Infernal Artist

Chapter 238 The Importance of Identity

Hands up.

The knife fell.

Among the row of archers, three people died immediately.

When the others reacted and were about to turn around, they were stabbed and slashed again, killing two of them.

The remaining four people aroused their ferocity and charged towards the three dead ghosts with all their strength——


The companions of death were all corpses, with no sense of pain or fear at all. They stood there and exchanged injuries with the four people, killing three more.

The last person left.

He looked at the corpses on the ground and finally understood. He knelt on the ground and raised his hands in the air and said, "Spare my life!"

Three knives pierced his body.

He twitched for a while and said regretfully: "It's a pity... I'm just a little short of becoming a baron..."

The words have not yet finished.

He fell to the ground, dead.

At this time, Liu Ping had just walked halfway and had not yet reached the main road.

"So I can actually control these death partners at will, right?" Liu Ping asked.

"Yes, you can use their bodies to fight - it's a pity that I have been wandering for too long and am too weak now. Otherwise, I could inspire more doll abilities." Lilith said regretfully.

"Take your time, I'm only level 10." Liu Ping said with a smile.

He walked over to the bodies.


Bang! Bang!

After two sounds, two floating cards appeared on the last person who died.

"Huh? What is this?"

Liu Ping said in surprise.

"I think I can put it in your card book - come!" Lilith waved at the two cards.

Two cards immediately flew over and landed in front of Liu Ping.

I saw a tattered flag painted on the first card, with a line of small words written on it:

"Thieves' rallying flag."

A line of burning small words quickly appeared:

"This flag represents the current identity of the world: the leader of thieves."

"Whoever owns this flag will automatically become a thief leader in the current world and can summon six thieves to fight at any time."


“Once again you get the identity of the current world.”

Liu Ping looked thoughtful.

When he first entered the Land of Exile, he was assigned the title of Knight Commander of the York City Guards. He was responsible for gathering professionals from all over the place to form a team of knights, responsible for the security and defense of York City.

——That time, I did not work for the Viscount of York City in vain. I got some supplies and a lot of gems.

Those gems were of great use when I later purchased the map and Lilith's card book.


I regained my identity in this world.

Liu Ping couldn't help but look at another card.

I saw a simple red badge painted on another card, with a line of words written under the badge:

"The bearer of this badge is the Baron of the Kingdom of Ceylon, the owner of the village of Mir."

Another line of burning small characters appeared in front of Liu Ping's eyes:

"This emblem represents the identity of the current world: Baron of the Kingdom."

"With this badge, you automatically become a baron in the current world and own a village."

Liu Ping was startled, then turned to look at the carriage that had fallen to the ground.

On the carriage, a heavy wooden box fell to the ground. The lock of the box had already been broken open by thieves, and it was filled with gold coins and gems.

Liu Ping stepped forward and touched it, letting the gems slip from his fingertips.

He turned to look at the three death couples.

The man in the center is wearing a rather gorgeous robe and a hat full of colorful feathers.

On each finger of his hands was a ring set with precious stones.

"Tear off the ring yourself and throw it into the box." Liu Ping said.

The Death Partner silently began to take off the ring.

"It's been a riot for a long time, and people are dying everywhere. It turns out they are besieging and assassinating the baron..."

Liu Ping sighed.

He suddenly remembered what the man said before he died.

Almost became a baron?


Liu Ping was stunned.

this world--

Does the rule of this world mean that once you obtain the corresponding identity card, you automatically become the owner of that identity?

Liu Ping was just thinking when he suddenly saw lines of burning small characters appearing quickly:

"Note: You have been given two identity cards."

"The rules of the mysterious side surround you."

“You have to choose one of two identities as your identity in the world.”

Sure enough!

Liu Ping looked at the two cards and sighed:

"In this world, identity turns out to be so important."

The next moment.

A ring of alternating light and darkness suddenly appeared above Liu Ping's head, and the card book in his hand opened automatically and put the two cards in it.

I saw two cards flying into the blank page together and being arranged steadily together.

Lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"Thanks to the power of your knight's crown, your identity is no longer bound by light and darkness. This is the blessing given to you by the heroic spirit of the Eternal Night Pillar."

“You can have two identities at the same time.”


