Infernal Artist

Chapter 205 About the Fool 3-6912 type sequence

A door made of vines opened.

The wood elf stepped out of the door with a look of surprise on his face.

Surrounded by endless mist, there is a long branch at your feet.

Dense vines hang down from the branches, and each vine hangs a corpse.

The wood elf sighed and pulled a vine from his feet.

The vines immediately tied his hands and tightened his neck.

"Kneel down."

A voice sounded from behind.

The wood elf slowly knelt on the branch.

Waited for a few breaths.

The voice sounded again:

"What else can you say before execution?"

The vines gradually tightened around the wood elf's body, causing him to cough violently.

"I...didn't do...anything wrong."

he insisted.

There was a chill in the voice as he said, "You gave my leaves to a mortal and you still think you did nothing wrong?"

The wood elf groaned: "The great... Mysterious Tree... He is the person I chose, for five years later..."

The next moment.

The vines that tightly bound the wood elf were all loosened, so that he collapsed on the branches and panted for a while before recovering.

"Go on," the voice said.

"Judging from my contact with him, he tricked a prisoner, completed a deal with the Thousand-Eyed Demon King, and also tricked the Supervisory Committee - in my long life, I have never seen such a powerful person. Human." Wood Elf said.

"A born liar, isn't that right?" said the voice.

"He is only fourteen years old." The wood elf said.

The voice paused and said: "That's not worth paying for a leaf - he can't even get through the sandbox, can he?"

The wood elf did not answer, and continued talking to himself: "When the Thousand-Eyed Demon King gave him the soul-killing artifact, he just looked at it indifferently, without even the slightest emotion. This is not what an ordinary person should have. Reaction."

"What do you want to say?" the voice asked.

"I originally thought he would kill me, but his choice was to use my life and future rewards in exchange for a way to save their world..." the wood elf said.

"Repay? Go on." The voice said.

The wood elf showed a look of recollection and said after a while: "I haven't seen such an outstanding human being for a long time. If he can survive and grow for another five years -"

"Then, when the catastrophe strikes five years from now, maybe he can be on our side and give us more confidence."

The voice was silent for a long time and said:

"Do you really think he deserves a leaf?"

The wood elf said: "It's worth it."

The mist lingering behind the branches dispersed.

In the sight, a towering humanoid tree slowly lowered its head, stared at the wood elf on its finger, and made a buzzing sound:

"If he survives, you live; if he wastes that leaf, you die."

"Understood, Your Excellency," the wood elf said.

A halo of light bloomed from beneath his feet.

The next moment.

The long knife left his hand and turned into an afterimage, flashing continuously in the void.

Twenty people.

Twenty streaks of blood.

Twenty flying heads.

The long knife shook in mid-air, shaking off all the blood stains, then flew down beside Liu Ping and gently fell back into its sheath.

Liu Ping glanced at the black leaves in his hand.

There is no prompt.

The cold metallic sound sounded again:

"The second inspection process begins."

"Start drawing professionals who are ten levels higher. Please defeat them within thirty seconds, otherwise you will be imprisoned as a prisoner."

In mid-air, professional cards popped up again.

They stared at Liu Ping blankly, then slowly came down and stood opposite Liu Ping.

Each person has a number in the upper left corner:


Thirty professionals.

They stood in a circle around Liu Ping, surrounding him in the middle.

A metallic sound sounded:

"Please note that the thirty-second countdown will begin immediately!"

The professionals all looked towards Liu Ping.

Andrea's worried voice sounded:

"They are ten levels higher than you. Do you want to summon a heroic spirit?"

"Need not."

Liu Ping said, and in a flash, he had already joined the thirty people, standing next to one of the men holding a heavy machine gun.

When the man raised the machine gun, he also raised the long knife, pointing into the empty encirclement.

Everyone was stunned.

In front of Liu Ping's eyes, a line of small burning characters quickly appeared:

"You imitated their expressions and movements."

"You activated the Fishman."

"Explanation: You become one of them."

"Combat Tips:"

"——They lost their target!"

The forty-meter summoning halo appeared again.

The long knife left his hand and turned into an afterimage, flashing continuously in the void.

Thirty people.

Thirty streaks of blood shot up into the sky.

Thirty heads fell to the ground.

The long knife shook in mid-air, shaking off all the blood stains, then flew down beside Liu Ping and gently fell back into its sheath.

The cold metallic sound sounded:

"The third inspection process begins."

"Start drawing professionals who are thirty levels higher. Please defeat them within ten seconds, otherwise you will be imprisoned as a prisoner."

Ten seconds!

A level 37 professional!

"...It's so troublesome." Liu Ping sighed.

I saw cards flying down one after another, turning into professionals and appearing around Liu Ping.

