Infernal Artist

Chapter 286 Return to the city

"What do we call each other?" Liu Ping asked.

"Just use a mask. For example, you can call me tiger." The man wearing the tiger mask said.

"We don't mind knowing each other's true identities, but if our real names are heard by outsiders during certain actions, it will always cause some unnecessary waves." The woman wearing the star mask said.

Liu Ping looked at several people.

So, they should all be relatively influential people.

"There is a very strange tomb here. We have completed several rounds of exploration and need to go back to replenish resources." The leader wearing a dark mask said.

"And you, Rabbit, what are your plans?" asked the Greyhound.

"...I might have to go to Machinery City. Something is happening there." Liu Ping said.

"What's the matter?" Bai Lang asked.

"The devil is sweeping the area, and the Mechanical City is doing its best to rescue people in nearby shelters." Liu Ping said.

Several people were silent for a while.

Dark said: "There is a soul breeding farm in purgatory there, and the devil is using our sequence to cultivate souls for them."

"It must be the 'Fool' sequence. I heard that there is a sealed place nearby with prisoners inside." The fox said.

"I'm afraid there is something wrong with the prisoners. The devils are a little scared and have to come down to see the situation." Greyhound said.

Liu Ping was a little surprised.

These people can guess most of the matter in just a few words.

Darkness thought for a while and said: "Greyhound, Xingchen, follow me to prepare for the next operation, the fox will go collect intelligence, the white wolf will stay here, and don't let others enter the cemetery, the tiger-"

"I happen to be fine. I'll accompany Rabbit to the Mechanical City." Tiger said.

Liu Ping glanced at the tiger.

I saw him with a strong figure, wearing a white martial arts uniform, barefoot, arms folded, looking bored.

"I'm very good at fighting and so on. It just so happens that we can practice and cooperate." Menghu said.

"Okay." Liu Ping said.

The Girl of the Stars took out a card and said: "I remember that it should be relatively safe to go to Machinery City from here. There are no particularly powerful sleepers on the road, so I can use this card."

Liu Ping looked at the card.

I saw a few illusory lights painted on the card, condensing into a looming monster in the sky.

A line of small burning words appeared in the void:

"Mimic flying card."

"Contaminated with the aura of a special monster, it will not attract the attention of ordinary sleepers during flight."

"——This is a rare mobile card."

Liu Ping couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

If you don't have to travel by yourself, you won't encounter those weird things, and there will be no danger.

The fierce tiger took the card from the Daughter of the Stars, walked to Liu Ping and said:

"Then let's go?"

"Let's go." Liu Ping said.

The card was thrown out and instantly turned into two rays of light that enveloped the tiger and Liu Ping.

The two people rose into the sky, turned into two rays of light in the sky, and quickly headed in the same direction.

The few remaining people stood there, silently watching them disappear into the sky.

"Since the tiger took the initiative to take care of him, we don't have to worry about this new guy and just seize the time to complete various tasks." Darkness said.

Greyhound laughed and said, "Since just now, the Tigers have been suggesting that the group leader absorb this young man."

"Yes, I noticed it too." Bai Lang said.

Darkly said: "You may not know that the Tigers once fought together with people from the Holy Camp. Those fighting methods that can fight, heal, and stumble the enemy from the side are very suitable for the Tigers and can be used to great effect. Show his fighting ability."

"It turns out that he has tasted the sweetness, so he is so active." The fox said with a smile.

"Having a high-level holy professional is also a good thing for our team. After all, we are all too good at fighting, but we have never absorbed any decent healers." Xingchen said.

Everyone nodded together.

Machine City.

In the gray mist, two figures fell quietly.

"The location of Mechanical City is kept secret, and you have to get through this fog." Liu Ping explained.

The tiger nodded and said: "The sequence of Mechanical City is not strong, but it is the safest one. There is no problem if you choose this as your main place to stay."

The two walked through the fog together.


A tall metal building with no end in sight came into view.

Small black words floated in mid-air:

"Welcome to Machinery City."

Liu Ping casually released a card——


The card turns into a clear sky.

She separated herself from the void and quickly opened one light curtain after another, showing the scene in the Mechanical City.

"There are mostly civilians in the city, as well as many injured professionals. Most of the professional teams have gone out to rescue people."

Hua Qingkong pulled a light curtain over and displayed it in front of Liu Ping and Meng Hu.

All I saw was a forest on the screen.

Several floating fortresses were suspended in the air, constantly bombarding the forest below.

The densely packed devils jumped from the fortress, fell into the jungle, and immediately fought against the professionals.

A line of small words appeared in front of the three people:

"The forest refuge has a large number of life-type professionals and is a major source of food and materials."

Several people understood it at a glance.

"The population of Mechanical City is increasing rapidly. Once there is not enough food, it will definitely suffer disaster." Hua Qingkong said.

"The same is true for combat professionals. Many of the materials needed for combat must be provided by life professionals." Liu Ping said clearly.

He clicked on the sequence entry of Mechanical City and began to select the mission type.

"That's it - a rescue mission."

