Infernal Artist

Chapter 221 Liu Ping’s beheading technique!

in the arena.

The monkey's body was covered in flames, and its two heads were slowly swinging.

Opposite it, the young man was holding a long knife, frowning, pacing and thinking about something.

The head on the left side of the monkey said: "Asshole... you brought me to this place. You obviously want to fight with me, and you actually pretend to be thinking about your moves..."

The head on the right side of the monkey said: "Let him taste our power!"

The head on the left said: "Which move should you use?"

The head on the right shouted: "Yes, kill him with that move!"

The two heads screamed in unison, and the flames around them quickly surged, gradually turning into a round of continuously flowing molten lava.

A fiery power emanated from it.

It pointed at Liu Ping and said loudly: "You—"


A voice suddenly interrupted it.

At some point, a girl wearing a gorgeous dress and long hair shawl appeared quietly.

She opened a pair of crimson eyes and put her finger in front of her lips to signal the Flame Monkey not to speak loudly.

"He is thinking about the problem, please wait a moment." The girl said.

The words fell.

An invisible wave radiated from the girl's body, causing the fur on the Fire Monkey's body to stand on end.

"What on earth are you?" Blazing Fire Monkey asked warily.

The girl stopped paying attention to it, just looked around with interest, and whispered:

"Is this Sister Yana's battle to ascend to the gods?"

At this moment.

The young man paused.

"Ah, Andrea, you can get out of the way, I want to invite this monkey to fight." He greeted.

"Okay, Liu Ping, be careful."

The girl responded and stepped aside.

Liu Ping walked toward the Fiery Fire Monkey with his knife in his hand and said, "Huh? You can mobilize the lava? Not bad!"

The Fiery Fire Monkey said sternly: "Stop talking to me in this tone, go to hell!"

It straightened up and turned into a streak of flying flames that rushed towards Liu Ping.

Liu Ping waved his hand casually, and a meter-shaped sword light immediately erupted from the long knife——

"It's the same old routine!"

The monkey drank disdainfully.

It shook its body and saw a stream of lava flying out, meeting the rice-shaped sword light and wiping it out in half.

The monkey turned into a shadow and passed through the gap in the sword light.


It stirred up molten liquid all over its body and hugged Liu Ping.

In previous battles, every opponent embraced by it screamed in agony and slowly turned into ashes under the erosion of the lava.

This is an extremely painful process, but it is the most enjoyable moment for the Flame Monkey!

The Fiery Fire Monkey was waiting for such a moment to come again, but saw that the young man seemed to have expected it, and his body twisted slightly——

Liu Ping leaned against the round of lava, passed by the monkey, and quickly distanced himself.

"Not bad, come again."

The young man swung his sword enthusiastically, and the long sword was suddenly filled with the surging soul power.

"Boy, I've figured out your moves, and I won't let you escape this time!"

Blazing Fire Monkey said in annoyance.

It turned around and accelerated, the flames on its body suddenly burst out, and it rushed towards the young man with all its strength——

All of a sudden.

I saw extremely complicated soul power sword lights appearing in front of the flaming fire monkey.

The monkey said disdainfully: "That's all, look at me——"

Its voice stopped abruptly.

The rays of soul power daggers filled the entire void. Let alone hiding, it was dazzling just looking at it, and there was no intention of avoiding it in the heart.


There was no way to hide.

boom! ! !

The raging molten lava hit the overlapping, complicated and endless sword light and gradually extinguished.

The monkey burst out with a scream and flew backwards.

It rolled on the ground for dozens of meters before reluctantly turning over and looking across the way panting.

——Liu Ping did not pursue him.

The fire monkey hesitated for a moment and asked with a gloomy face:

"That move just now... was obviously a low-grade cross-cutting technique... but why did it have such an effect?"

"I created a new move based on Cross Slash. Now its power has been doubled and it is no longer called Cross Slash." Liu Ping said.

"What's that called?" Flame Fire Monkey asked.

"鉽龘齰齾爩羗羪龖厵翞苋赐." Liu Ping said.

The Fiery Fire Monkey was stunned.

It tried its best to recall the powerful moves it had learned, seen, and heard about.

But such a tricky move doesn't seem to exist in memory at all.

That is to say——

Such moves were really created by the other party.

"I've never heard of anyone being able to improve Cross Slash to this extent." Monkey sighed.

"Because I haven't learned new skills for a long time, I was a little excited for a while." Liu Ping shrugged.

"Wait...I can read your spellings, but how are they spelled? Strokes? Or letters?"

"This is the secret of the genuine original, I can't tell you."

