Infernal Artist

Chapter 294 Changing skills

"To be your slave? Who are you?"

"I am the demon general who guards the entire ruined world, young man. Today is the beginning of your rise to the top."

"Sir, do I need to do anything?"

"Take... this, go to the teleportation center, find a way to leave the ruined world, go to other worlds and give it to the devil on the steeple."

From the light door, a green card flew out.

Liu Ping caught it.

I saw densely packed runes painted on the card, forming a circular rune array.

Lines of burning small characters flashed in the void:

"Secret order."


"Use special techniques to open."

A small bag of gold coins was thrown out of the light door and landed at Liu Ping's feet.

"Go ahead, the money is enough for you."

Liu Ping said: "How do I leave this selection?"

The voice said: "Abstain immediately. Most of the people on this floor are my people. They will let you go, but you must hurry up, otherwise it will be too late."

"I understand." Liu Ping said.

"Go ahead, get things done, and I'll give you the status of a first-class slave."

The light door slowly disappeared.

Liu Ping stood there and thought for a while.


he murmured.

The sacred card has been acquired, so there is nothing wrong with giving up and leaving.

Just in time to see what tricks the devils are playing.

But having said that, the demon general didn’t even dare to show up just now, he only dared to hide in the light door and give orders——

And the dead devil was covered in scars.

What are those sacrificial messengers?

Liu Ping turned around and ran towards the entrance. After a while, he arrived at the entrance of the second floor.

There are two staff members standing here.

"Eh? Why are you back?" A staff member asked in surprise.

"My lord asked me to abstain." Liu Ping whispered.

The staff member's expression changed slightly, and he moved out of the way: "Quick! Leave quickly!"

"Thank you."

Liu Ping went down the stairs and said at the corner: "Norton, look what they said after I left."

He flipped his hand, and a card flew out, fell into the void and disappeared.

Liu Ping continued to move forward, passed through an aisle, and left the minaret through a side door.

He walked slowly down the street.


Norton's voice rang out hurriedly:

"Those two people were killed, and someone chased them out, looking for you everywhere."

Liu Ping looked back.

On the bustling streets, lines of small words kept popping up on people’s heads, revealing their identities:




"Sacrificial Messenger;"

Liu Ping's eyes narrowed and he saw a young man with a ferocious expression standing under the words "Sacrifice the Messenger".

The man turned his head and his eyes met Liu Ping's.


Liu Ping withdrew his gaze and walked towards the other side of the street.


He turned around suddenly, and a dark long knife appeared in his hand——

The long sword instantly slashed out a thousand and two hundred blades of light, which were as fleeting as a startled giant.

Sheath the knife.

Liu Ping quickened his pace and continued moving forward.

After counting the interest.

The sacrificial messenger who suddenly appeared behind him was covered in blood mist, and his whole body turned into pieces and scattered on the ground.

Screams and commotion erupted in the streets.

Liu Ping turned the corner, walked into an alley, climbed over the wall, landed on another road and continued moving forward.

"It's useless," Hua Qingkong's voice sounded: "More enemies are coming, and you have been locked."

"Don't take action yet - I don't want people to see my roots." Liu Ping said.

"Okay, after all, you are already a level 41 card master, and the soul power in your body should be enough for you to fight." Yana said.

Liu Ping smiled, held the long knife behind his back, and continued running away from the spire.

On a high wall hundreds of meters behind him.

Suddenly a person appeared.

"He was found," the man whispered to a card, "The location is -"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw the knife on Liu Ping's back raised.


The man was cut into two pieces by the invisible sword light.

Zhao Chanyi was surprised and said: "Vacuum cutting method! But it seems to be a little different."

Liu Ping said: "I now know the mysterious truth - its power comes from the intersection of many laws. Among their endless changes, there are always several changes that will give birth to extraordinary power. Now is the time to change our original The sword skills."

Zhao Chanyi was silent for a few breaths and murmured: "...It's amazing, Liu Ping, you find a way first, and I will follow you."


Liu Ping put away the knife and walked forward faster.


A row of professionals appeared across the street.

They looked at Liu Ping silently, and a line of small words appeared above their heads:

"Sacrificial Messenger."

Liu Ping smiled, then suddenly turned around and slashed at the back with all his strength.

A halo of light appeared above his head——

In a flash of lightning, all the sacrificial envoys disappeared from their places and appeared in front of Liu Ping's blade.

One knife!

The invisible sword light penetrated everyone's body and cut the building not far away into two pieces.

The long knife shook and all the blood flew away.

The whole street erupted with people shouting and screaming.

