Infernal Artist

Chapter 231 Rescue

Machine City.


The previous bustle and bustle has disappeared.

The entire market was empty, with only a few people standing where Liu Ping and Norton teleported away.

It was a man wearing a black robe.

He stood in front of the railing and slowly blew smoke rings.

behind his back.

The three masked men knelt on the ground and told what happened.

The man listened quietly.

after awhile.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Okay, you just come to the market to catch those two boys. There is nothing wrong with that - restricted area passes are not allowed to wander outside."

Several masked men breathed a sigh of relief.

The man took a deep breath from the cigarette and continued:

"It's a pity that the restricted area pass was wasted by you."

"Such a loss is truly undeserved."




There were three sounds in a row.

The masked men disappeared from the spot before they had time to react.

Instead, there were three scarecrows tied to wooden frames.

In the void, someone asked with a smile:

"Master Evil Ghost, are you cold?"

The man in a black robe blew out a smoke ring and said slowly: "The machine owner has begun to question this personnel transport and has personally started to inspect the lunatic asylum... It is really troublesome."

The smiling voice said: "I'll kill those two teenagers. As soon as they die, this matter will naturally have no purpose, and the machine owner will give up and continue to ask."

The man named Xie Gui did not answer.

The voice continued: "I have checked their origins - it was an extremely weak shelter that was just destroyed by monsters yesterday, so..."

"Even if those two teenagers had some adventures, so what? In our Machinery City, who among the survivors has not had adventures?"

"Let me go, my lord, I haven't played a game of chase in a long time."

The evil ghost held the smoke in his mouth and said, "No."

The voice said: "Why don't you let me go?"

"I know you want to play," Xie Gui said slowly, "but your deck is biased toward curses. According to the tarot cards, one of the two teenagers can restrain the curse."

The voice suddenly became full of gloomy murderous intent, and said sharply: "Is it a card master who has a spell deck? I really want to-"

The evil ghost interrupted him and said, "No, according to the divination results, he should be a healing card master."

The voice suddenly paused and said lazily:

"It's a healing thing. Two teenagers who happen to have learned the healing power of lifting curses - it would be really boring to fight. It's a waste of my time."

"That's right," Evil Ghost said, "To deal with this young boy who is new to healing, it's better to let the fist demon go."

Another dull voice suddenly sounded:

"Sir, I'm here."

This time the evil ghost nodded.

"You go and kill those two teenagers, bring their bodies back and hang them on a tree outside Mechanical City as a warning to everyone."


The dull sound disappeared.

The voice from before asked again with a smile: "Master Evil Ghost, are you cold?"

The evil ghost lit another cigarette and murmured:

"I heard there's a blizzard tonight - it's so cold."

The voice said happily: "Yes, it's very cold. I've prepared good heating torches for you."

Behind the evil ghost.

The three scarecrows tied to the wooden frame burst into flames with a roar.

As they burned, they let out a vague howl of pain.

The evil ghost slowly smoked his cigarette.

After a while, he said with satisfaction:

"Much warmer."

In the snow.

The two figures were running quickly.

Liu Ping suddenly paused and said, "Stop."

"What's wrong?" Norton asked.

"look here--"

Liu Ping pushed aside the snow and saw a frozen corpse buried inside.

"This is not a human corpse, but more like some kind of insect."

Norton hesitated.

Liu Ping turned the body over and looked at the insect's chest.

I saw that something had punched a large hollow hole in the insect's chest, and the surrounding carapace was completely shattered.

"Did your companion kill him?" Norton asked.

"It's such a headache. I can't tell if she did it." Liu Ping sighed.

Hua Qingkong is a spiritual summoner.

The spirit she summoned was different every time, so her fighting methods were also completely different. It was impossible to tell whether the insect was killed by her.

Liu Ping stood up and looked around.

"I can already identify the road here - going north will lead to a ruins. Going south, we will reach a collapsed underground passage. Let's go south first, which is close to the border of the Fool's World. I made an appointment with my companion Let’s meet there.”

"Okay." Norton said.

The two of them identified the direction and walked against the wind and snow towards the depths of the rugged snow-capped mountains.

A quarter of an hour later.

Turning around the mountain peak, a huge corpse seven or eight meters high lay quietly on the snow in front of him.

This corpse has a human upper body and an insect lower body.

A large hole was blasted out of its chest, and the wind and snow poured into it, partially covering the black blood and broken internal tissues.

Even though it is dead, the power it exudes still makes people feel heart-stopping.

"That companion of yours seems very strong." Norton sighed.

“This bug didn’t die long—let’s hurry up,” Liu Ping said.

The two of them ran with all their strength.


