted boiling light golden light, turning into a giant blade that reached the sky.

"Despite all your efforts? You can't protect that card even with all your efforts. It belongs to me."

The monster's three heads stared at Yana together, and the black light on its body gradually condensed into a ball of flickering light, which was tightly held by it.

For a moment——

It disappeared from the place and appeared in front of Yana.

But Yana seemed to have been prepared for it. She slashed forward with the long sword in her hand and met the black ball of light in the monster's hand.

"Die!" the monster said with a ferocious smile.

Liu Ping's expression suddenly changed.

No, Yana is no match!

"Chanyi!" he shouted quickly.

In the midst of the lightning and flint, not far from the monster, a figure suddenly appeared.

Zhao Chanyi.

There was a white jade-like mask on her face. She held a knife in one hand and pointed forward.


An invisible edge burst out from the long knife, slashing at the monster with all its strength.

Vacuum cutting method·Void cutting style.

At the same time, Zhao Chanyi made a secret with her backhand, glanced at the prisoner, and said softly: "Behead!"

Demon-faced Nian Dao·Divine Slash 2nd Style.

Both types come out at the same time——

The supreme demon slayer and the virtual god slayer!

The entire void became blurry, and even the monsters were shaken.

In an instant, the black light ball on its hand disappeared into thin air.

But in the next moment, it stretched out a hand without hesitation and grabbed Yana's sword of light!

Cluck cluck cluck——

The monster's hand bones made a small crackling sound, but its body did not move at all.

It caught Yana's blow!

It can even be said that if it weren't for Zhao Chanyi's sneak attack, it wouldn't need to defend like this at all. It would only need to hit the black light ball with all its strength.

Yana pressed the sword with all her strength.

However, the sword's edge was firmly grasped by the skeleton and remained motionless.

"I'm here to help you!"

Zhao Chanyi held the knife in both hands, and her figure transformed into seven phantoms, slashing at the monster together——


The seven phantoms disappeared instantly, Zhao Chanyi appeared, and the long knife in his hand was grabbed by the monster with the other hand.

The monster took the sword with one hand and held the long knife with the other. He still had the energy to speak:

"The peak level paladin is only one step away from becoming a god, but his strength is stronger than that of ordinary gods. This is really a confusing thing..."

"It seems that I mistakenly blamed my subordinate. It is indeed no match for you, but now that I am here in person, your souls and everything will become my nourishment."

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