Infernal Artist

Chapter 274 Night

"What! You can actually enslave its soul!"

exclaimed the angel.

"It's just a small trick." Liu Ping said.

"No! This is no small trick. This is an extremely rare power of death. I guess it can continue to improve until it transcends the boundaries of life and death!" Angel said.

"Of course," Lilith revealed her little head from Liu Ping's hair and said proudly, "I just wandered for too long and left Kashu for too long, otherwise my strength would never stop there."

She looked towards the Mother of Filthy Souls.

The Mother of Filthy Souls flew nimbly, and even stretched out her hand to launch a few magic attacks.

"Can it talk?" Liu Ping asked.

Lilith smiled.

The mother of filthy souls raised her head, looked at the angel and said, "Take refuge in me, angel. You are a beautiful doll. I want to collect one."

——This was Lilith's tone, but it was said by the Mother of Filthy Souls.


She wanted to make me into a doll.

The angel trembled in his heart and quickly gave a thumbs up and praised: "That's awesome! It's really admirable - I believe you will have a chance to get an angel doll. I will help you keep an eye out and tell you as soon as I have any news. .”

"Haha, that's great." Lilith cheered.

Liu Ping looked into the void.

I saw a line of burning small words floating there:

"The other party activated the divine inspiration."

"Lilith gained the power of inspiration."

"The other party could extract the corresponding soul power from Lilith, but the other party gave up."

Liu Ping narrowed his eyes.

Very courageous.

But it becomes small when it should be small.

——This angel is indeed of the sacred type, there is no doubt about it.

"My name is Liu Ping, your Excellency -" Liu Ping asked.

"Archangel Audley." The angel saluted.

"Audley, we won't talk about what happened just now, but can you show me your dark aura?"

"Haha, go ahead and take a look. If possible, I really want to give it to you."

Liu Ping took the dark halo from the angel Audley and said with interest: "Do you really want to give it to me?"

Audley's face was sincere, and he said in a regretful tone: "Yes, but unfortunately this halo can only be worn by our divine beings. If you wear it, it will fall off immediately."

"Really?" Liu Ping said.

Audley said: "Yes, so I have to keep it here. After all, in a war, we have to make the best use of everything..."

Liu Ping reached out and placed the dark halo above his head.

Lines of burning small characters quickly emerged:

“Crown: Disguise of Darkness and Light.”

"Wearing requirement: Holy alignment."

"Whoever wears this crown will have all his power transformed into the power of darkness."

"——You have worn this crown."

The dark halo hovered steadily above his head.

A moment.

A wave of dark power emanated from him.

"..." Audley.

"..." Liu Ping.

"Liu Ping, you look very handsome with this halo." Yana assisted with admiring eyes.

Liu Ping took a step forward, held Angel Audley's hand and said, "You must have seen that I am a sacred card master, so I took out such a precious thing."

Audley said hurriedly: "Wait a minute——"

Liu Ping interrupted him and said, "By the way, you seemed to be almost joining the dark camp just now. Is this a betrayal of faith, or is it really a case of enduring humiliation?"

Hua Qingkong suddenly felt a murderous intent.

She stared at Audley quietly.

The Mother of Filthy Souls slowly lowered her head and looked down at the angel.

Audley's heart trembled, and he quickly held Liu Ping's hand and said sternly: "Brother, the dark halo has been gathering dust in my hand for a long time. Please don't refuse it. You must accept it."

Liu Ping looked touched, and he also held the angel's hand tightly, and said seriously:

"I really admire the senior's demeanor. Don't worry, I will make good use of it."

He took away the halo.

At this moment.

The fog surrounding the square dispersed a little, revealing a path that could be passed by one person.

The "One-Star Law Enforcer" card in Liu Ping's hand flashed, displaying a line of small words:

"Look for the next card."

——Next one?

Liu Ping had a thought in his mind and suddenly looked towards Audley.

Audley was completely unaware and said: "Look, it seems that only one person can move forward on this road, and I am very familiar with this square, so I will leave it to you to move forward. I stay here to guard the square.”

Yana frowned.

Hua Qingkong sneered: "You? Guard? If another monster comes later, won't you have to fall into the embrace of darkness again?"

"No." Audley said seriously. He moved his hand.

A stuck book quietly emerged.

Audley opened the card book, released a radiating scepter, and inserted it into the ground.

The whole square suddenly became brighter.

"Go, I have been defeated. I can only guard the square here according to the arrangement of the dream sequence, and protect the last place of light in the other world."

"——Now is the time for you to challenge this dream."

After the words fell, his whole body stood still.

