Infernal Artist

Chapter 303: The spell that cannot lie (Additional update for the magical little arrow!)

Capital University.

Principal's office.

Liu Ping and Zhao Hongcai walked in and immediately saw the old lady sitting behind the large desk.

She looked amiable, majestic and kind. When she saw Zhao Hongcai, she smiled and said hello:

"Isn't this Hong Cai? What brought you here?"

"Hello, teacher," Zhao Hongcai saluted the old lady and said seriously: "I have a transfer student here who wants to be admitted to the preparatory class. In addition, I have to visit you, so I brought my child with me."

"Oh? What's the reason for putting him in the preparatory class?" the old lady asked.

"A natural card master with extremely high fighting talent. All departments have approved it, so I personally brought him to see you." Zhao Hongcai said.

Liu Ping secretly looked at the old lady.

For her to be the president of Capital University and to be respectfully called a teacher by someone like Zhao Hongtao, she must have something special about her.

Such people are often of high moral character and widely respected——

Just as Liu Ping was thinking, he saw a line of small words slowly emerging from the top of the old lady's head:

"Level 500 unknown body, disguised in human skin."

After listening to Zhao Hongcai's introduction, the old lady looked at Liu Ping and said gently: "Just come. Capital University will become the best place in your memory. It has cultivated many powerful warriors against unknown entities. You will definitely be the same in the future." one of them."

Liu Ping stood upright and saluted respectfully: "Hello, principal."

Level 500!

Are you kidding me?

Is today a special day for the Heroic Spirit interface to be weird? So it made up a ridiculous story about a level 500 monster sitting in the principal's office waiting for him to fall into a trap?

Liu Ping quickly worked on his inner self-construction to avoid showing any signs of despair.

In the void, lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"You're locked in."

"Your soul fluctuations have been recorded."

"You have been planted with an unknown higher space mark."

"The other party launched the lie divination technique."

"Explanation: If you tell any lies, this technique will be activated from your lies, enter your mind, and see all your secrets."

All the small words flashed by.

——Can’t lie! ! !

Liu Ping still maintained a confused look.

The old lady asked: "My child, what is your name?"

"My name is Liu Ping." Liu Ping said.

"Ping Anan - this is a good name. The name your parents gave you has such a meaning, doesn't it?" the old lady asked with a smile.

Zhao Hongcai stood aside with an encouraging smile.

Liu Ping was silent for a moment.

At this time, it is best to follow the other person's words and do not contradict them. This will make the entire admission process go more smoothly.

But no.

Let’s not talk about whether in this world, the name given to them by their father and mother has this meaning.

In fact, Master asked himself at the beginning why he gave himself such a common name.

——Yes, I chose this name by myself.

it mean--

"No, this name means peace in the world." Liu Ping said.

The truth.

The technique failed to activate.

The old lady nodded and said: "Capital University is the highest institution of higher learning. We have been working hard to build it. I believe you will become a person like me one day, right?"

No matter who it was, they would say yes at this time.

But can't say.

If it is——

The old lady is a level 500 unknown body, covered in human skin.

How did humans become like that?

Any knee-jerk answer will turn into a lie!

Once the lie is told, the old lady can immediately peek into Liu Ping's soul and memory!

This is a clever trap.

Liu Ping showed a look of fear and said: "I'm afraid I won't be able to reach your level. As long as I can kill all the nasty monsters, I will be very happy and satisfied."

A hint of surprise flashed across the old lady's expression.

It looked at Liu Ping.

This country dog ​​is so honest.


In human vocabulary, the word "simple" perfectly describes the boy in front of him.

He doesn't know how to speak at all, and he doesn't know how to please others.

At this time, Zhao Hongcai looked at his watch.

"I took him to report to class, principal. I'll report to you later," he said.

"Okay, you go." The old lady said.

She stamped a form and handed it to Zhao Hongcai.

Zhao Hongcai and Liu Ping bowed together and silently retreated.

The door closes.

A gust of wind blew.

