Infernal Artist

Chapter 315 The troubles of fifteen years old

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The player made a sizzling sound and shrank into a small cube of metal in front of Liu Ping.

Liu Ping picked up the metal block and weighed it.


He exerted a little force.

The metal block was immediately crushed into a ball, but no parts or mechanical components could be seen in it.

"Funny way to self-destruct..."

Liu Ping threw the crushed metal into the trash can.


There was a knock on the door outside.

"Liu Ping, express delivery!"


Liu Ping opened the door.

A man in logistics uniform handed him an envelope, nodded, and left.

Liu Ping stood at the door and tore open the envelope.

Inside was an admission notice, a stack of money, and another note:

"Liu Ping."

"Welcome to join us."

"You are too young and have just come out of a mental hospital. The government will continue to monitor and evaluate you, so the organization will not expose you to various matters too early."

"Go and study. You were a very promising student before you were locked up."

"The organization has secured a good school for you and a corresponding scholarship."

"Looking forward to your growth."

"—United Church."

Liu Ping couldn't help but sigh after reading it.

I want to work for the organization now, why do I have to go to school?

Only by working for an organization can we know what is happening in the world.

It's a pity that this is just an ordinary note without any communication ability, and Liu Ping cannot deliver the message to this so-called "church".

He picked up the admission notice.

"Pingyang City No. 4 Middle School...the third year of high school..."

You can report in in the afternoon.

——It seems that this church is very efficient.

He also needs to hurry up, after all, he doesn't know how long the Prison Suppressing Knife can suppress the power of fate.

Liu Ping counted the money again.

According to the prices in this world, this money is enough to live for a while.


It's really a waste of money.

Liu Ping put the money in his pocket, locked the door, went downstairs to find a street restaurant, and ordered a few dishes.

There were not many people in the restaurant, and everyone was eating the food in front of them in silence.

A ball sports game was shown on a screen on the wall.

Everything seemed dull and peaceful.

——This is life in peacetime.

It's neither annoying nor lovable.

But if people lose this kind of life forever, they will find that this kind of life is the most precious.

Liu Ping finished his meal, wiped his mouth, stood up and asked loudly:

"Boss, do you know how to get to No. 4 Middle School?"

"No. 4 Middle School is very close. You can go out and turn right after 500 meters and then turn left. You don't even need to take a taxi."


Pingyang City No. 4 Middle School.

Teaching room.

"...I'm cured, so I'm going to school again?"

A fat-bellied dean looked at the information and asked.

Liu Ping said: "Ah, yes, I have recovered."

The dean buried his head in the materials and said: "It turns out that it was caused by the earthquake. I saw your previous academic performance. You were a little behind in the knowledge class, but you have civilized the element. Is it the water element?"

He raised his head and said with a smile: "The water system generally focuses on healing. How far have you mastered your water system spells?"

Liu Ping suddenly didn't want to mention healing.

When he hears the word healing, it reminds him of Yana and the friends around him.

This made him feel a little lonely.

He simply activated his soul power and made a secret.

A crystal clear ice sculpture flower appeared in his hand, exuding a cold and sharp chill.

"It is a rare ice attack technique. It is pretty good among level 40-50 professionals. It can be entered into key classes."

The dean nodded understandingly.

Liu Ping stared at each other.

I saw a line of small words popping up above the other party's head:

"Martial arts practitioner, level 60."

The dean stood up and said:

"With your attainments, if you study hard for another year, you can definitely achieve good results in next year's college entrance examination."

"Welcome to No. 4 Middle School."

"Thank you, teacher." Liu Ping said.

Twenty minutes later.

Liu Ping was sitting in a classroom with bright and clean windows, giving a class on technological development knowledge.

He looked around and said with some confusion: "Zhen Jia, why do I still have the identity of a student whether I appear in the parallel world or in the real world?"

The prison knife snorted coldly and said in his ear: "Students have the cleanest identity and will not be suspected by others; besides, you are only fifteen years old, underage, do you understand? What do you want to be in society? A little gangster ?”

Liu Ping had no choice but to shut up.

Forget it, students will be students.

He looked toward the podium.

"No matter what kind of talents you have, if you don't learn scientific and technical knowledge well, you will not be able to use many scientific and technological equipment when you enter the society in the future. That would be a very shameful thing."

The teacher lectured loudly to the sleepy students.

