Infernal Artist

Chapter 203 The Demon King and the Tree Elf

The wind was blowing.

Rays of lightning-like light, accompanied by roars that shook the world, flashed continuously in the deep dark night.

Fortunately, both sides had some restraint, and the battle took place in an extremely high and deep space.

The imperial city is safe for the time being.

"Hahaha," the voice in the circle laughed wildly: "Did you see it? It pretended to be your emperor, but it didn't dare to use the power of the sequence to deal with the Supervisory Committee!"

"Why is this?" Liu Ping asked.

"Because once it uses the sequence, the sequence will realize that it is a monster - a monster like me! Hahahaha!" The voice in the magic circle was quite gloating.

Liu Ping looked up at the sky.

——The emperor is temporarily tied up. What can he do next?

In the magic circle, the voice sounded again:

"A boy who is only a teenager...who do you represent?"

Liu Ping remained silent.

"Forget it," the voice continued: "No matter who you are, we have already cooperated once. I want the souls of these mortals, and you want to deal with the bug hiding in the human body, don't you?"

Liu Ping fell into deep thought.

The voice became gentler: "Come on - you may have never faced such a situation, let me teach you how to do it."

"First, kill the person in front of you from the Supervisory Committee."

It began to speak faster: "He is full of the scent of elves, and the power he exudes is quite majestic. He must be an important member of the Supervisory Committee."

"If he was really so powerful, why was he caught by the emperor?" Liu Ping asked.

"You are too young, and you may not understand one thing -" the voice explained patiently: "Some people can't fight, but such people must have power far beyond ordinary professionals, but they are not It’s in the combat realm.”

"If you kill such a person, the Supervisory Committee will definitely go crazy. They will use all their strength to deal with the parasite that is parasitic on the emperor. In this way-"

"I can slowly devour the soul of this country, and you will complete your purpose of dealing with it."

The words fell.

A strange short sword spurted out from the magic circle and floated quietly in front of Liu Ping.

Above the dagger, a line of small burning characters quickly appeared:

"Eternal Dark Corrosion Fragments."

"Fallen artifact, dagger."

"Has the power of:"

"The power of breaking the seal: the power to break most of the bonds and seals in the world."

"The Eclipse of Eternal Darkness: Destroy all the dead and sacrifice their souls to the Soul Slayer."

"——The Sacrificial Blade of the Thousand-Eyed Demon King."

Just listen to the voice saying quickly: "I never give anything to others in my life, but this opportunity is great. You have this powerful artifact, it can just kill the important figure of the Supervisory Committee in front of you!"

The dagger fell into Liu Ping's hand.

Liu Ping looked at the man tied to the black pillar.

The man's body was covered in scars, his long hair hung down on his face, and he looked like he was almost half dead.

He met Liu Ping's eyes and said in a hoarse voice: "Kill me."

Liu Ping said: "You don't seem to be very afraid."

A line of small words suddenly appeared above the other party's head:

"Supervisory Committee, high-level tree elves."

——This line of explanation is exactly the same as when I was in the bar.

So this guy is a tree elf!

Liu Ping thought for a while and asked: "Andrea, I have never understood the tree elves. Do you understand them?"

"Understood," Andrea's voice sounded in Liu Ping's mind: "They are the only race that can be trusted in the eternal night. They love peace and like to save other suffering lives."

Liu Ping asked: "Are you sure?"

"Definitely, but they are rare, and they usually hide their true identity, because their soul power is extremely powerful, and it is easy to attract the covetousness of those who are sleeping." Andrea said.

Liu Ping nodded slightly.

The man smiled tiredly and whispered: "I was determined to save all kinds of lives, so I joined the Supervisory Committee... The current situation is that your country is being targeted by a sleeper and a prisoner. , only my death will bring trouble to them."

"So you want to die?" Liu Ping asked.

"I... have been completely deprived of my strength, and there is no point in living." The man coughed up a ball of blood and gasped.

Liu Ping was silent for a few breaths and waved gently.

The long cloth of human skin on the ground floated.


The Ten Thousand-Eyed Demon King spoke hurriedly, but his voice was suddenly cut off as the long cloth completely covered the rune circle.

Liu Ping picked up the dagger and walked to the man step by step.

"Perhaps you have already figured it out. The information you got at the bar was given by me." Liu Ping said.