Liu Ping glanced at the tiger and said, "I'm going to join the battle. Why don't you take a rest in the city first."

"I'll go with you." Tiger said.

"Are you coming too?"


Liu Ping clicked Confirm on the task entry and said, "Okay, thank you for coming to help us."

The words fell.

A card emerged from the void.

An urgent voice sounded from the card: "Quick, which team is coming to support? I will teleport you over immediately!"

"Ye Yuan." Liu Ping said.

The voice exclaimed in shock: "Nightwish! You are still alive! Well -"

The card suddenly emitted a ray of light.

Hua Qingkong flew back to the card book.

Liu Ping thought for a moment and put on the rabbit mask again.

The light immediately enveloped Liu Ping and Meng Hu, causing them to disappear from where they were in an instant.

The next second.


Amidst the flames of war.

Teleportation card masters are constantly busy, picking up and transporting the wounded who have been evacuated from the front.


A card master shouted: "Another big team is joining the battle!"

Everyone's spirits were lifted.

"How many people are there? We are short of people to take over now!" someone asked loudly.

Without waiting for the card master to answer, two groups of white light appeared in the void.

I saw two figures walking out of the white light.

One of them wore a snow-white mask, with only two streaks of blood outlined in the eye sockets, and there were long ears on the top of his head.

Another wears a tiger mask.

The wind blows.

No more people showed up.

Just these two lonely people, standing in the darkness

A big team with just two weird people like this?

Everyone just felt a little disappointed.

The man wearing the rabbit mask looked around and sighed: "There are many injured."

He stretched out his hand and patted the card book.

A woman wearing golden armor appeared quietly.

She glanced around, nodded and said:

"Yes, there are many injured."

The words fell——

The woman raised her hand.

A ray of holy light bloomed from her hand, instantly spreading throughout the wounded soldiers camp, and then quickly spread towards the battlefield.

The holy light comes one after another, sweeping through all the darkness.

Every injured man rose from the ground.

- They have recovered.

Even several professionals who were on the verge of death came back to life.

All of a sudden.

Everyone has regained their fighting strength!

The holy light was withdrawn, returned to the woman's hand, turned into a blazing halo, flew to her head, and remained suspended.


Someone shouted excitedly.

People looked over excitedly, their eyes once again full of vitality and hope.

Having such a top-notch Paladin on the battlefield is enough for every professional to regain their confidence.

In the sky.

The dense crowd of devils also discovered what was going on here.

"Kill that paladin!"

An earth-shaking roar came from the floating fortress.

The devils no longer pounced on the earth, but instead circled back and forth in the sky.

They quickly gathered into an army, covering the sky like a tide like a sea.

A heart-stopping aura emanated from the demon army.

Their neat flight brought out bursts of sharp whistling sounds, like the sound of a tsunami that destroyed everything.

——No one can stop such an army!

The next second.

The devils began to charge towards where the paladin was.

"Looks like we deserve a fight."

The female paladin said, drawing a bloody giant sword.

The man wearing the rabbit mask flipped through the card book again.

Andrea and Hua Qingkong appear.

The tiger watched silently and said in surprise:

"I didn't expect you to have a minion card like Paladin - most of your deck seems to be composed of minion cards."

"Yes." Liu Ping said.

Tiger smiled and said: "I'm different from you, I don't have any follower cards in my deck."

"Then how do you fight?" Liu Ping asked.

A stuck book appeared in front of the tiger.

He drew a card from it.


The card turned into a pair of black and red gloves and was put on his hand.

"Since I'm here, I'll also stretch my muscles."

The tiger said, made a fist stance on the spot, and then stopped moving.

In the sky, hordes of devils broke through all barriers and swarmed in like a sea.

The tiger suddenly laughed ferociously and whispered:

"It's been a long time since I started killing."

He suddenly punched the sky.

But seeing this punch, it instantly turned into dense and countless fist shadows, covering the entire night sky like a mountain.

boom! ! !

Dripping blood and stumps filled the sky, flying out with the fierce wind of fists and quickly disappearing from sight.

Everyone just felt that the world was empty.

Look up.

I saw that the entire night seemed to have been swept away, all the devils disappeared without a trace, and even the huge floating fortresses were all turned into debris, scattered towards the earth.

Everyone was silent.

The whole world fell into dead silence.

Kill all the devils with one punch, even if you know they are from the human race, but——

What a terrifying strength this is!

The tiger didn't care, and just reached out and grabbed hard in the void.

He caught a dying devil and threw it to the ground.

"This is the devil's commander. I left it alive to see if you need to ask it anything." The tiger said.

Without saying a word, Liu Ping suddenly released a ball of holy light and landed on the devil.

The devil's wounds were instantly healed.

The tiger frowned and said, "You don't have to deal with this kind of guy -"

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the devil had fallen into a coma.

Without saying a word, Liu Ping released another holy light and fell on it.

The devil tilted his head.

It's dead.

The tiger was silent for a few breaths, then suddenly laughed and said:

"Very good, I just like you guys from the sacred system."

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