Infernal Artist

Chapter 258 Card Master War (Official Version)

In mid-air, two cards floated down.

They resonated with the other seven cards in Liu Ping's hand.


Liu Ping has won the card master war.

——He defeated that unspeakable monster!

In the void, billions of invisible induction forces came one after another and descended one after another. They quickly rotated around Liu Ping, as if they were celebrating or anxiously talking about something.

Lines of burning small characters emerged:

"For endless years, that indescribable existence has been sealed, but it has never been defeated."

"You are the first human to defeat it."

“All laws rejoice in this, and all powers radiate blessings in this.”

"In this great moment, you have obtained a name recognized by all laws:"

"Twilight's Embrace."

"Show this name and you will gain the natural affinity of all things, and they will protect you secretly."

"——In the twilight when everything is heading for destruction, the only light bursts out from you, giving desperate sentient beings and all things a glimmer of hope."


"Although you won a card master war, you are still in an extremely dangerous situation."

"That unspeakable monster can take your life at any time!"

Liu Ping unfolded nine cards without thinking and shouted:

"——I want to act on the second power and activate the prison cell!"

boom! ! !

The whole world turned into nothingness.

Immediately afterwards, the huge prison room appeared——

"it's useless."

A deep voice sounded.

The whole world suddenly came to a standstill.

Liu Ping looked across.

I saw three skulls dragging their huge bodies, looking down at themselves.

It holds a dark purple card in its hand.

At this time, its three heads turned into skeletons again, except that one was a human skull and the other was the head of the skeleton of a one-horned ghost, but the middle head was empty.

"Card Master Liu Ping..."

While it was chanting, it raised the card and pointed it at Liu Ping.

The original scene suddenly appeared on the card——

In the "temporary prison of the useless", Liu Ping solved problems for many professionals, one by one.

"You are a very outstanding human being. You are able to master all aspects of knowledge. No wonder you defeated me in a round - even though you used extremely inferior cleverness - this made me a little bit more interested -"

"I'm going to kill you with Card Master War."

The three-headed skeleton spoke slowly.

Behind it, endless light and shadow gradually emerged.

The illusory lights and shadows that fill the sky and the earth constantly reveal the scenes of various worlds, as well as the dominant decks in those worlds.

"There is nothing to be proud of in getting a 'Land of Exile', see? There is an endless sequence world behind me."

The three-headed skeleton pulled out a complete set of cards and whispered: "In the order of 'ignorance', start a card master's war."

"I refuse." Liu Ping said.

He quickly glanced into the void.

Everything in the entire Land of Exile is at a standstill. Only by rejecting the current war can everything return to normal.

The three-headed skeleton let out a deep laugh and displayed a card in front of Liu Ping.

——The card depicts an iron figurine holding a string. The silk thread behind it is constantly shaking, controlling the figurine to make various movements.

"This is the 'forced manifestation of fate'. I usually use it to torture the soul, but today I just use it to control you to agree to this war——"

The three-headed skull said word by word: "I will never lose to a mortal!"

The cards were crushed.

The next moment.

Liu Ping seemed to have lost control and said, "I agree to fight you."

A line of burning small characters quickly appeared:

"Under the influence of destiny cards, you agree to engage in a card master war with the other party."

"The card effect disappears."

"The war is about to officially begin!"

The three-headed skeleton laughed wildly, shook his head and said, "In all these years, no one has ever allowed me to initiate a card master war. You should feel honored."

"——This is a formal and serious war, not the sly tricks we used to do!"

The words fell.

A group of ever-changing light and shadow swooped down and turned into a world around the two of them.

This world is shrouded in darkness and barrenness, with no living beings in sight, only dry earth and endless lightning and thunder.

Cards appeared one after another in front of the three-headed skull.

The aura of these cards is extremely powerful, and every time one appears, the whole world will be shaken.


A coin was tossed and spinning in the void.

“I choose the heads—so you should choose the words.”

"When the head is up, I move first; when the words are up, you move first."

The three-headed skeleton said while selecting cards: "This is a real life-and-death battle. You probably have one last chance to take action, and then you will die."

The card book in Liu Ping's hand spread out automatically.

In the card book, the two cards made a reluctant sound.


Zhao Chanyi!

"No, you are no match. Its cards are too powerful and cannot be dealt with by us," Liu Ping said.

"Liu Ping!" Lilith screamed: "Use that fighting method to protect yourself."

"No way," Liu Ping shook his head. "The difference in strength is too great. I will lose everything to it and become its slave."

He grabbed the nine cards in front of him and checked them quickly.


His eyes stayed on the card.

——The Witch's Book.

The secret is recorded on this card——

"Using the true name of your card book, let the entire set of cards realize their power, and you can realize the ultimate weapon."

What does this sentence mean?

Do you still have time to figure out its meaning and embody that power with the full set of 'Land of Exile' core cards?

Liu Ping thought quickly.

Ding dong!

The coin fell to the ground.

Head up.

The three-headed skeleton suddenly stopped what it was doing.

It said in a joking tone: "It seems that luck is not on your side. You will die here without even a chance to take action."