"Yes, as soon as I saw you just now, I figured it out - it was you who led us to the emperor." The man nodded.

"I won't kill you." Liu Ping said.

"Why?" the man asked in surprise.

Liu Ping patted him on the shoulder and said, "I can't save this country even if I kill you."

"You are sober and not confused by the guy just now...but this is indeed an opportunity for you."

The man looked at him and continued: "You are only level 7 - as a level 7 professional, you can actually deal with sleepers and prisoners... and even borrow the power of our Supervisory Committee. I have never I’ve heard of such things.”

Liu Ping smiled self-deprecatingly and said, "You can think of me as a liar."

"Liar?" the other party asked curiously.

"Yes," Liu Ping continued calmly:

"When I was alive, I faced many big situations, and I only had millions of means at my fingertips. Problems that seemed unimaginable to others were easily solved by me -"

"But now I'm dead and in the eternal night -"

"The world is changing too fast. All the monsters here want to eat people. I can't even get stronger in time, so I can only get through by lying to others."

Boom! ! !

Suddenly there were loud roars in the sky.

Under the sky.

The whole world was silent.

The entire imperial city listened to the voice of heaven, as if it was the master of all mortal beings.

The man stared into his eyes and said, "It sounds difficult, but I don't see any emotional fluctuations in you."

"——Human beings, whether ordinary or extraordinary, will face countless despair in their lives. This is the truth of the world, and our hearts can only tolerate a certain degree of despair, just like drinking enough water. It's a sponge, even if the sea flows over it, it can't add a drop of water to it." Liu Ping said.

"Do you want to fight those monsters?" the man asked.

"If I were strong enough to fight them head-on - even if I only had a 10% winning rate - I wouldn't go out of my way to deceive them - it's a pity that I don't have that kind of strength." Liu Ping said with a surprising calmness.

The man sighed, nodded and said:

"When you were alive, you must have been an extraordinary guy. Unfortunately... this is Eternal Night, and neither you nor this country have time to grow up. The reality is so cruel."

Liu Ping raised the dagger and placed it gently next to the chain on the black pillar.

"So, I want to make a deal with you." Liu Ping whispered.

"Say it," the man said.

"I'll let you go and sincerely apologize for what happened this time. If there is a chance in the future, I will make it up to you." Liu Ping said.

"What do you need from me?" the man asked.

"Since you are a big shot in the Supervisory Committee and are determined to save all kinds of lives, I guess you must have a way to save everyone in this country." Liu Ping said.

"Kill me and you will have more breathing room," the man said.

"That's meaningless. It's nothing more than a temporary delay. In the end, you won't be able to escape the fate of your soul being devoured. What I want is another method." Liu Ping shook his head.

The man smiled and said, "Let me take a look."

Countless reflections suddenly appeared in his eyes, including soaring fire, huge monsters, wailing crowds, and collapsed buildings.

A moment.

The man closed his eyes, opened them again, shook his head and sighed: "Human beings, in the eternal night, you are the lowest soul body and can only be used as food for other existences."

"There is no way at all? Can't the Supervisory Committee deal with that prisoner?" Liu Ping asked.

"I can tell you clearly that the Supervisory Committee is currently in a war. The opponent is three prisoners. We have no way to take care of this anymore." The man said.

Liu Ping fell into silence.

"The only turning point is the only strong backing you can rely on." The man said.

"What?" Liu Ping raised his head and asked.

"Sequence - each sequence is the condensation of the rules of purgatory and eternal night. It can help you." The man said.

"What should I do?" Liu Ping asked.

The man's expression suddenly became serious.

Just listen to him whispering: "There is a way that can allow you to gain strength temporarily and even fight - if you make a mistake, this country will surely fall into destruction."

Liu Ping said: "Currently I am only level 7, is there no problem with such strength?"

"You have the possibility of success, but if you fail, your soul will definitely be captured by the prisoner - you will completely perish." The man said.


In the sky, the sound of lightning and thunder became more intense.

The long wind, like weeping and complaining, fell from the sky and swept the entire country under the night.

When the wind blew over Liu Ping's figure, his shadow was gradually blurred.

He raised his head, glanced at the sky and said: "I have seen many worlds and been a variety of people. I can finally fight, and I have no regrets -"

"let me try."

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