Infernal Artist

Chapter 306 The paradigm that changes destiny

Liu Ping cautiously took a few steps back.

He stared at the bronze mirror and whispered: "If all this is true, why do I only know about it now?"

There was no answer on the bronze mirror.

In the void, two lines of burning small characters quickly appeared:

"World quests await you."

"You have to find a way to trigger it."

Liu Ping was silent for a while.

——If this is a trap by an unknown entity, then as long as you verify it yourself, everything will be destroyed.

But since the Heroic Spirit interface says so, I still have to try it.

He walked back to the bronze mirror and pressed his hand on the mirror.

The next moment——

The cold, straight mirror surface turned into silent water, causing ripples to appear on Liu Ping's fingertips.

Liu Ping stretched his hand forward.

I saw that my hand had indeed passed through the mirror and was completely submerged in the bronze mirror.

It is indeed a mirror world!

Liu Ping no longer hesitated and took a step forward.

All of a sudden.

The world is spinning.

The strong wind howled in my ears, and everything around me turned into blurry lines.

A huge feeling of dizziness arose spontaneously. Liu Ping only felt that he was moved countless times out of thin air by an irresistible force, and then stood in the dormitory again.


A voice came from behind.

Liu Ping suddenly looked back and saw Zhao Hongcai sitting on a chair in front of the window with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Teacher Zhao, why are you in my dormitory?" Liu Ping asked in surprise.

Zhao Hongcai blew out a puff of smoke, stood up and said, "Welcome, Twilight One from the future."

After his name was called, the expression on Liu Ping's face gradually faded away.

He turned to look at the bronze mirror.

I saw the appearance of a young man emerging on the bronze mirror.

The young man was carefully touching the bronze mirror with his hand, as if searching for some unknown secret.

"Another me!" Liu Ping whispered.

"Yes, you left a mirror image there, and the real you arrived in our real world." Zhao Hongcai said.

"Same for you?" Liu Ping asked.

"The me in the mirror image really doesn't know any secrets, so I have been among those monsters. They have become accustomed to my existence, and they are even tired of killing me." Zhao Hongcai said.

Liu Sheng stared at the bronze mirror quietly.

In the bronze mirror, I saw another person still pressing his hand on the bronze mirror, motionless.


"We have arranged a mirror for you. When you are away, he can take over." Zhao Hongcai said.

"Time - time in the mirror world is static." Liu Ping said.

"Since you know mirror symmetry, you must be able to understand this technique." Zhao Hongcai said.

Liu Ping thought for a moment and said: "Conservation of parity, technology side."

Zhao Hongcai said: "Parity conservation means that under any circumstances, the mirror image of any particle has exactly the same properties as the particle except for the spin direction."

"——In mirror symmetry, we, space, and time are all symmetrical."

Liu Ping looked at the bronze mirror again.

I saw a panda hanging on my waist in the bronze mirror.

He looked down and found that the panda around his waist had disappeared.

"It was left there, and we couldn't risk it coming in," Zhao Hongcai explained.

Liu Ping nodded clearly and suddenly said: "Since there is a difference between me and my mirror image, it is that parity is not conserved."

Zhao Hongcai did not give an answer, he just looked at him and said: "So..."

Liu Ping answered naturally: "So the time between us and the mirror is not symmetrical, that is to say, the other side is stationary, but the time on our side is normal - the time flow between us and the mirror can be different."

Liu Ping thought for a while and continued: "So those level 500 unknown entities lingering in the mirror have never destroyed the entire world, because the mirror can always be regenerated. Unless they find the real world outside the mirror, they will simply be destroyed." A mirror world makes no sense."

"Smart," Zhao Hongcai said in an appreciative tone: "The time in the mirror has no direction, the unknown body cannot find the measurement standard, and cannot judge the correct space-time anchor, so there is no way to discover us."

Liu Ping hesitated and said: "Time..."

"The masters of time are on our side, because once we are destroyed, the asymmetry between the universe and all things will be wiped out, and time will disappear." Zhao Hongcai said.

"Since there are such confidentiality measures, it is said that humans can completely avoid the unknown body. Why in history, the Void Divine Pillar was still destroyed and humans still fell into eternal night?" Liu Ping asked.

"The outcome is destined, but the process is unknown." Zhao Hongcai said.

"Don't know?" Liu Ping said in surprise.

Zhao Hongcai took a deep breath of cigarette and said in a deep voice: "The Pillar of the Void is destroyed, and mankind falls into purgatory and eternal night. This is the result that will definitely happen - but can we give mankind some of these already destined results? Leave some hope, it depends on how far you and we can go."

"Me?" Liu Ping asked doubtfully.

"The person with the title of 'Embrace of Twilight' has defeated unknown monsters in the future, and that is you." Zhao Hongcai said.

"You know I come from the future." Liu Ping said.

"Yes." Zhao Hongcai said.

