Infernal Artist

Chapter 297 Destruction Incident

There was a loud noise coming from the TV.

When a female voice appeared, all the sounds turned into beautiful music.

I saw her standing among the beautiful mountains, floating in the air, smiling and saying:

"Good afternoon everyone."

"The following is a preview of what the world will be like in the afternoon."

"The invasion wave of the dimension is intensifying."

"It is expected that at around two o'clock in the afternoon, the unknown body K from an unknown land will arrive and expand its world to connect with us."

"All citizens are asked to prepare for battle."

"At six o'clock in the evening, if the battle goes well, we will have a dinner time, which will last about 30 minutes."

"According to expert predictions, around half past six, an unknown entity that has not yet been numbered will invade our world."

"Note, this is the first time it appears in the void world."

"Please take precautions in all cities in the southeastern region and avoid going out unless necessary."

"People are asked to prepare for battle and defense."

“Since we don’t know the fighting method of this unknown entity, it is not recommended for the elderly, weak, sick and disabled to hide underground for the time being.”

"At 11 o'clock in the evening, we will see the October volley, which is the grand occasion of the reunion of the world."

"Similarly, the unknown entity F we are familiar with will invade at this moment."

"French combatants, please avoid."

"Tomorrow will be a good working day with no intrusions until nine o'clock tomorrow evening."

"For more information, please stay tuned to our emergency briefings."



The TV is turned off.

"The teacher is here in person, sit down quickly, please sit down!"

The father greeted the teacher warmly.

Liu Ping stood at the door with a complicated expression.

A middle-aged woman with an ordinary face also came out of the kitchen and said with a smile: "Teacher Zhang, I would like to trouble you to go there in person about the child. It's really——"

This is mother.

"Don't be so polite," Teacher Zhang waved his hand, "Liu Ping is my student. I'm just here for a home visit. It's as it should be."

Several people sat down.

Liu Ping said nothing, just silently listening to the greetings between the father and the teacher in front of him.

Lines of burning small characters appeared before his eyes:

"Time: The Age of Void."

"Location: Some human world, number unknown."

"Linking current world sequence."

"Link successful!"

"Learn about current era events:"

"In one hour and fifty-five minutes, the world of unknown body K will coincide with this world."

"The village faces destruction."

"Start countdown:"




Liu Ping turned his eyes and looked at his father next to him again.

"Teacher Zhang, what do you think Liu Ping should choose?" His father was talking to the teacher.

"I think he is very malleable and very talented. It's a pity that no big people come to our village, otherwise he would have been accepted as a direct disciple by those big people." Teacher Zhang said.

"Teacher Zhang's evaluation is so high?"

The wrinkles on my father's face deepened as he smiled.

Teacher Zhang said seriously: "Yes, I know you want him to inherit the family business. After all, your family has so many fields."

"Haha, if there were no monster invasions in the early years, I would fully support him to go out to study, but now in this world-sigh."

When the two of them said this, they fell into silence.

A child of five or six years old ran out of the next room, quietly held Liu Ping's hand, and asked, "Brother, do you want to go out to study?"

Liu Ping looked at the child.

——This is my younger brother.

"Brother doesn't know either."

He touched his brother's head and said calmly.

Teacher Zhang continued: "Living in a village is actually not necessarily safe. Big cities have more complete defense systems and stronger professionals."

"But we survived every time before," the father said.

"Our luck is indeed good, but we can't always rely on luck. If Liu Ping goes out to study, it will be a completely different path from us." Teacher Zhang said.

The father hesitated for a moment and said, "Let's think about it again."

Teacher Zhang sighed, stood up and said, "Okay, think about it again, you can come to me before tomorrow."

"Teacher, stay for dinner."

"No, hurry back and make preparations. The forecast just now said there would be an attack at two o'clock in the afternoon."

"They shouldn't come to us - that's right, then I won't keep the teacher."

"You should also pay attention and open all defensive measures."

"I understand, thank you teacher."

"The destruction of the village is about to begin, the remaining time is:"


Liu Ping had already eaten and was sitting on the sofa to rest.