Liu Ping was holding a long knife, a warm light came out of his hand, and he apologized on his face:

"I'm sorry, I didn't grasp the appropriateness of the sword technique I just created, so I hurt you."

The light disappeared from his hand and fell on the flaming fire monkey.

The shocking cuts on the Fire Monkey's body gradually healed, and no injuries could be seen anymore.

The fire monkey couldn't believe it and moved his body cautiously.

——It seems to be better, but it seems not to be better.

But the wounds are gone, so it’s still better.

"Why are you still helping me with treatment?" it asked warily.

"Because when I am here, time outside is still, and we still have a lot of time to hone each other's skills." Liu Ping said.

The Fiery Fire Monkey looked around in confusion and said, "I just wanted to ask, what is this place -"

"Don't think about it, let's continue fighting. I still have one more style that I want to learn from you." Liu Ping said.

While waving his long knife, he walked towards the flaming fire monkey.

In the void, lines of burning small characters appeared before his eyes:

"You activated the 'life-saving and healing technique' and drew 20 points of soul power from the flaming fire monkey."

"——But with help, he will either die or be injured."

"Explanation: According to the three-point upgrade method, the soul power you obtain can be used to fight or upgrade."

"The current soul power is measured by experience points, and the count is: 30%."

"Please continue to collect enough soul power."

Liu Ping glanced at it, and the speed of his feet suddenly increased. The long sword outlined several bright blades in the void, and went straight towards the flaming fire monkey through the void.

The Fiery Fire Monkey's pupils shrank suddenly.

——This is not a cross cut, nor is it a rice-shaped cut, nor is it the 鉽龘齬齾綗羪龖厵纞虋 cut that drives the monkey crazy.

But these sword lights, which are extending like tracks, directly seal the surroundings of him!


The sword light cut through my body and it hurt so much that I couldn't get hurt again!

The flaming fire monkey mobilized all its strength and shuttled quickly among the long trajectory-like blades.

It increases the speed to the extreme, and even creates an illusion at certain moments——

It seems that I am on a long intertwined track.

Countless long blades flew past him, but none of them hit the fire monkey.

It gradually regained its confidence and jumped back and forth, avoiding all the knife paths.

"Boy, your sword skills are not good. You can't even hit me with one sword." The flaming fire monkey couldn't help but taunt loudly.

Liu Ping kept waving his long sword and continued: "Yes, among these sword lights, you will feel like you are walking on a long track, or walking through a narrow alley, but in the end - "


There was a muffled sound.

The long knife penetrated the chest of the Fiery Fire Monkey.

It opened its eyes wide, looked down at the long knife on its chest in disbelief, and then looked at Liu Ping.

——I don’t know when, I have crossed a long distance and arrived in front of Liu Ping, and I took the initiative to pierce the long knife in his hand.

Liu Ping smiled and said:

"Sorry, this knife comes from a cross cut, but I changed it into another style so that people can be sent to the door by themselves while constantly avoiding it, just like running for their lives in a panic in an alley, only to find in the end-"

He pulled out the knife and pressed the warm light in his hand to the monkey's wound.

"—It's a dead end."

The words fell.

Lines of small burning characters appeared in the void:


"You created two sword techniques, namely: 齉龘齽齾爩rough 龗灪龖厵纞苋 cut, and the dead end cut."

"You have further developed the power of the Cross Cutting Technique and gained a glimpse of the secret of using the mysterious power."

"Combined with the secrets of the two demons that were previously discovered, the exploration experience will be accumulated this time, and combined with the combat experience, you will get your current experience value:"


"Please keep going."

Two rounds of applause sounded nearby.

"What a sharp swordsmanship, Liu Ping is the best!" Lilith's face turned red and she clapped her hands together.

"...Okay, if you treat it again, it will die." Andrea reminded while applauding.

Liu Ping suddenly realized.

"Sorry, I was just talking and forgot that your level is actually not high and you don't have much soul power."

He sincerely apologized to the Flame Fire Monkey and let go of his hand.

The Fiery Fire Monkey rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, too weak to even get up.

"Brother, I was wrong. I didn't dare bother you with treatment. Please let me go."

It gasped and begged.

Liu Ping shook his head and said: "Tsk, don't leave in a hurry. It took a lot of effort to get in here - Aldrich is such a good man. He gave me such a quiet place to hone his skills. Come, let's eat first, and then fight after eating."

The words fell.

A long table appeared in front of the monkey, filled with steaming sumptuous food.

Liu Ping helped the monkey up and pressed him on the chair.

"I see you're tired, go ahead and eat more."

He smiled.

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