Liu Ping sat below, listening to the lecture and flipping through the textbook quickly, absorbing the knowledge from the book.

The more he looked at it, the more strange he felt.

——In this real world, although people have mastered various powers, they have never discovered any other world.

How can it be!

Although all the heavens and worlds have their own order, the existence of other worlds can always be discovered.

But in this real world——

In the vast and infinite universe, there is no other world or any other life!

Human beings are lonely.


Is this a protective measure or a seal?

If the real world is sealed in such a dead universe, then why are there still bronze pillars?

A class passes quickly.

after class.

Liu Ping sat in his seat and carefully looked through all the textbooks on the science and technology side.

Compared with what I have learned before, everything in the real world is different.

"Transfer student."

Someone shouted.

Liu Ping frowned and looked up, only to see a group of fifteen or sixteen year old boys standing in front of him.

A boy clicked on his metal frame.

The frame made a beeping sound, and then made an electronic sound:

"The character strength test has been completed."

"Age: 15 years old."

"Level: Level 43."

"Element Mastery: Water."

Everyone burst into laughter.

Someone loudly said: "A level 43 water elemental user can only be considered as barely capable in our class."

Liu Ping nodded and said: "My strength is relatively low. Please take care of me in the future."

Another person said: "It's not that you can't take care of me... but the most powerful one in our class is the level 46 fire element user, Zhao Xiao! You have to tell him!"

Liu Ping looked at the tall boy with pimples on his face standing among the crowd.

This is Zhao Xiao.

Zhao Xiao put his hands on Liu Ping's table, looked down at him and said: "From now on, you can pay me 1,000 yuan every week, and I will keep you safe, otherwise... I will take off your pants and throw them down." Get on the court.”

Liu Ping looked at him with some interest.

You can become a professional of more than 40 levels at the age of fifteen or sixteen. The overall strength of this world has far surpassed the world of cultivation.

... Small troubles are troubles too.

I don't have time to deal with these adolescent boys, so it's best to solve the problem once and for all.

When he thought of this, Liu Ping stretched out his hand and used his soul power to press forward at will.


A dull loud noise startled everyone in the classroom.

I saw that several boys gathered around Liu Ping's table were sealed by a huge ice block.

——The frost is like a cage, trapping them inside and unable to move.

"Level 46 Fire Elementalist... If you can break free from my frost cage, I will give you money."

Liu Ping said lazily.

Zhao Xiao was trapped in the frost, with a look of rage on his face, and he stretched out his hand to hold out a ball of flame.

But the next moment.

The flame went out immediately.

People were stunned.

A level 46 fire elemental user is said to be able to break through low-level frost very easily.

But he didn't do it.

Zhao Xiao tried again, but the flame went out as soon as it appeared.

Several other boys panicked and resorted to various methods.

The ice cage remained motionless.

Their faces turned greener and greener, and their bodies gradually became frozen.

Among the students who were watching, some immediately rushed to find the teacher, while others gathered around to persuade Liu Ping.

Liu Ping grinned, noncommittal.

——I must now attract the attention of the organization.

At least it should attract the attention of the school.

He must get in touch with those organizations that have mastered the truth of this world as soon as possible, and then he can find a way to make the scabbard.

As for these young men in front of me——

Not to mention that he has water spiritual roots in the world of cultivation, and his skills and methods in water-based magic surpass everyone else.

Just talk about the strength competition between the two sides.

Even if these people are higher in level than themselves, they are completely unable to compete with them.

——In this era, human beings have not yet learned to use soul power.

Although they have professionals up to level 200, who can even be called saviors, they have not yet touched the upper limit of the mysterious laws, and they have no idea what weirdness is.


Dimensional cards have not yet been born.

All the spiritual power in his body was dissipated. Since his rebirth in the eternal night, he has reached level 43 again according to the growth ladder of soul power.

My level 43 is different from theirs.

Just like that time in the eternal night, he summoned a level 100 warrior, but he couldn't resist the attack of the evil fruit at all.

——The power of the mysterious side comes from the intersection of the laws of all sides, and is higher than all sides!

Liu Ping thought silently.

There was a sound of footsteps in the corridor.

Several teachers rushed into the classroom and shouted: "It's over, let's get rid of the magic!"

Liu Ping casually waved his hand and spread the spell.


He felt something in his heart and looked out the window.

I saw a huge shadow appearing in the distant sky.

That is a bronze pillar connected to the sky and the earth!

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