While smoking a cigarette, his father took out a small controller and said, "Each household has three automatic cannons and a wild dog mobile armor. Our family has a lot of land, and I have a good relationship with the village chief, so I want extra ones." A mobile armor."

He clicked continuously on the controller.

There was a rumbling vibration outside.

Liu Ping looked out the window and saw the bunker in front of his house opened, and two behemoths slowly walked out.

It has a full metal shell, 5 meters high, and is densely packed with weapon attachments, making it look like a god from the past.

——From a technological perspective, these two mobile armors are killing machines.

His father patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Don't listen to your teacher's nonsense. There is nothing good in going to those big cities."

Liu Jing looked at him calmly.

The father thought to himself: "I remember that last year there was a city that could not withstand the attack of monsters, and all the professionals died in the battle. In the end, we had to let the students from those schools go to the battlefield-"

He met Liu Ping's gaze and said resolutely: "Your father, I will not let my son suffer such a disaster."

At this time, my mother also came out of the kitchen and answered: "It is said that monsters give priority to attacking cities with particularly large numbers of people and strong strength. In rural areas like ours, where there are not many people, monsters will not be interested. "

Liu Ping slowly looked away and looked at his mother, looking at the worry in her eyes.

He thought for a moment and said, "I know."

The parents looked at each other with relief on their faces.

"Watch TV for a while and go to bed. There are dangers everywhere today, so just read at home." My father said.

Liu Ping sat for a while longer, then got up and returned to his bedroom.

In the void, two lines of small characters floated motionless.

"time left:"


Liu Ping randomly pulled a book from the bookshelf and saw the following words on the cover:

"Towards Mystery: On the Combination of Mecha Combat and Magic."

"——The doubling effect of the power of rules."

This is a new book, as if it was just bought.


Although I already understand the knowledge of various civilizations, I have never thought of mixing and using them to stimulate greater power.

Liu Ping sat down and read the books with relish.

Time passes slowly.


In the void, rows of small burning characters flashed.

"time left:"


"The world of unknown body K has overlapped with the current world."

Liu Ping put down his book and looked out the window.

I saw floating firelights appearing in the sky, and some creatures I had never seen before gradually appeared on the earth.

They have heavy carapace and are covered with scales. They crawl forward on six legs on the ground.

A reminder sounded in the house:

"The current situation is judged to be:"


"Please don't go out, the battle is about to begin."

The ground shook slightly.

The two mobile armors standing at the door moved.

A mobile armor took out a giant machine gun from its arm and quickly aimed at the monsters.

Da da da da da!

Fire erupted from the mobile armor's machine gun.

A monster was immediately beaten and exploded, turning into a puddle of green residual liquid on the ground.


A deep pit was carved into the earth.

More monsters were attracted by the fire and rushed towards this side.

Another mobile armor pulled out a heavy hammer, dragged it on the ground and accelerated -

It rushed into the surroundings of seven or eight monsters, continuously swung its heavy hammer, and killed all the monsters in just a few hits.

"The battle is over, start patrolling."

The two mobile armors retreated and walked back and forth around the house.

——They are automatic combat mechas. Once deployed, there is no need to control them.

They don't come out of automatic mode unless someone actually wants to fight with them.

Liu Ping silently recalled the knowledge in his mind, and suddenly heard his father's voice coming from the living room:

"In a rural place like ours, even monsters don't bother to come. We just need to defend ourselves well, and we can guarantee safety——"

"This is not luck."

Liu Ping opened the door and walked out.

I saw my father and mother sitting in the living room, watching TV.

On the TV, the host was broadcasting in real time with a solemn expression:

"The battle against the unknown body K is proceeding in an orderly manner."

"The current fighting situation everywhere is stable."

A picture emerged.

All kinds of huge and terrifying monsters were seen attacking cities everywhere, while the defense lines built by professionals were fully defending and counterattacking.

The host was talking continuously when a piece of paper was suddenly handed over to him.

The host took it over, took a look, and said quickly:

"The fluctuations in the dimension suddenly increase, and an unknown existence is about to break through all space barriers."

"Where it will land is still being determined."

"Please hold your ground."

Liu Ping glanced into the void.

I saw that the two lines of burning small characters finally stopped and no longer changed:


"The village destruction event begins!"

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