Infernal Artist

Chapter 266 A secret that must not be heard!

Liu Ping glanced at the panda in surprise.

The panda stopped moving.

Liu Ping continued to ask: "The evil devil Salis? What role is he?"

The devil said: "He is an extremely powerful devil. Whatever he says, there will be devils or other races to execute it immediately, just to please him."

"When you come down this time, besides clearing out the humans in this area, do you have any other tasks?" Liu Ping asked.

A look of hesitation appeared on the devil's face.

"You are the protagonist, I guess there is nothing you don't know." Liu Ping said.

The devil said arrogantly: "Of course, it said that a friend was trapped near the world of The Fool, and asked me to find a way to bring this thing to the snowy mountains in the northwest, and then activate it."

The devil took out a gemstone ring that glowed with color.

Liu Ping took a look.

I saw lines of burning small words floating in the air:

"Soul Sensing Ring."

"When it senses special fluctuations, it will be activated immediately to let the owner of the ring get the message."

Snow Mountain——

On the other side of the snow-capped mountains are the ruins of the Kingdom of Ceylon.

What is this Demon King of Salis looking for? Is he a prisoner?

"He is obviously a director of the Supervisory Committee, why didn't he do this himself?" Liu Ping asked.

"Devil King Salis is an important director of the Supervisory Committee. His safety is related to many things. You must not go deep into the eternal night and commit danger yourself." The devil said.

Liu Ping suddenly felt something.

He looked down slightly and saw the panda stuffed around his waist quietly trying to crawl forward.

"Don't interrupt."

He casually tossed the panda doll behind him and placed it on the other side.

"What's the situation in Purgatory now?"

"War, every day is a war, everyone is busy fighting for territory - it has been like this for thousands of years, and there are no surprises every day." The devil said.

Liu Ping winked at Hua Qingkong.

Hua Qingkong nodded slightly, and silk threads emitted from his hands began to spread in all directions.

Liu Ping sat on the steps and continued chatting with the devil.

"How do you, a man of destiny, plan your performance in this drama?" he asked.

There was a look of urgency on the devil's face, and he said: "Time is running out. I must gain enough merit as soon as possible, improve my strength, and meet the end in five years."

The world was quiet for a moment.

Liu Ping was shocked.

Five years!

I originally came from five years later, and at that moment, the gods began to fall.

Yana was the first.

But Yana fell into the eternal night because she could not tolerate the devil.

What will happen in five years?

The floating fortress suddenly shook violently, and explosions sounded from far and near.

Zhao Chanyi's proud voice sounded in Liu Ping's heart:

"How about it? This flying object exploded because of me, and it will crash after a while."

Liu Ping seized the time and continued to ask the devil:

“The end in five years—what does that mean?”

The devil showed an uneasy look and said after a long time: "This is a secret. I spent a huge price to join it. If you are not strong enough, don't ask. If you must know, then please never tell others, otherwise there will be something wrong. disaster."

Not strong enough...


In this world, secrets mean value, but they also carry great risks.

If you don't have enough strength, if you try to find out some secrets, you will definitely pay the price.

Hua Qingkong can currently release level 60 mysterious power.

There is also Yana, who has level 50 strength.

Is this strength enough?

Liu Ping glanced at Hua Qingkong.

Hua Qingkong also hesitated, indicating that he should make his own decision.

Liu Ping was silent for a breath.

——No matter what, he always felt that he must know this secret.

"Okay, I won't tell others. After all, only you, who is starring in this drama, are qualified to say this." Liu Ping finally said.

Hua Qingkong became slightly nervous.

Liu Ping also drew out the Shadow Blade.

When the devil heard what he said, he whispered: "When the Void Divine Pillar disappeared, the human race exhausted all their strength and used the power of various decks to seal those unspeakable prisoners in the sequence world——"

"According to the estimates of several adults, in five years - those prisoners will break the seal and return to the world."

Liu Ping was shocked and asked quickly: "In five years, will the devil be able to deal with those prisoners?"

"Humans can't defeat the prisoners, how can we win?" the devil asked.

"What should we do?" Liu Ping asked.

"Eternal night is almost endless, and Purgatory is also vast and boundless. It is impossible for prisoners to completely destroy these two boundless worlds."

"There are always some powerful guys who can survive; besides, if the prisoners are taken in, many races will definitely come to seek refuge and would rather be their slaves." The devil said.

"Are they all ready to become slaves?" Liu Ping asked in surprise.

"Obey the strong is the natural rule in purgatory - it has always been like this." said the devil.

Liu Ping and Hua Qingkong looked at each other.

Five years later, all the prisoners broke through the sequence world and descended into purgatory and eternal night.

Everything will usher in the baptism of destruction.

As slaves of various races in Purgatory, the human race must be thrown as cannon fodder at the front to resist the prisoners.

