Infernal Artist

Chapter 321 Companions

small island.

A handsome man was sitting on the beach, holding a black sword in his arms.

Behind him lay the corpse of a monster.

The monster didn't know what it had suffered before it died. It was covered in bruises and the expression on its face was full of fear and despair.

The man stared at the sea.

The sea breeze blew, and he squinted his eyes with a happy look on his face.

"A false world...but the sea is beautiful..."

He drew it casually, and there were six more cards in his hand.

There is a mask on each card, and the masks are different, including rabbit, white wolf, greyhound, star, fox and tiger.

The man inserted the card with the tiger mask on the white sand in front of him and said:

"I'm playing a game console... I'm obviously the worst at playing video games, and I'm also the most addicted..."

Immediately afterwards, a card with a fox mask on it was also erected in the sand.

"The fox has endless tricks, but it's a pity that he was unlucky. He was knocked out by a monster just after he came in. It's a pity."

Then there's the Greyhound mask.

"The greyhound spell is the most powerful and is the main combat power. Unfortunately - there was no one to cover it, and no one was able to stop the strange power, so I was attacked. Fortunately, I returned to Yongye safely."

Three of the six cards have been removed.

There are three left.

"Stars and Rabbits are being stars."

"But I don't know if Bai Lang has discovered anything. After all, he is the one who knows how to collect intelligence and hunt for treasures best among us..."

The handsome man was talking to himself. Suddenly, the card with the white wolf mask on it shook slightly, flew out of his hand, and floated in the air.

White Wolf's voice came from the card:

"Captain, a technique that transcends the rules just appeared. It broke through the world and disappeared without a trace."

The handsome man asked: "Could it be the work of those monsters?"


"what is that?"

"When that technique happened, I immediately used the probing method, and was detected by the technique."

"You mean...that technique is alive?"

"It may be some kind of weapon that goes beyond the ordinary rules. After it noticed my prying eyes, it left a trace of magic on me."

"Traces of magic!" The handsome man immediately paid attention and said seriously: "What type of scars of magic? Information retention? Demonstration? Warning? Or unfinished magic?"

"The unfinished technique, it retains a little of the power of the technique, as if it is inviting me, and..."

Bai Lang took a deep breath and continued: "I have calculated that the magic mark can be used by three people in total."

three people.

Why three people?

The handsome man and the white wolf on the card were both lost in thought.


The card with the star mask on it shook slightly, flew up, and floated in front of the handsome man.

Luo Xingchen's voice sounded from the card:

"Captain, the rabbit is missing."

The handsome man relaxed his brows and nodded: "I have a guess... Xingchen immediately used the calling technique to pull Bai Lang and I to you."

"I can only use that technique once every three months. Do I really need to use it?" Luo Xingchen asked.

"We need to confirm the situation immediately, don't wait until the traces of the technique disappear." The handsome man said.

"Okay." Luo Xingchen said.

The next moment.

The star mask on the card disappeared.

The entire card suddenly turned into dots of starlight, surrounding the handsome man.

Suddenly, he disappeared from where he was.

the other side.

Capital University.

Luo Xingchen's dormitory.

A handsome man holding a black sword appeared at the same time as a mature man with a white beard.

"Where's the rabbit?" the handsome man asked.

"He beat away a monster and then disappeared." Luo Xingchen said.

"White Wolf, please check the specific location of the magic mark." The handsome man said.

The mature man closed his eyes.

After a moment, he said with emotion: "The trace of magic is nearby."

The handsome man asked Luo Xingchen: "Is it safe nearby?"

"Safe, no more monsters."

"Okay, White Wolf, you build a passage leading to the scar of the technique." The handsome man said.

"But that technique is too mysterious and powerful. Even if I build a channel, I can't capture its power." Bai Lang said.

"It's okay, you build the channel and I'll capture the power." The handsome man said.

"Captain, do you suspect that is Rabbit's technique?" Bai Lang asked.

The handsome man smiled and said: "Who else but him? What a surprising guy... I guess he has discovered the secret behind this false world."

Luo Xingchen originally took out a set of cards and was about to do a divination, but after hearing what the group leader said, he silently put the cards back.

"Whatever the leader guesses will be true. As a fortune teller, I will lose my job."

She sighed lazily.

"Let's get started, let's go see what the rabbit found." said the handsome man.

