Infernal Artist

Chapter 215 The Soul Couple

"Who are you?" Dentures asked.

The person on the other side was silent for a moment, then suddenly burst out a series of words:

"Hahaha! Why do you know human language?"

"——Are you a human being?"

"Dog, come and save me. If you save me, I will do my best to help you get out of here."

"By the way, who am I?"

The voice on the other side became nervous:

"We can't talk about this issue. If we talk about it, my enemies will search for it."

"Come to me quickly."

"Please, come and save me!"

Firefang put his ears behind his head and narrowed his eyes.

——The other party is too noisy.

As a dog with sensitive hearing, it was a bit overwhelming.

But Huo Ya still opened his mouth dedicatedly, waiting for Dentures to make a decision.

Didn't have to wait long.

The dentures spoke:

"You should have seen that I can leave here without your help."

"If you want me to save you..."

"At least show some real sincerity."

The voice asked:

"What do you want, dog?"

Dentures said: "I don't know what I want, but if I don't see your sincerity, I will leave this city in three minutes."

The voice was not angry, but said with a smile: "What a smart dog. The smarter you are, the more confident I am, so let's do this -"

A blank card quietly appeared and landed on the ground in front of Huo Ya.

Firefang looked down.

I saw lines of small words quickly appearing on the card:

"Eternal Night Contract."

"1. Both sides shall never attack each other;"

"2. Both parties must work together to find a way to escape from this place, and both parties must do their best;"

"3. When the proposer of the contract is successfully rescued, he will do his best to give the rescuer a reasonable reward."

Firefang read it quickly but made no reaction.

Is the other party sincere enough?

——Only the master can judge this kind of thing.

It squatted in place and waited quietly.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

Firefang got his answer.

It opened its mouth, leaned down, held the card in its mouth, and bit it gently with its dentures.


The card disappears.

——The contract is established!

The voice immediately sounded:

"Quick, the magic ants are trying to break the seal, you must enter the palace before them!"

"Imperial Palace?" A human voice came from Huoya's mouth: "Isn't the Imperial Palace occupied by them yet?"

"The devil clan just left not long ago, so they only had time to occupy the city, and they haven't completely taken over the palace yet!" said the voice.

Huoyang stood up and turned around, looking towards the palace from the tower.

I saw mountains of ants surrounding the palace, but they seemed to be blocked by something invisible and unable to enter.

Only a few ants could pass through the transparent barrier and wander aimlessly in the palace.

Huoyang tilted his head and looked at it carefully for a while, then opened his mouth and shouted:

"Woof - woof - woof!"

"Do you know the layout of this palace?" False Tooth asked in surprise.

Huoyang nodded, then shook his head and said: "Ooooow!"

"You said that such a noble place must have a small door specially reserved for all kinds of pets to enter and exit?"


"Then hurry up and let's go!"

Firefang ran down the steps and soon left the tower.

The streets are filled with magic ants.

Fire Fang has a mouth, and the false teeth keep reciting knowledge about ants.

All the magic ants stopped where they were and listened quietly.

This place is very close to the palace, and the size and strength of the demon ants are completely different from those on the streets outside.

There is a kind of magic ant that exudes a faint mist full of corrosive power, so that Fire Fang cannot get close at all and can only keep detouring.

It took him three hours to finally find a place in front of a palace wall.

——It was a hole half as tall as a man.

A group of smaller demon ants blocked here, trying to pass through the hole, but every time they got closer, they were pushed out by an invisible force.

Fire Fang slipped under the long limbs of the demon ants and came to the cave, spitting out a series of dog barks.

- This time it was its own voice.

I saw a line of small words quickly appearing in the void:

"You cast the spell of the familiar, which allows you to pass through this hole."

Huoyang turned his head and glanced at the demon ants, with disdain in his eyes.

——They can’t even enter the special passage for high-level pets. These creatures of eternal night are really a bunch of rubes.

It turned around and got into the hole with its head held high.

After passing through a passage that is not too long, it is extremely narrow at first, and then you can reach the dog. After walking dozens of steps, I suddenly became enlightened.

——Already entered the palace!

The voice immediately sounded: "Great, you're in! Come to the southeast quickly, there is an empty side hall here, I'll wait for you here!"

Huoyang identified the direction and ran away. Soon he passed through the rows of gorgeous buildings and arrived at the side hall in the southeast.