Liu Ping stood in the corridor, feeling like he was breaking out in cold sweat.

Zhao Hongcai patted him on the shoulder and said, "The principal is very nice. You don't need to be so nervous."

Liu Ping said nothing and just followed him towards the stairs at the end of the corridor.

Until I left the administrative building and walked on the empty lawn, those prompts still stayed on the heroic spirit operation interface and never disappeared.

"Your soul fluctuations have been recorded."

"You have been planted with an unknown higher space mark."

"The other party will know where you are at all times and can recognize you directly in any situation."

No more prompts appear.

In other words, the other party will temporarily ignore a 15-year-old human boy like him.

Liu Ping finally said: "Teacher Zhao."

"What?" Zhao Hongcai said.

"Are there any unknown entities on our side?" Liu Ping asked.

"Don't have such thoughts," Zhao Hongcai said seriously, "The only purpose of the unknown body is to eat our souls and destroy everything."

"Really? Are there no exceptions?" Liu Ping asked.

Zhao Hongcai said: "There are no exceptions. No matter what the circumstances, the unknown body will not stand on our side. Unless it wants to deceive us, it will pretend to be on our side - there have been many cases of this." Lessons learned through blood and tears.”

"I know." Liu Ping nodded.

Zhao Hongcai, you idiot, there was a level 500 unknown standing in front of you just now.

Level 500! ! !

There seemed to be no hidden stories or twists and turns, and nothing that could be left to chance.

The monster successfully pretended to be the principal.

The two walked forward in silence.

Soon, they entered a teaching building and came to the door of a classroom.

At this time, the head teacher had already received the news and was waiting for the two of them at the door.

Zhao Hongcai walked forward and exchanged pleasantries.

The head teacher led the two people into the classroom together.

The head teacher said a few words about "new classmates", and then Liu Ping stood on the podium.

"My name is Liu Ping, I'm fifteen years old and I come from a village in the north."

Liu Ping stood on the stage and briefly introduced himself to the dozens of students below.

There was sparse applause from the audience.

Capital University Preparatory Class.

Those who can come to this class are undoubtedly young people who are outstanding in all aspects.

They looked at Liu Ping with various eyes.

Liu Ping even heard a few deliberately lowered conversations coming from the back row:

"Give him some color."

"No problem, we'll join you after class."


Liu Ping was a little confused and couldn't help turning his head to look at Zhao Hongcai.

At this time, the head teacher, the female teacher, stepped forward and said to the teenagers below: "Okay, we still have a lot of empty seats. Who wants to sit at the same table as Liu Ping?"

Silence fell.

A long while.

Two lone hands were raised.

Liu Ping looked around and saw two girls.

One of the girls has a pretty face, long gray hair, and light eyes. She looks about seventeen or eighteen years old.

She winked at Liu Ping.

A voice sounded in Liu Ping's heart:

"Rabbit, I didn't expect you to be here too."

This voice is from the stars!

I never thought she looked like this.

It seems that she also joined the special affairs department, which is why she left a note in the tea room like "We are investigating various strange incidents... quite interesting...".

Liu Ping looked at the other girl and silently said sorry in his heart.

The other party's kindness can only be appreciated with heart.

Suddenly, under Liu Ping's gaze, two lines of small words slowly emerged from the girl's head:

"A split body of a level 500 unknown body."

"It is an instant split body of the 500-level unknown body. It can synchronize with the main body at any time, and each can call upon the other's thoughts and behaviors."

Liu Ping pointed to the stars without hesitation and said to the head teacher: "I want to sit with her."

"Go." The head teacher smiled.

"Thank you, teacher." Liu Ping saluted the class teacher gratefully and walked towards the seat next to Xingchen.

Zhao Hongcai stood on the podium, coughed slightly and said:

"Ryuupei-san belongs to the Special Affairs Department. He has fought against unknown entities and is a rare card master. I hope everyone can live in harmony."

The words fell.

The chatter in the back row suddenly disappeared.

The way the boys and girls looked at Liu Ping suddenly became different.

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