"Then I'll start building the magic channel." Bai Lang said.

He took out dozens of cards, calmed down, and quickly spliced ​​the entire set of cards together with lightning speed.

All cards are turned over to reveal a pattern.

I saw endless fog on the pattern. Occasionally the fog dispersed, and I could see an exit at the end of the fog.

"There's another world over there. It's interesting. We must go and see it."

As the handsome man spoke, he drew out his black sword, pointed at the clouds, and read:


Wisps of black light emerged from the long sword, condensing into three black ropes with hooks, flying into the pattern, rushing into the exit, and hooking tightly on it.

"Let's go." The handsome man grabbed a black rope and said.

"Wait a minute - I don't know what kind of world is on the other side, so I'd better put on a mask first to avoid unnecessary trouble." White Wolf said.

"That makes sense."

The other two people nodded, took out their masks and put them on.

They grasped the rope and stepped into the pattern one by one, climbing towards the mist-shrouded exit.

real world.



The giant moth, whose body was burning with flames, was killed by the endless sword light, and even the rain of fire it released was also wiped out by the sword light.

All visions only existed for a brief moment.

No one noticed.


Liu Ping retracted his hand, stood up and greeted the people around him: "Thank you uncles and aunts for your concern. I'm really fine. I'm going home now."

People looked at him smiling and finally confirmed that he was fine.

It's over.

"Do you need me to take you off?" the policeman asked.

"No, my home is not far, just a few steps away." Liu Ping said.

"Okay, I've left my phone number for you. You can contact us anytime if you need anything, understand?"

"I understand, thank you very much."

The police finally felt relieved and waved him away.

Liu Ping walked along the road back to his apartment, thinking about his next move.

"One year... I have to hurry up. The sooner the dimension card appears, the more time humans will have to grow."

"What's the next step?"

As he was thinking secretly, the voice of the prison knife suddenly sounded in his heart:

"Those guys hiding in the Holy Pillar of Fire are unreliable. They don't even have the strength to fight anymore, so I found some companions for you."

"Companion? Are you reliable?" Liu Ping asked.

"I have inspected it, and you have also inspected it. It should be trustworthy." The Prison Suppressing Sword said.

"Is there such a person? Who is it?" Liu Ping asked in surprise.

"When I took you back to the real world, I left some of the escaping power of 'Seeing Death' in that parallel world and deliberately showed it in front of them. If they are not too stupid, they will definitely come." The Prison Suppressing Sword said.

Liu Ping said with emotion: "You mean-"

The words have not yet finished.

An invisible edge suddenly appeared on the long sword, and it slashed lightly into the void.

Three people appeared in front of Liu Ping instantly.

They all wear masks.

Darkness, white wolves and stars.

"Rabbit," the man in the dark mask greeted.

"We followed your traces." White Wolf said.

"You ran too fast and didn't even say a word to me, causing me to count cards several times." Xingchen said bitterly.

Liu Ping was stunned for a few breaths, then suddenly laughed.

"I never knew what the name of our group was." he asked.

At this time, someone nearby was already casting strange looks.

"It's safe - you can take off the mask." White Wolf said.

The three took off their masks.

"A team is a team, why do we need a name?" the team leader asked.

"We don't want anyone to know our existence, let alone the name of the team." Xingchen said.

"So where exactly is this place?" Bai Lang asked.

Liu Ping smiled and suddenly said: "You haven't eaten yet."

The three of them nodded together.

"I remember that there is a technique in the team that can hide secrets. Let's find a place to eat and tell you slowly by the way."

Liu Ping looked at the three people and saw that they were still a little nervous.

The leader looked deep into the sky, as if feeling the aftermath of the previous battle.

The white wolf looked at the busy traffic around him and the streamlined shuttles flying by.

Xingchen took out a card and shuffled the cards quickly.

"Don't worry, the power of the mysterious side has not yet been born here. It is an extremely primitive world of multi-side power."

Liu Ping said.

The three of them looked away.

What Liu Ping said was almost consistent with their judgment.

Their expressions gradually softened.

"Let's go, I can already smell the aroma of barbecue." White Wolf moved his nose and said.

"You can drink a little wine." The leader announced, but he seemed more like he was convincing himself.

Luo Xingchen seemed to be relieved and said cautiously:

"It's great that I don't have to sign autographs for others - Liu Ping, please don't take me on your debut this time."

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