Infernal Artist

Chapter 270 The Demon King’s Judgment

I can't talk any more.

Liu Ping looked at the panda whose waist was twitching continuously and couldn't help but sigh.

But it doesn’t seem possible if we don’t talk.

Because you can't beat the opponent.


Yongye is really an unreasonable place.

Obviously I am only a ten-level card master, why do I have to face this weird demon king from the nightmare era?

Behind the door, the voice suddenly changed its tone and said:

"It's really unexpected. You are obviously just an ant, but you can hear so many things about our time without dying. Did you ever exist in our time?"

Liu Ping glanced at the panda.

The panda was twitching and foaming attentively.

Although pandas boast of having endless lives, what if they don’t have that much life? If they are all used up, wouldn’t they die too?

never mind.

It is safer to bring the topic to yourself.

Besides, I have some doubts.

"I don't know about this. I only know that sometimes I have some auditory hallucinations, as if I can see things in my past life." Liu Ping said.

The voice asked with interest: "In the fantasy world of memories, is there anyone who can give you guidance?"

"Someone asked me to go to the depths of the eternal night." Liu Ping said.

After careful consideration, Liu Ping felt that there was nothing wrong with telling the matter.

——The eternal night is so vast. If you don’t explain it clearly, who knows what that voice is saying?

The voice fell into rare silence.

For a while.

It then muttered: "You were not human in your previous life."

"How can you see it?" Liu Ping asked.

"In our era, after the death of human beings, there will be no eternal night; when our era ends, the souls of human beings will fall into the eternal night, but they will never be told to go to the depths of eternal night, because that is too Danger can cause your soul to be devoured at any time.”

"Yes, that is the irrefutable fact."

Liu Ping knew that the other party was telling the truth and couldn't help but said: "Am I not a human race? Then what am I?"

"I don't know, but I have a guess."

The voice said slowly: "There is a possibility... It is very likely that you were an existence I knew in your previous life, and you were our companion."

"Ah? Is that so? I don't have any premonition about this." Liu Ping said in surprise.

The voice suddenly gained a touch of intimacy and said with a low smile: "I can feel that you didn't lie to me just now. You did have the instructions from your previous life -"

"You have reached the depths of eternal night, and you are not dead yet."

Liu Ping tried hard to keep his face calm.

The reason he didn't die was because he sealed an unspeakable monster and used it to constantly die for him.

——According to the description of the sequence, this is the first time someone has defeated it.

As for his arrival in the depths of Evernight, it was because he heard an important secret and was forced to be sent here.

These things are extremely rare.

——Of course, there is no need to tell the being behind the door these things.

Anyway, the matter is related to me and will not lead to any new secrets.

Just let it wander.

Just listen to the voice and continue:

"Then what exactly are you doing here?"

"I don't know either. I just know that I have to go straight into the depths of the eternal night." Liu Ping said.

"I see, I kind of understand." The voice said.


What does it understand?

Liu Pingzheng was secretly surprised as he listened to the voice and continued: "Since the past era, after a long timeline, I have been carefully observing the changes in the world."

"——As of today, all the exclusive professional cards from the Nightmare Era have long been silent in the depths of the eternal night and have never appeared."

"If you were one of ours..."

"Then in your previous life, you should have at least owned professional cards from the nightmare era. When your strength was low, you should have worked in at least one nightmare profession."

A card was pushed under the door.

I saw a metal groove drawn on the card, and countless monsters were carved around the groove. They all looked at the groove.

Lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"Nightmare Cards: A Peek Through the Timeline."

"Using this card will jump out of the current timeline and search for nightmare cards from other timelines you have experienced."

Liu Ping read it quickly.

——Does this monster really regard himself as their accomplice?

He was just thinking when he heard the voice say:

"Be able to hear the secrets of the Nightmare Era without dying;"

"You can hear the voices of past lives, allowing you to go to the depths of eternal night;"

"Be able to reach the depths of eternal night without dying;"

"Very few people can do the above three points. It can almost be judged that you are our former partner, but in order to finally confirm this matter, we have to go through the most stringent proof."

"What?" Liu Ping asked.

"Pick up that card and let's see together whether you have worked in a profession in the Nightmare Era outside the current timeline." The voice said.

Liu Ping listened silently and suddenly recalled something.

"Joker, what kind of fighting style are you good at?"

"A lot." He said at the time.

"A lot? But you are too weak." The old god said.

"I... have never heard of such an interesting profession as a card master." Liu Ping said.

"I can feel that you are telling the truth. It is not bad for someone like you to be the first to embrace the nightmare era..."

In the dark drama, the old god—

Strangers in nightmares!

It stretched out a slender arm, gently grabbed it from the dark night, and picked off a shining star.

This star was embedded in the deep dark night, and turned into the back of the card together with the darkness.

Nightmare Walker!

Yes, I have defeated all challengers and obtained the Nightmare Walker card from the dark drama!

That was five years later.

——Exactly outside the current timeline!

If I succeeded in hiding the strange demon king behind the door by relying on the nightmare career I obtained five years later, I don't know what kind of reaction it would make.

Liu Ping picked up the card from the ground, spread it out in his hand, and said:

"Is this okay?"

"Okay." The voice said.

On the card, countless monsters were all staring at Liu Ping.

The next moment.

A card appeared on the groove.

The card showed a man wearing gray armor, holding a long knife, and a halo of misty halo appeared above his head.

The dark mist turned into a cloak and draped over him, while a series of shadows appeared behind him.

"...Nightmare Walker, you once served as a Nightmare Walker outside the current timeline." The voice behind the door said.

"What does this mean?" Liu Ping asked.

The voice was full of emotion and said: "You are our partner, but for some reason, you came up with a way that I don't know and reincarnated into a human race - you must have considered this."

"But I don't know what I was in my previous life." Liu Ping said truthfully.

"Of course you don't know - reincarnation is a very difficult thing. You will forget everything. This is the life and death method of the human race. Being able to get rid of the seal imprinted on the soul and escape - is really enviable. I still can't get rid of it. Leave here." The voice said enviously.

Liu Ping said nothing.

At this time, he had not mentioned acting related words for a long time, and the dragon armor had naturally disappeared.

If this monster identifies with his past life...

So wouldn't it be more convincing that it discovered that it was in some kind of mysterious skill just now?

Waited for a few breaths.

"I see, you have a strange mysterious skill close to you, so even I didn't attack you for a while." The voice said.

"This is to go to the depths of eternal night." Liu Ping said.

"It's completely understandable... It's impossible for such a powerful mysterious skill to come from a mediocre person. Your identity in the previous life was not ordinary." The voice said.

——Mysterious skills are the power from the heroic spirit control interface.

In his previous life, a companion who was feared by all devils fell into the depths of eternal night.

With such a companion, would my previous life have been ordinary?

Liu Ping said silently in his heart.

The voice announced: "I have determined that you are a being of our time, and you may even be familiar with me."

"I have no impression at all." Liu Ping said honestly.

"Of course, you're reincarnated," the voice laughed.

Under the crack of the door, another card was shoved under the door.

I saw a map drawn on the card, which detailed the structure of the entire Law Enforcement Bureau.

A line of burning small words appeared in the void:


"This is an unrecorded nightmare thing. You must get the explanation from its last owner to know its secret."

Just listen to that voice saying:

"Your strength is too weak. You must use this thing to have any hope of escaping."

"What is it?" Liu Ping asked.

"It's called the Map of Insight - it will help you clearly see the situation around you. I once used it to kill all the enemies in the dream, but I couldn't escape because of the seal in my soul."

"I'll give it to you now."

"Your soul is not sealed, so you can definitely leave here."

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