Liu Ping walked slowly in the room and said softly:

"Use the future to change the past, and then use the changed past and future to change the more distant future together - is this the method you thought of?"

Zhao Hongcai laughed and said:

"Yes, this is the method we came up with - it is a paradigm that changes the destiny of mankind."

Liu Ping felt a burst of admiration in his heart.

"Why the technology side? Why should we use the theoretical basis of the technology side to find solutions to problems?" he asked.

Zhao Hongcai leaned forward and said seriously: "We will never be able to defeat those unknown entities. Their strength is almost endless, but they have a common shortcoming:"


He continued: "The greatest advantage of us humans is creation - using theory to create things that have never appeared before, such as multiple mirror worlds under parity non-conservation."

"This is our only hope."

Liu Ping listened silently.

He thought for a while, then showed his hands and said: "It's a pity that I am only level 42. The reason why I can defeat the prisoners in the future is because I obtained the final weapon you left behind, which is a complete deck."

Suddenly he was shaken all over.

"What did you think of?" Zhao Hongcai asked.

"You are right... In my time, if we push it back five years, all the prisoners will be freed. I must figure out what happened in history and how to deal with it in five years." Liu Pingdao.

"Do you want to see what the real world looks like?" Zhao Hongcai asked.

"No need, I have already seen it in the future, and once I see the real world of this era, the real world will also be risky." Liu Ping said.

"That's right. Once you are captured by the unknown body, everything you know will be lost, and we will be finished." Zhao Hongcai said.

"A man from the future revealed human secrets to monsters, so the world was destroyed - forget it, I don't want history to become like this." Liu Ping said.

Zhao Hongcai put out his cigarette, stood up and said, "It seems that we have reached a consensus. Then, I am entrusted by the World Sequence to issue a mission to you."

"Please speak," Liu Ping said.

"First of all, you need to eliminate the hidden dangers in your body and survive successfully." Zhao Hongcai said.

As the words fell, lines of burning small characters quickly appeared:

"Your portable sword, the protective blade of the Lord of Time and Space: Prison Suppression, has resonated with the world."

"The world sequence will take you to find the scabbard to prevent you from being killed by the sword during the action."

"World mission has been released."

"Sequence Mission One: Bronze Sheath."

"Mission Description:"

"Survive first to save humanity's past."

"In the real world, the real special affairs department has been mobilized."

"They will appear in the mirror world one after another and guide you to find the scabbard."

"——You need to avoid the detection of the unknown body and find the scabbard of the prison knife, so as to fully utilize the power of this knife."

Liu Ping looked at the line of task descriptions and was slightly startled.

It turns out it can still be like this!

The Prison Knife has the power of fate, always causing the death of its wielder unless the wielder finds its sheath.

In the future, every owner of the Prison Knife will be extremely powerful, but because he can never find the scabbard, he has to die with regrets.

Because of his "fetter of fate", he learned that the scabbard was hidden in the real world.

Therefore, I tried every means to find a sacred deck and wanted to sneak into the real world.

——But no more now.

Because I have already connected with the real world of the past era!

They want to help me find the scabbard of the prison knife!

Zhao Hongcai was about to continue talking when he suddenly raised his hand and looked at his watch, his face changed, and he said quickly:

"Our conversation is affecting the fate of all things and sentient beings, so some dark entropy is generated. Although some of us have tried our best to suppress it, it still produces some fluctuations similar to spells-"

"The unknown body has begun to sense something strange in your dormitory. You must go back immediately!"


Liu Ping quickly walked to the bronze mirror and placed his hand on it.

An irresistible force appeared again, pulling him tightly and causing the entire dormitory to spin rapidly.

I don’t know how many times it spun at this moment. Anyway, the next moment——

The surroundings suddenly returned to stillness.

Liu Ping found himself still standing in the dormitory, one hand pressing on the cold bronze mirror.

Two lines of burning small words danced:

"Arrived in the Mirror World."

"Your time has been merged into the current time stream and synchronization has begun."

Liu Ping looked down and saw the panda hanging safely on his waist.

--came back.

He returned to the mirror world.

Suddenly there was a noise outside.

"You mute girl, don't block the road!"

This is Lin Yue's voice.

The mute girl is naturally Luo Xingchen.

Liu Ping immediately knew what Zhao Hongcai meant by his words.

Lin Yue noticed something, so she rushed over!

The next second.


The door was suddenly pushed open, and Lin Yue rushed in, stared at him and said coldly: "What are you doing-"

She suddenly closed her mouth.

In the room, Liu Ping had almost taken off his clothes and was holding a spell in his hand.

Pictures of beauties emerged in the void.

he is--

What to do?

Lin Yue has studied countless human beings, and he can understand it at a glance.

Outside the dormitory, Luo Xingchen was sitting on the ground, looking in with a blank expression, his face slightly red.

"Get out! Lin Yue, this is my dormitory, get out!"

Liu Ping jumped up and roared angrily.

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