Infernal Artist

Chapter 212 Bright future

A giant eagle covered in ice mist soared in the sky.

It passed through a silent canyon, crossed the vast swamp, and finally saw the continuous blue frost.

——The kingdom of mankind, the "Fool 3-6912 type" sequence trapped in a state of stagnant time and space.

The giant eagle's eyes flashed, and it was about to continue flying forward.


A faint shadow flew up from the mountains and forests below and blocked the giant eagle.

It was a woman wearing a black dress and carrying a basket.

"This is my sleeping place, what are you doing here?" the woman said, staring at the giant eagle.

"Get out of the way, I want to go over." The giant eagle said.

A smile gradually appeared on the woman's face.

In the breeze, the hem of her skirt swayed slightly, revealing the deep white bones underneath.

"I'm really sorry, I was just curious... so I asked."

The words fell.


The giant eagle, which was dozens of feet long, turned into a fruit shrouded in cold air and flew into the woman's hand.

The woman picked up the fruit and sniffed it gently, then said with a smile on her face: "This fruit contains mysterious power. It must taste much better than the previous one. It needs to be taken seriously."

She took out a small, sharp knife and began to peel the fruit.

The fruit suddenly erupted into bursts of miserable howls.

The woman seemed unaware and began to sing softly:

"There are two small fruits. They contain mysterious power, but they still need time to grow up."

"Dear fruits, I want to stay away from you for a while and wait patiently for you to mature."

She hummed while peeling the fruit seriously.

In the basket in her arms, every fruit trembled, and some even let out a low whimper.

the other side.

On a barren mountain.

Liu Ping looked into the void, his eyes fixed on that line of small words:

"-Your cards will be upgraded the same way you upgrade."

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Previously, although the Heroic Spirit operation interface was easy to use, it always felt a little unsuitable for the Evernight environment.

Now that it has evolved, it has met its expectations.

——Finally no need to rely on the "Fool" sequence to upgrade.

And more importantly -

As long as the people around you can use their own upgrade methods to improve their strength.

"Libertas." Liu Ping said.

"Huh?" Libertas looked at him.

"I found a way for you to continue to improve your strength. This method is also the key to our escape." Liu Ping said.

"What can I do? Tell me quickly." Libertas said.

Liu Ping put his hand on his shoulder and whispered: "Before that, I want to ask, do you believe me?"

"Of course, why do you ask this?" Libertas asked suspiciously.

"Our situation is very dangerous. If you believe me, then leave yourself to me." Liu Ping said.

Libertas was stunned, with an uncomfortable look on his face, and took two steps back: "Wait, buddy, what do you mean?"

"You are a living being. As long as you agree, I can keep you as a card." Liu Ping said.

Libertas was startled and said, "Like a sequence?"

"Yes." Liu Ping said.

"Then you put me away...what are you going to do to me?" Libertas asked.

"After thinking about this, I have to think of another way. It would be best for me to hide as well." Liu Ping said.

"Why is this so?" Libertas asked.

Liu Ping said: "For that monster, our level is too low, and it doesn't even bother to eat us. This reminds me of one thing..."

Libertas said: "What?"

"In front of that monster, maybe the lower the level, the safer it will be." Liu Ping said.

"This has been verified by both the suggestion card and our own eyes," Libertas said.

"So if you believe me, let me take it as a card. Maybe we can escape." Liu Ping said.

Libertas thought for a few breaths and struggled: "Brother, you don't know how to... treat me."

"What do you mean?" Liu Ping asked curiously.

Their eyes met.

Libertas gradually breathed a sigh of relief, patted his thigh and said, "Okay, it's already a desperate situation anyway, and you were the one who rescued me - if you can accept it, then you can accept it."

"Then I'll accept it," Liu Ping said.

As soon as he finished speaking, a number appeared on the upper left side of Libertas: 9.

This is his level as an assassin.

Liu Ping patted his shoulder.


With a soft sound, Libertas disappeared from the spot, and a card appeared in Liu Ping's hand.

Liu Ping looked at the cards.