But now the human race has lost the power it had back then.

The next second.

Lines of small burning characters appeared in the void, appearing in front of their eyes:

"You have discovered an amazing secret."

"With this secret, your level has been raised by one level."

"All of your attributes have been improved."

There was a line of small words in front of Liu Ping's eyes:

"Your role has increased by 1 point."


An oppressive tension arose spontaneously.

The secret has been told.

What happens next?

Hua Qingkong glanced at Liu Ping——

Do you want to kill this devil?

The surrounding void is already densely covered with countless threads of fate.

She was ready for this move.

The next moment.

Changes occur suddenly!

I saw countless thin and dense runes suddenly appearing on the devil's body and scattering in all directions.

The devil seemed to wake up, thought about it for a moment, and screamed: "No!"


Its body completely exploded.

The devil's flesh and blood flew into the air and splashed on the runes flying in the sky.

The runes suddenly stopped and emitted bleeding light.

Countless voices sounded from the runes:

"This secret is jointly guarded by all high-level devils and devil kings. Anyone who leaks it at will will die."


"Being cursed by all demon kings, he was immediately exiled to the depths of the eternal night, where he suffered despair and pain, and his soul was destroyed forever."

boom! ! !

Bloody light surged down and enveloped Liu Ping.

His expression changed, he put his hand on the card book and shouted: "Take it!"

Swish Swish Swish Swish——

All the cards were taken back into the card book by him.

The next moment.

He disappeared from where he was.

Explosions sounded one after another from the floating fortress.

This huge war machine began to slowly crash towards the ground.


Endless darkness.

There was a flash of blood.

Liu Ping fell gently and stood in a barren gravel.

Dark fog shrouded all around.



Liu Ping held the shadow sword tightly and looked around cautiously.

It's still night here.

However, the eternal night is endless, and it is impossible to know where one is now.

Lines of burning small characters appeared before his eyes:

"You have arrived at an unknown location."

"You have been eroded by the soul-corrupting fog."

"You were annihilated by dream consciousness."

"You stood here for three seconds."

"Your soul is gone, you are completely dead."

"you are dead."

"you are dead."

"you are dead."

"you are dead."

"you are dead."


Liu Ping took a breath before reacting.

It turns out that just by standing here, I have died countless times.

He patted the panda doll and asked with concern: "How are you?"

The panda doll said coldly: "I'm so numb."

The stuck book opens automatically.

Hua Qingkong's voice sounded from the card: "Everyone, please pay attention, the card is the only mysterious barrier that can protect each of us. Never leave the card for more than three seconds, otherwise the soul will be destroyed forever."

"What about Liu Ping? Just let him fight alone?" Yana asked.

"We can't show up for more than three seconds. We are safe within three seconds." Hua Qingkong said.

"Why did you suddenly run into such a desperate situation?" Norton asked curiously.

"We heard a secret." Hua Qingkong said.

"What secret?" Zhao Chanyi asked with interest.

"You better not listen." Hua Qingkong and Liu Ping said in unison.

Liu Ping calmed down.

In the void, the words "You are dead" are still being refreshed every three seconds.

There was nothing alive in the surrounding darkness.

There was a huge shadow in the distance, it was so dark that it was hard to see what it was.

"Libertas." Liu Ping said.

"I'm here," Libertas said.

"Draw a suggestion card." Liu Ping said.

Libertas suddenly appeared next to Liu Ping, pulled out a suggestion card and put it in Liu Ping's hand. Then his whole body immediately turned into a card and returned to the book.

Liu Ping picked up the card and took a look.

I saw only one line of words on the white card:

"Find your way back to Mechanical City."


The only thing that can be done now is to return to Machinery City.

——That is the refuge of mankind, the only safe place!

Hua Qingkong appeared quietly, tied a thread of destiny on Liu Ping's wrist, and then immediately turned it into a card and returned it to the card book.

The thread of fate immediately pulled Liu Ping's hand and pointed it in one direction.

"I control the Mechanical City and can use the thread of destiny to sense its location. You just need to follow the thread of destiny." Hua Qingkong said.

"How far can it be sensed?" Liu Ping asked.

"It's too far away to sense." Hua Qingkong said.

Yana suddenly appeared from behind Liu Ping and whispered: "Bless you."

A holy light fell on Liu Ping.

Norton then appeared and threw a card.


A road isolated from the surroundings quietly appeared.

"It might be safer this way." Norton said.

He and Yana quickly turned into cards and flew back to the card book.

Liu Ping stepped onto the secret path.

He looked into space.

I saw the "You are dead" prompts appearing much slower.

Liu Ping sighed and murmured:

"Okay, let's find a way to get back to Mechanical City."

He walked forward along the hidden path and soon disappeared into the darkness.

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