Infernal Artist

Chapter 225 Traitor

"Name?" the other party asked.

This man had brown hair, a thick beard on his chin, piercing eyes, rosacea, and a short stature.

Inexplicably, the people behind him seemed to be headed by him.

"I am Liu Ping - please look at this badge first." Liu Ping said.

"Huh? This is the emblem of the Ancient Tree of Eternal Night. So the ancient tree asked you to wait for us here."


Liu Ping replied and looked behind the man.

After taking out the Evernight Ancient Tree emblem, those people obviously relaxed a lot.

The man standing at the front also breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand and said, "Since it arranged for you to be here, it must have a deep meaning. I wonder what your profession is?"

"I am a knight." Liu Ping said

"I would like to ask, what is your specialization?" the man asked.

"Treatment." Liu Ping said.

The man's eyes lit up.

Those behind him also let out low cheers.

The man raised his hand, and a card book immediately appeared in his hand.

Just listen to him say:

"Hello, I am Norton, the holder of the secret path. As you can see, if you want to join us in escaping, you only need to take temporary shelter in my secret path to ensure safety."

Liu Ping looked at the book stuck in his hand.

"As long as the cards in this book keep moving forward in an orderly queue, they will be in a secret independent space that cannot be detected by any existence outside." Norton explained.

Lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"You have discovered a brand new card book: the hidden path."

"Your experience value has increased, currently 60%."

"Attention, card master Norton invites you to become one of his temporary cards. In this case, you will not be subject to any restrictions and will only be enveloped by the power of his card book."

"Do you accept it?"

Liu Ping said: "Accept."

A strange wave floated over, completely covering him.

Liu Ping looked down and saw a secret path under his feet.

The path is suspended above a dry river bed, surrounded by wisps of mist.

——It seems like this is the secret path.

Quite amazing.

"Nice card book." Liu Ping greeted.

"That's ridiculous. We have a few seriously injured partners. I wonder if you can treat them." Norton said.

"No problem, let me take a look." Liu Ping said.

"Very good."

Norton led him toward the back of the line.

Liu Ping looked at these people as he walked——

They all seemed to have some strength, but they looked miserable and tired, as if they had suffered enough.

Of course.

Liu Ping knew how terrifying the Spirit-Slaying Ant Queen and the Vicious Snake were.

"Look, these are two combat card masters. Thanks to them, we were able to escape safely, but now they are seriously injured, and we can't find a healer - after all, the healing profession is too rare. Fortunately, we met Got you." Norton said.

At the end of the procession, there were several stretchers placed on a caravan, with two dying people lying on them.

Liu Ping jumped up to take a look, raised his hands, and a holy light suddenly appeared.

He was about to release the Holy Song Technique when he suddenly saw a line of small words appearing above the head of the man on the stretcher on the left:

"Informer, traitor, level 16 card master."

"Name description: Those who betray their original race will be given this name."

Liu Ping was slightly surprised.

There is a traitor here?

Those two demons must be very good at what they do.

I don’t know if this person reported the team’s whereabouts, but since it has been discovered, then——

Liu Ping waved his hands lightly.

Two holy rays of light flew out and landed on the stretcher.

The man on the stretcher on the right suddenly groaned and said weakly: "It hurts... it hurts..."

The traitor on the stretcher on the left opened his eyes and whispered: "A good treatment - water, give me some water!"

Liu Ping stepped forward, pressed the traitor on the stretcher, and said quickly: "The wound on your chest is rotting, and it will always emit a stench in the future. I must deal with it immediately."


A full set of surgical tools appeared next to him.

He picked up a bottle of potion and pinched the other person's mouth——

The traitor originally wanted to struggle, but after hearing the words "the stench will always be emitted from now on" and thinking about the other party's ability to treat him just now, he hesitated for a moment.



How can I live after this?

If you hesitate, it's too late.

By the time he reacted, the bottle of medicine had already been poured down his throat.

The traitor opened his eyes and opened his mouth to speak, but found that he could not speak.