The door of the side hall was wide open, and there were various boxes and utensils placed inside, but they were all empty.

"Woof - ow -" Huoyang whispered.

"Is it a treasure room...I know." Dentures whispered.

Huoyang suddenly rushed into the hall and ran back and forth in the hall.

——Nothing was found.

"Ouch?" Huoyang asked.

The voice sounded again: "That's it, you have to find me - before I can follow you."

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" Huoyang roared angrily.

The voice said helplessly: "I know now is not the time to hide and seek, but you must find me before I can show up - this is the rule of the mysterious side, and I can't help it."

"Ouch?" Huoyang said in surprise.

"Yes, I have been hiding here for a long time. Even the devils don't know my existence. But as soon as they left yesterday, all the concealment measures in the palace were removed - my enemies immediately sensed me, It's here to kill me!" the voice said bitterly.

"If I take you away, won't your enemies be able to sense you all the way? Then we can't escape." False Teeth said.

"No - it would be very difficult for it to sense me once, at least it won't be possible in the near future." The voice said.

It suddenly became anxious and urged: "Find me quickly! The magic ants are about to break through the palace's defense!"

Firefang panicked.

It ran around the entire side hall again, but still didn't find anything. It simply found a high place, jumped on it, grinned its big mouth, and spun in a circle.

In this way, the denture can see the situation in the entire hall.

—But the dentures gained nothing.

The entire hall was in a mess, and no valuable clues could be found at all.

The voice suddenly said "Hey".

"Dog, you have a tooth in your mouth - how come this tooth has the name of a savant?"

"Ouch!" Huoyang said solemnly.

"Is it your master? Tsk tsk tsk. In fact, I can't read a person's name. It's just that this name has some affinity with me, so I can find it." The voice said in an erratic tone.

There was silence all around.

Dentures suddenly said: "That's it, Huoya, look for it immediately to see if there are any books or anything like that in this hall."


Huoyang cheered up, jumped down from a high place, and searched around again.

Not in the box.

Not in the vessel.

Not on the shelf either.

Everywhere is empty, not to mention books, not even a hair.


Suddenly there was a violent roar outside.

The palace's defense was broken!

"Woof woof woof——"

Firefang became anxious.

In its limited life, it has never encountered such an urgent and unsolvable matter.

At this time, Dentures calmed down and said slowly: "Don't worry, Huo Ya, there are no problems in the places you have looked for. Think about it again, there is still something you haven't found."

Huoya was stunned for a moment, then suddenly raised his head.

I saw gorgeous chandeliers hanging over the main hall.

Could it be...

Firefang charged, jumping to his feet.

It's a pity that those chandeliers are too high. Even if Fire Fang tried his best, he couldn't see what was on the chandeliers.

"It's over, dog, we're too late."

The voice said regretfully.

I saw a few demon ants appearing at the door of this side hall——

In a flash of lightning, a denture fell out of the mouth of a level 3 pastoral dog.

It turned into a human figure and rose into the sky, landing lightly on a chandelier.

Liu Ping.

Liu Ping looked around and immediately saw something on another chandelier not far away.


He drew a card and shouted.


Libertas held a dagger and a dagger, flew down, kicked the magic ants out of the door, and shouted:

"Quick, I can't hold on long!"

He took off a few bombs from his waist, threw them with all his strength, and then slammed the door shut.


There was a deafening explosion outside.

Although this successfully stopped the demon ants, it also attracted more demon ants.

——There is indeed no time!

Liu Ping jumped up, landed on the chandeliers, and quickly inspected them.

I saw clusters of chandeliers here, which were really beautiful. There seemed to be something on one of the lamps.

——That is a girl the size of a palm.

She has a pair of deep black eyes and a pair of ponytails, making her look cute and playful.

In this desperate moment, she clutched the chain of the chandelier tightly with one hand and wiped her tears with the other hand, as if she was grieving for her upcoming fate.

When Liu Ping squatted in front of her, she raised her head blankly.

"Huh? You found me!"

The girl burst into laughter and stood up happily.

"Yes, I found you - hurry, we have to escape immediately." Liu Ping urged.

"Ah, okay."

The girl stood up, bowed seriously, and said:

"Hello, first time meeting me, I'm Lilith."

Liu Ping looked at her and saw a line of small words popping up above her head:

"Couple of dead souls, book spirit, Lilith."

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