A faint frame appeared in the surrounding void, fixing him in it.

I saw lines of small words floating in the void:

"Card: Archangel Audley."

"Dream sequence card, sacred card."

"This card belongs to the dream sequence world. Once activated, it will be responsible for guarding the entrance to the other world: the Statue Square."

"—It will preserve a way of escape for you."

Liu Ping sighed and said, "It seems that this angel cannot leave the square."

"If we lose, can we only stay forever and become part of this dream?" Yana asked.

"That's almost certainly the case." Hua Qingkong said.

Liu Ping turned around and walked to the layers of fog.

-Only one path is accessible.

"I thought that after being transported to the depths of the eternal night, I would encounter monsters that I could not resist, but I didn't expect that I would encounter a whole world of monsters," Liu Ping said.

"Let's go, be careful." Hua Qingkong said.

She and Yana turned into cards and flew into the card book.

Liu Ping put away the card book and looked towards the end of the path.

The fog was like a wall, and at the end of the path was a burning ruin.

He muttered: "Upgrade."

Lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"You gained 10,000 soul power points from the Strange Demon King;"

"You obtained 5,000 soul power points from the Mother of Filthy Souls;"

"Start continuous upgrades!"

The next moment.

Everything around him suddenly disappeared.

Liu Ping found himself back in the boundless darkness.

Right in front of him, stood an extremely majestic giant pillar——

The Pillar of Eternal Night!

It seems that the level of improvement this time is quite large, so that he will reach the "forty meters" again.

He kept falling downwards.

Along the way, the statues entrenched on the sacred pillars all looked towards him.

Under the gaze of all the statues, Liu Ping slowly slowed down and came to one of the sections of the Eternal Night Pillar.

There is a statue here, it is so majestic and incredible, it is even a section of the divine pillar itself.

The statue has four faces, facing the four directions of darkness.

Willow calmly floated in front of the statue.

Suddenly, as if something invisible had arrived, he felt a huge consciousness observing him.

A voice then sounded:

"Sooner than expected..."

"You are about to come into contact with the reality behind Eternal Night, although you are not aware of what is happening yet..."

"Perhaps you will soon wither."

"But Yongye made you my contractor, so I'm here to help you. I hope you can find a way out of despair and break through the nightmare."

Along with this voice, a halo of alternating light and dark appeared quietly, floating above Liu Ping's head.

Immediately afterwards.

An unpredictable rune appeared from the darkness and slowly fell on the halo.

The runes exude rhythmic light, gradually disintegrating into complex fine patterns, imprinted on the surface of the halo.

Liu Ping only felt his eyes dazzled.

All visions disappeared instantly.

He was still standing in front of the mist-shrouded path.

However, the power in his body continued to surge out, so much so that he could hardly control his soaring aura.

Lines of burning small characters quickly appeared:

"Due to the restrictions of the law, this Heroic Spirit operation interface must avoid causing too much attention and fluctuations."

"You are limited by this sequence to increase your level, and you will use most of your soul power to communicate with the Eternal Night Pillar."

"You only improved 11 levels."

"Current level: level 30."

"Current soul power: 200."

"Your strength has been greatly improved."

"You gave most of the soul power you gained to an ancient being on the Eternal Night Pillar."

"You have the other party's tacit approval."

"Congratulations, you have completed the evolution of the divine pillar nodes at level 20 and level 30 at the same time."

"Under the witness of the Eternal Night Divine Pillar, and according to the contract you signed, you once again gained the power of that ancient existence."

"Your knightly aura has been improved."

"Unnamed Unknown Crown:"

"Constant Effect: Forty Meters of Night."

"Explanation: You can summon items, spells, and beings with souls within a 40-meter range, and have them immediately appear anywhere within a 40-meter range with you as the center."

"—Night covers all, it is the hand of your authority."

Liu Ping read it quickly.

The card book moved slightly, and Zhao Chanyi appeared quietly.

"——Congratulations, Liu Ping, your aura is no longer weaker than when you were in the world of cultivation."

Zhao Chanyi continued excitedly with a smile:

"After becoming a person in the world of purgatory and eternal night, you practiced all over again and finally found your strength again."

Yana interjected: "This is no longer the power of the cultivation side, but the pure power of the mysterious side. If the current him fights with the former him, he can completely overpower the former him."

——The power of the mysterious side suppresses the other sides.


He is stronger than ever before.

Liu Jing calmly felt the power surging through his body and looked at the mist-covered path again.

"Although I still can't compare to that weird demon king, I suddenly have more confidence in fighting..."

The words fell.

He opened the transparent map and walked slowly forward along the path.

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