"This is an anesthetic. Just lie down peacefully and I will do my best to treat you."

Liu Ping looked at the other party with firm eyes.

The traitor met his eyes and couldn't help but feel that he had some support in his heart.

Liu Ping patted his shoulder, picked up the scalpel, carefully cut open his wound, and began to treat the corroded muscle.

His movements were clean, skillful and efficient, and he looked like an experienced doctor after many years of experience.

The traitor also felt relieved.

Suddenly, people heard Liu Ping exclaimed:

"No, his injury has penetrated deep into his internal organs, and the injury is so deep, there is nothing I can do, I can only try my best!"

Everyone's hearts suddenly lifted.

The man also showed doubts.

——I was just pretending, so how come I was really seriously injured?

Could it be that by accident, the fake act was actually done?


The man seemed to have figured something out, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his body.

He struggled to speak, to move his body.

But Liu Ping wiped the sweat from his forehead, his hands glowed, and he gently threw them on him and shouted:

"This is the highest level of healing - I have tried my best. Whether you can survive it depends on your own luck."

The man fell into a coma after receiving his life-saving skills.

His face looked much better, and he even blushed a little.

It looks like——

It seemed that all his injuries had healed.

"Thank you, Liu Ping, please come and see this person again." Norton said.


Liu Ping put away the surgical tool box and walked to the other person.

"Knight... I am injured more seriously than him. Is it hopeless?" The man trembled.

Liu Ping glanced at him and smiled:

"Don't talk nonsense. He was seriously injured. As for you -"

He casually grabbed a ball of holy light and pressed it on the opponent.

——Holy Chant Technique, activate!

This is a serious healing technique, not a life-saving technique.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

The man stopped moaning, got up from the stretcher and said:

"Strange, am I fine now?"

"Yes." Liu Ping said.

The man whispered a spell.

Suddenly, a stuck book appeared in front of him.

"I'm really fine!"

the man cheered.

The onlookers applauded.

Norton said gratefully: "Liu Ping, thank you..."

"Don't thank me. It's hard to say how serious the other person's injury is. I've performed emergency surgery. We'll see if he can survive tonight."

"Well, you've tried your best. I hope he can get through it." Norton said.


A man stepped out from the crowd, jumped onto the caravan, and took a closer look at the traitor.

"It's certainly better...thank you, knight."

He nodded and greeted Liu Ping.

Liu Ping looked at him.

I saw a line of small words still appearing on this man's head:

"Informer, traitor, level 15 card master."

——Another traitor!

Liu Ping remained calm and looked at the people around him.

"Level 10 card master."

"Level 12 Card Master."

"Level 5 Card Master."


There is no name for "traitor".

In other words, there is only one traitor left in this team.

Liu Ping looked at Norton again.

A line of small words floated above Norton's head:

"The holder of the 'Secret Path', a level 18 card master, Norton."

——This is a relatively complete introduction.

Liu Ping thought in his mind and said: "I was collecting materials in this area, and the spirit of the ancient tree called me, and it asked me to wait for you here - what happened to you?"

"Praise the spirit of the ancient tree, it knows we need help." Someone shouted.

Norton lamented: "Two Sleepers attacked our shelter - it's a pity that I am only level 18. If I had reached level 30 as soon as possible, I wouldn't have fled so embarrassedly."

Liu Ping was silent for a moment.

Level 30.

No need to run anymore at level 30?

You know, that level 100 warrior was eaten directly by a vicious snake.

Could it be...

In Eternal Night, the value of personal level is completely different from that of ordinary professions?


This is a world where mysterious forces dominate.

That level 100 warrior was completely unable to resist the power of the mysterious side here.

Just as he was thinking about it, Lilith's voice suddenly sounded in his heart:

"Liu Ping, I feel that the first person you saved is about to die."

"Make it a partner of death." Liu Ping said.

"Do you have any requirements?" Lilith asked.

"When he's dead, let him pretend to breathe and act like he's still alive."


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