I saw Libertas sitting next to a big bed, shouting with fear on his face: "Wait! Brother! Why is there a bed here?"

"My deck is called Joy, so any being that becomes my card will directly appear in an environment that he longs to reach." Liu Ping said.

"Where's Andrea?"

"On the other card next to you."

Liu Ping pulled out Andrea's card and showed it in front of Libertas.

I saw Andrea watering a pot of beautiful flowers.

"Huh? Are you so lucky that you became a member of our happy deck?" Andrea said in surprise.

Libertas looked at Andrea, then at Liu Ping, then at the bed, and finally relaxed.

He took off his boots, yawned and said, "Brother, life or death depends on you. I'll take a nap first."

He lay down on the bed, closed his eyes and began to fall asleep.

Liu Ping put the cards away.

——Now, the real critical moment has come.

I saw Liu Ping reaching out and gently pulling out from the void.

A card appeared in his hand.


The card was thrown out and turned into a yellow pastoral dog.

——Fire Fang!

This was the original flesh and blood hunting dog. After being trained by Zhao Chanyi, in order to avoid being followed, it was deprived of its blood and turned into an ordinary pastoral dog.

On the upper left side of it, a vague number "1" floats.

Level 1 pastoral dog!

Huoyang barked twice, jumping back and forth in front of Liu Ping, wagging its tail happily,

Liu Ping squatted down, touched Huo Ya's dog head and said, "Sequence, load the upgrade method to Huo Ya."

"Loaded," the sequence responded.

Huo Ya suddenly showed an expression of attention, staring at the void in front of him without moving.

Liu Ping smiled and said: "Exploring, fighting, and collecting cards can make you stronger. Do you understand?"

"Woof!" Huoya shouted excitedly.

"Okay, now let's see where you can put things on your body..."

Liu Ping looked around at Huoyang, and suddenly found that there was a tooth missing in its mouth.

"Listen up, Firefang."

"From now on, you have to stick to these dark blue frosts and keep moving in the direction of my fingers."


"The only principle: you can improve your strength by upgrading, but it must not exceed level 5."


"Okay, we're ready to go."

Liu Ping took out a card and held it in his hand, then put his other hand in Huoyang's mouth.

I saw lines of burning small characters appearing quickly in the void:

"You activated the strange card: 'The Rock of No Existence'."

"You have become a Level 1 Pastoral Dog: a tooth of Firefang."


Just hearing a soft sound, he disappeared from the place.

On the grass, there was only one yellow pastoral dog left——

Fire Teeth.

"Woof woof woof!"

Huo Ya barked loudly several times and ran towards the direction pointed by Liu Ping.

It ran on the gravel-strewn hillside. After about twenty minutes, it gradually became tired and out of breath.


Firefang noticed something strange.

Among the many rubbles, a fragrant flower swayed in the wind, with two lines of small words floating above it:

"Identity: Unowned."

"This flower contains a slight mystical side power that can be collected."

——Collecting cards?

Huo Ya showed confusion.

Liu Ping's voice suddenly sounded from its mouth:

"It's okay, go collect the flowers."


Huoyang responded, trotted forward, stretched out his paw and touched the flower lightly.


The flower turned into a card and fell to the ground.

Lines of small words appeared in front of Huoyang:

"The beauty of the rocks and bones."

"Swallow it and it will temporarily petrify you for ten seconds."

"Congratulations, you have obtained a mysterious side card, and your upgrade progress has reached 100%."

"You've leveled up!"

"You have become a level 2 pastoral dog!"

"Due to your upgrade, your master also gained 5% upgrade progress."

The hair on Fire Fang's body became longer and his body became thicker.

At the top left of it, the number 1 disappears and is replaced by the number 2.

Huoyang moved his body and felt that he had really become stronger.

It stared at the number 2 with emotion.

After a while, big tears rolled down its cheeks.

How pitiful!

I was originally a majestic flesh-and-blood hunting dog from purgatory. Once I defeated Yong Ye, I turned into a pastoral dog. Now I finally got the upgrade method, and I have a bright future!


Firefang let out a cry of excitement.

It cheered up and ran towards deeper darkness.

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