Liu Ping walked a short distance, suddenly turned into the entrance of the subway station on the side, and walked down the stairs.

He flashed casually and was already standing in the crowd.

——People here don’t know what is happening outside, so they are not greatly affected.

Liu Ping stood in the crowd and looked around, but didn't see a "sacrifice messenger", so he turned the Shadow Blade into a card and put it away.

A burst of music sounded.

All the lights and shadows around him flashed, gradually turning the whole world into a blur.

A sacrificial envoy holding a card book suddenly appeared.

Card Master!

"My sword skills are very good, but your end is already determined."

As he spoke, he pulled out several cards and put them together into a pattern.

I saw a huge red exclamation mark painted on the pattern.

In an instant, a strange wave emanated from the pattern and swept in all directions.

Lines of burning small characters appeared in the void:

"Physical attacks below level 50 are sealed."

"From now on, any physical attacks you make will be absorbed by space and time and will not cause damage to your enemies."

Liu Ping stood still and said, "Since you are a card master of the human race, why do you want to help others sacrifice your own kind?"

The card master smiled and said, "Are you confused about this?"

Liu Ping nodded.

"Soon you will be like them, and you will know what despair is." The card master said.

"So, you are no longer you."

As Liu Ping spoke, he stretched out his hand and wiped it on his face. Suddenly, a burst of black mist condensed on his face out of thin air, turning into a mask.

The card master took one look and his head suddenly exploded.

His headless body lay crookedly on the ground.

Liu Ping lowered his head and said softly:

"This technique can make some changes."

As he finished speaking, a huge vertical pupil suddenly appeared behind him.



As soon as the vertical pupils came out, two hidden sacrificial envoys immediately appeared in the void.

Their heads exploded and their bodies collapsed to the ground.

——Gai·Devil-faced Nian Dao, the divine slaying style!

"This move has also changed! Liu Ping, how did you come up with it!" Yana said in surprise.

"This seems to be the same as the power of the card - he uses his soul power to turn his attack method into countless overlapping regular attacks." Hua Qingkong pondered.

"He is the one who created magical skills, and he will only get stronger in the future!" Zhao Chanyi said proudly.

"I'm not your man, why are you so proud?" Yana said.


The opened card book was closed and put back again.

The quarrel was nipped in the bud before it even started.

"It still needs...further improvement."

Liu Ping thought deeply.

The blurry scene gradually became clear.

Metro stations appear all around.

The crowd appears.

Liu Ping stood there for a while, walked slowly, and returned to the ground through another entrance.

——It seems that there are no more pursuers for the time being.

Tens of minutes later.

Liu Ping appeared in that abandoned building.

Xingchen was squatting on a chair, looking at the cards in his hand seriously.

Opposite the table, sat a pale figure, a bloody ghost and a floating human head.

They all looked at the cards in their hands seriously.

"Huh? Why are you back? Is it fun outside?"

Xingchen played a card and asked in surprise.

"I got a devil's card, but I couldn't open it and I didn't know what was written in it," Liu Ping said.

"Let me see."


Liu handed over the card.

Xingchen looked at Xingchen for a few breaths, and his expression gradually became serious.

"Today's card game is over, you can go back first."

She said to several resentful spirits.

Several resentful spirits ran through the ceiling as if they had been pardoned, and disappeared without a trace.

Xingchen held the card, looked at it for a few more breaths, and then said: "Bloodline seal card - this kind of card must be unlocked by a high-level devil with bloodline, and other races cannot."

"This kind of card is very precious, and the information inside must be very important.

She sighed with regret:

"There don't seem to be any high-level devils in this ruined world. Otherwise, we can capture one and bring it back so that we can know the information inside."

"How about we go to other worlds to catch one?" Liu Ping suggested.

"I must guard the Star Cave. This is the only space passage through which we can safely return to Eternal Night." Xingchen said.

"Then let me go."

After Liu Ping finished speaking, he turned around and left.


in the dark.

Two figures quietly emerged.

The leader and the tiger.

There were some wounds on their bodies, and they looked as if they had fought with someone.

"A fight?" Xingchen asked.

"Well, the situation is very complicated." The leader frowned.

Liu Ping waved his hand casually.

Several holy lights fell on the two of them, healing their wounds quickly.

"Haha, if we had a healer early in the morning, I don't know how much we could save on medicines."

The tiger laughed happily.

The leader then pulled out a few cards and handed them to Xingchen.

"I have raised a few high-level devils. You can use them in the stars."

Xingchen said happily: "Great, now we can know what information Rabbit has obtained."

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