Liu Ping looked up and saw that the halo was emitting black and white light, looking hazy, and occasionally turned into an illusory blank mask, with only a touch of blood in the eye sockets.


When he acquired two identities, two continuously extending thin lines quietly appeared on the mask, giving people a mysterious and weird feeling.

——These two thin lines alone cannot outline a complete mask, but at least there is an outline.

This is the path I chose at Forty Meters...

The reason why I chose it was because I wanted to save the people around me.

So how will it develop?

...I am afraid it will take a long time to figure out something on this road.

After the two identity cards were collected by Liu Ping, the halo above his head gradually disappeared into the void and never appeared again.

Liu Ping withdrew his gaze, thought for a moment, and gently threw out the "Thieves Leader" card.


A tattered flag appeared in front of him.

The next second.

Six thieves appeared around the flag.

They looked at the corpses on the ground, looked at each other, and saluted Liu Ping in unison: "Sir, we came in response to your call. Don't you know what we need to do?"

"Where did you come from?" Liu Ping asked curiously.

The thieves didn't know why, so they all pulled out their cards and said: "You call us, we will come."

Liu Ping looked at their cards.

I saw a dagger drawn on their cards.

Next to the card, lines of burning small words emerged:

"Low-level thief."

"When you activate the power of your identity, they must respond to your call and obey your orders."

"When they complete your task requirements, you should give them a certain reward."

"Besides, if anyone disobeys your orders—"

"He who disobeys will lose his identity, and anyone can kill him and take everything from him."

I see!

"Okay, come and bury these people, and then repair the carriage."

Liu Ping said.

The thieves breathed a sigh of relief.

The young man stood in front of a pile of corpses with a calm expression.

There were even three apparently dead people standing next to him.

This scene is so weird.

Unexpectedly, the order he issued was so simple

"Don't worry, sir, leave this matter to us." One of the thieves said, patting his chest.

"Yes, I used to be a rickshaw driver, so repairing cars is not a problem." Another thief said.

Liu Ping asked with interest: "You used to be a coachman? Why did you change your career to become a thief?"

The thief smiled bitterly and said: "The city lord's taxes were too high and he couldn't pay the money, so he had to find a way to escape. Fortunately, when he lost his identity, someone helped him, and he turned into a thief."

"I see, okay, let's get started."


The thieves were very skillful and soon they buried all the bodies and repaired the carriage.

"My lord, we found this in the carriage."

said one of the thieves.

Liu Ping took the list in his hand and saw that the first line of the list read:

“Mill Village Summer Gains.”

Below is a dense collection of item names and quantities.

——This is a list.

From now on, everything above belongs to Liu Ping.

Liu Ping looked down at the list and suddenly remembered something.


There is a core card in Mir Village.

Then doesn’t it also belong to you?

It seems that noble status is very useful in this world.

If you can continuously improve your noble rank, you will naturally be able to obtain everything in the territory.

Includes cards.

Let’s look at the profession of thief again——

Liu Ping took out a gold coin from the box, threw it over and said:

"Take it and share it."

Several thieves looked happy.

After completing such a simple task, I actually got a gold coin!

Liu Ping suddenly asked: "How can you be promoted to the leader of thieves?"

"Complete ten summoning missions." One person said.

"Then you are qualified to challenge a thief leader. If you win, you can be promoted. If you lose, if you don't die, you have to do it all over again." Another person added.

Liu Ping nodded.

Suddenly, a line of small burning characters quickly appeared:

"You have heard about the method of promotion in the 'Land of Exile'."

"You've added a little more drama."

"The current scene is 1/10."

"This operation interface determines the current promotion method for you based on the corresponding mysterious side rules."


"After completing the promotion mission, the thief leader's identity will be changed to: Grand Thief/Assassin, and he will have corresponding identity powers."

Liu Ping looked into the void and saw behind him a long and dense list of tasks and corresponding powers for the next stage.

One of them particularly attracted Liu Ping's attention.

Thieves can steal treasure.

It's a simple, clever, stealthy way to get it that won't alert the monster.

You can even spend your own money to buy treasures from other thieves.

——If the monster arrives in this era, it will not be able to discover itself.

" seems I have something to do."

Liu Ping murmured.

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