Norton took out the card book, put his hand on it, and shouted: "Secret path!"

All of a sudden.

The wind and snow were covered on both sides, and a path appeared under their feet.

"What's wrong?" Liu Ping asked.

"If we open a secret path, no one can find us. If we want to rescue people, it will be safer this way." Norton said.

"That's right." Liu Ping agreed.

They ran along the path.


There was an intensive fight in front.

"Oh my god..."

Norton slowly stopped.

Looking around, the front is densely packed with insects.

These bugs tightly surrounded a cave and were constantly charging inside.

The situation is slowly tilting.

There are more and more insects that can enter the cave.

"Someone is trapped inside." Liu Ping said.

"I'll control the trail and we'll go around it," Norton said.

"It's too late. You go rescue them, and I'll attract their attention!" Liu Ping said.

He stepped out of the path and threw a card casually.


Libertas landed on the snow, glanced around, and said quickly: "Hua Qingkong is in the cave?"

"It should be her, otherwise who can just stay on the border? And have the strength to kill so many bugs?" Liu Ping said.

"The situation is not good, we need to save her immediately!"

Libertas took out a grenade from his waist and threw it from a distance.

"Hey - come and kill me!" he shouted.


The grenade exploded in the sea of ​​insects.

In the sea of ​​insects, several insects flew out and rushed towards Libertas.

More bugs remained unmoved and continued to attack the cave.

Libertas turned around and ran away, shouting at Liu Ping:

"No, if they come too many I will die, if they come too few I won't be able to save Hua Qingkong!"

Liu Ping shook his head, took out the card book, and put his hand on it.



Kashu shook slightly, emitting some kind of invisible fluctuation.

A line of burning small words quickly appeared:

"You spent 10 points of soul power to activate the 'Death Doll'."

10 points of soul power!

so much?

It seems that insect is very strong.

Liu Ping thought secretly.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

The ground began to shake.

A huge figure came quickly from the road Liu Ping and Norton came from.

——That giant insect that is seven or eight meters high!

It came to Liu Ping, slowly lowered its head, and made a low sound of inquiry.


Liu Ping said briefly.

The giant bugs rushed straight into the sea of ​​bugs and began to fight desperately.

This caused a commotion among the insects.

They make confused insect sounds, as if trying to communicate with the giant bugs.

But the giant bugs were already dead. They were just death dolls and didn't listen to their calls at all.

It keeps fighting among the swarms of insects.

Liu Ping watched for a while, then raised his hand and released blossoming holy lights on the injured insects.

"Your soul power +1, +2, +1..."

——The soul power is back.

Not only that, even if those bugs were injured, they were still very ferocious.

But after treatment, they started to become lethargic.

Giant bugs are constantly harvesting their lives.

"Lilith, make those dead bugs into dolls." Liu Ping said.

"With your current strength, you can still transform both ends." Lilith said.

Just like when I was in Devil City.

His upper limit is to transform three powerful dead creatures, but the soul power consumed is different and must be calculated according to the strength of the monster.

The bugs besieging the cave had to turn around and slowly approach the giant bug.

Liu Ping searched among the many insects and whispered: "That end."

Lilith looked in the direction he pointed.

The next moment.

An insect with six pairs of wings and a green light emitted from its body flew up.

It flew around the back of the giant bug and continuously released sharp wind blades in all directions, killing those companions who tried to sneak attack the giant bug.

Liu Ping took a few steps back, and while using his life-saving skills, he picked out a new insect.

This insect exudes the aura of frost, and every time it releases a spell, it can put the insect swarm into a state of temporary stagnation.


The civil war among the swarms has entered a fever pitch.

——In front of the dense swarm of insects, even if the three-headed insects formed a perfect battle formation, they could no longer hold up.


A voice sounded in Liu Ping's ears.

"It was a close call. The fighting inside was very intense. Fortunately, you lured out all the bugs blocking the entrance - you see, she has reached the point of exhaustion."

It was Norton's voice.

Immediately afterwards, a tired female voice sounded:

"Don't listen to his nonsense. I can still fight, but I haven't slept in two days and I'm just a little sleepy."

Liu Ping suddenly turned around and saw Norton's figure appearing from the side with his hand on the card book.

Behind Norton.

A well-behaved girl wearing black-rimmed glasses stood there cutely.

Flowers clear the sky!


There was a roar not far away.

Libertas shouted wildly: "Hahaha, there are so many, hahaha, I can't beat him anymore, Liu Ping, help me!"

Hua Qingkong glanced at Libertas, then at Norton, and finally, her eyes fell on Liu Ping.

"You are finally here."

she smiled.

"Yes, we finally got you." Liu Ping smiled.

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