A card is thrown out by it.


Liu Ping was shocked.

He slowly looked down and saw a huge tentacle piercing his chest.

"This is one of my true bodies. You will be integrated into my boundless consciousness and become a part of me."

The three-headed skeleton let out a thundering roar:

“Let everything be me!”

"You sentient beings are nothing but self-righteous illusions!!!"

Liu Ping spit out a mouthful of blood and his consciousness began to blur.

Vaguely, he felt a consciousness like a vast ocean, constantly devouring him.

The whole world fell into darkness.

Darkness covers everything.




Suddenly, a voice sounded in my ears:

"After suffering so much, don't you feel hopeless?"

This is that voice -

It's up to you to find it!

Liu Ping tried his best to open his eyes, and the world gradually became clear in front of him.

——This is a world of nothingness.

He heard another voice: "Despair is useless, we can only wait for an opportunity."

"what chance?"

"have no idea."

"I don't know? How can I call it an opportunity?"

"Because we are already desperate, the only thing we can do is wait."

"Really? Just wait?"

"No, maybe one day, I need a little time to find hope."


"Yes, I have endured so much despair. I hope I can have some quiet time at the last moment."


"When life is faced with extreme danger, occasionally it transcends the limit of time and sees everything in its memory past. I hope that when that moment comes, I can get a chance."

last chance……


In an instant, Liu Ping's consciousness condensed again.

Lines of small words emerged from the darkness:


"You have a certain degree of resistance to this attack. This is a spontaneous immune counterattack from your soul body."

"Please take the time to do something to save your fate."

"This is your last chance!"

Liu Ping fell into confusion.

Do something--

The opponent can easily kill him with any card.

What else can you do?

Suddenly, a memory broke into his consciousness.

"The secret I want to tell you is actually this..."

"'Exiled Lands' is a complete set of cards."

"When you collect all its core cards, you can awaken the card hidden in the deck."

"It will be your strongest support."

This is what the spirit in Hua Qingkong said.

Then, the screen changed.


The dean said with emotion: "Latercomers, if humanity really goes to destruction, this college will cease to exist..."

"——You must collect a full set of 'Exile Land' core cards."

"The deck is the highest achievement of our human civilization. It is the power of unspeakable rules and hides a terrifying power beyond your imagination——"

"It is one of the ultimate weapons we have passed down."

The screen disappears.

In the Witch's Book, that passage appears again:

"Using the true name of your card book, let the entire set of cards realize their power, and you can realize the ultimate weapon."

...The ultimate weapon.

Card book.

Full set of cards.



There are nine cards in total. How can we make that power manifest?

I have never received any orthodox card master inheritance at all.

From the beginning--

I just watch others use cards.


Goddess of pain.


Blood Knight.



Liu Ping's soul trembled slightly.

The scene in the memory appeared again.

When hell comes to this world, the moment when all battles are decided.

I have seen card tricks that I have never seen before.

——The eternal companion of the God of Death.

She placed the cards one by one in the void, put them together like a puzzle, and then clapped her hands.

All the cards are turned over to form a perfect pattern.

It was an ancient and huge clock. Its hour, minute, and second hands moved rapidly without stopping for a moment.

Play cards!

Liu Ping suddenly opened his eyes.

In front of him, the nine cards seemed to have a premonition, and they all erupted into a high-pitched sound.

woodland succubus;

Holy Church;

Witch's Book;

coffin of death;

Blood of the Holy Spirit;

Ring of Soul Resurrection;

Mirror of all worlds;

Altar of Gods and Demons;

Holy Spirit.

All nine cards have been collected.

As for the card book’s real name——

"Kashu's true name is Death's Couple." He said softly.


The three-headed skeleton said in surprise: "Impossible, why aren't you dead yet? Did you ever—"

Before he finished speaking, Liu Ping spit out a mouthful of blood again and said quickly: "Using the full set of core cards of the 'Land of Exile' and realizing the power of the 'Death Couple', you can realize the ultimate weapon."

He held all nine cards in his hand.

"I should have known that every card records the power sleeping in the deck——"

"Use the holy church to protect everything, and use the altar of gods and demons as a ritual place hidden in the church;"

The two cards are spliced ​​together.

"The Coffin of the Dead and the Ring of Soul Resurrection are prop cards for the time of slumber;"

The two cards were put together and floating in the air.

"As for the Mirror of All Realms, it is an endless hiding place;"

"If you want to awaken something, you must need a magic card, and that is the Witch's Book;"

"The props for the awakening ceremony are two cards: Blood of the Holy Spirit and Holy Spirit;"

Four cards are put together.

At this point, the eight cards are divided into two, two, and four.

"As for the host of the ceremony, it is the banshee in the forest."

Liu Ping placed the last card in the void.

I saw the Forest Banshee in the middle, and all the cards revolved around it, spinning quickly and fitting together in an extremely tight manner.

Liu Ping said softly: "The ceremony is complete, please show the power of the card book - the partner of death."

The banshee in the forest looked majestic and solemnly said: "As you command!"

The next moment.

All the cards are turned over to form a perfect pattern.

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