This time, there were fifty professionals in total.

Liu Ping put the knife on his shoulder, looking thoughtful.

No wonder the tree elf said it was very difficult.

What kind of examiner can kill fifty professionals who are thirty levels higher than him in ten seconds?


What exactly is an examiner?

The cold metallic sound sounded again:

"Please note that the ten-second countdown will begin immediately."

Liu Ping retracted his thoughts.

"Andrea, give me a shout," he said.

Andrea appeared quietly, held his hand, and shouted to the crowd: "Stop."

An inexplicable wave of power emanated from her body.

——The dragon power of the forty-level dragon clan!

All of a sudden.

Everyone collapsed to the ground.


Liu Ping threw the long knife.

The knife quickly shuttled through the halo of light, slicing off the heads one after another.

One second.

Two seconds.

Fifty people died.

——The battle is over.

All corpses and cards gradually disappeared.

The world went blank again.

The sound of cold metal sounded——

Its tone is much more respectful:

"Sandbox verification passed."

"Please select your race, you will be served."

In the void, the names of each race emerged, gradually filling the void in front of them, and then circled around, almost filling up all the blank space around Liu Ping.

Liu Ping looked up.

Thousands of races of devils——

Fortunately, he had learned a lot of devil's words in the past six months, and Liu Ping was able to identify more than a hundred types of devils.

The rest are all unknown.

Beyond the racial names of the devils, what is left are all kinds of strange words, which are obviously corresponding to the race.

Liu Ping looked back and forth and suddenly discovered something strange.

——There is no human racial text.

He couldn't believe it, so he looked at it again and found that he had not missed anything.


There are no human words.

A sequence world full of humans, but without human race characters.

Liu Ping had some indescribable feelings in his heart.

He looked down at the leaves in his hands.

A line of small words appeared on the leaves:

"You have a heroic spirit from the Dragon Clan, so you can temporarily borrow the Dragon Clan's identity."

Liu Ping said: "Andrea, can you find the word "dragon" among the titles on the opposite side?"

Andrea flew out, pointed at a line of words in the void that exuded the meaning of ancient vicissitudes, and said:

"Yes, the title of our dragon clan is here."

"There is no human race here. If we use the identity of the dragon race, can you help me translate the words that appear later?" Liu Ping asked.

"This is simple."

Andrea patted Liu Ping gently on the shoulder.

A line of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"You have mastered the language of the Dragon Clan and can communicate in Dragon Language (lasts for one hour)."

Liu Ping touched Andrea's head and said in the air:

"Dragon clan."

The metallic sound then sounded——

It has become the language of the dragon clan:

"Sir, all options are ready, please check this sequence."

All race names disappeared from the void, and a few lines of text appeared:

"All cards."

"Professional and Skill Alignment."

"Line of Fate."

“Harvest deadline setting.”

"Emergency measures."

"history record."

"About the Fool 3-6912 type sequence."

Liu Ping looked down at the leaves.

On the leaves, a line of small words appeared:

"To deal with prisoners, 'emergency measures' are optional."

Liu Ping raised his head and was about to speak when he suddenly paused.

His eyes moved back and forth between several options.

These options -

Why do you feel so uncomfortable?

Finally got here.

It seems that... before dealing with the prisoner, he can look at other options.

With this in mind, he said: "Show the last item."

Then the metallic sound sounded:

"You are about to check the relevant instructions for this sequence: 'About the Fool 3-6912 type sequence'."

A flash.

The blank world disappears completely.

Liu Ping found himself standing in an extremely large conference room.

The entire conference room was packed with people from various races that Liu Ping had never seen before.

Most of them resemble humans, but some are made entirely of elements, and some are completely unrecognizable.

Liu Ping glanced around and suddenly saw an acquaintance.

——That was a silver-haired old man wearing a black tuxedo.

He is the owner of Hellfire Bank, the incarnation of that old god, the ancient demon king.

He sat in the front row of the conference room.

But before him, there were many rows full of people.



A voice sounded in the conference room:

"Okay, now let's announce the final disposal method of the human race."

"——They are a race from outside Purgatory and Eternal Night, and they do not belong to our world."

"But souls are always good for our world, after all, who doesn't want their soul?"

"Therefore, at this meeting, the following overall decision was made:"

"Give the human race a brand new sequence for their existence in purgatory and eternal night."

"They are slaves, food and whatnot, all in all to please their masters, and therefore are allowed to live in our world."

"Although their sequence is not included in all purgatory and eternal night sequences and can only exist as ancillary, the term 'clown' is not pleasant and is rejected."

"Their sequence was finally determined to be named:"

"The Fool."

"Yes, they will become an ignorant race of creatures, existing only to provide souls."

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