Infernal Artist

Chapter 328 Alliance

Liu Ping suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked around.

He saw Luo Xingchen standing beside him, looking up at the four majestic pillars.

The white wolf just left.

The leader entered the bronze door and was thinking of ways to capture the unknown body that was trying to escape.

Nothing seems to have changed, just like——

After he returned from the Void Divine Pillar, time started to move again.

There was a sobbing sound from the Holy Pillar of Fire.

"It turns out that among the four holy clans, only our clan still exists. If I had known that you would encounter a catastrophe, we should have..."

On the holy pillar, the voice continued sadly:

"You should have stopped playing hide and seek sooner."

Luo Xingchen couldn't listen anymore and couldn't help but ask: "Do you have nothing else to do besides playing?"

The voice paused and said in a low voice: "Even among the four holy races of earth, water, fire, and wind, we are the oldest existence. We know everything in the world, and life is just a game to us. , but we are born with a strange disease, it’s called——”

"'If you stop having fun, you will fall asleep in sadness; if you don't have fun when you wake up, you will die of sadness' disease."

Luo Xingchen shut his mouth.

Such a race is indescribable, and it's useless to say anything to them.

Liu Ping was attracted by these words.

The oldest existence.

Know everything.

Thoughts kept flashing in his mind, and he suddenly said: "Since you are so powerful, I have something to ask you."

"Say." the voice said.

Liu Ping drew out the invisible Blade of Nothingness with his backhand, and separated the Prison Suppressing Knife from it with a slight shake.

He held the bronze sword high in his hand, displayed it in front of the Holy Pillar of Fire, and asked loudly:

"This sword is missing a scabbard. Do you know how I should make its scabbard?"

"Huh? It's actually in your hands?" the voice said in surprise.

Immediately afterwards.

There was a burst of whispers in the Holy Pillar of Fire.

After a while.

The voice sounded again:

"When the real world sensed its future destiny of destruction, it spent all the essence of its power to condense this sword, specifically to protect the entire world."

"It can be said that this sword is the spirit of the world and the will of the world."

"So as soon as it was born, it got the name 'The Blade of Protection of the Main World'."

Liu Ping was heartened when he heard this, and asked: "So, how can I create a scabbard that belongs to it?"

On the Holy Pillar of Fire, the voice replied:

"The artifacts that can accommodate this sword will only come from the Four Holy Pillars that also guard this world."

"The scabbard of this sword needs the approval of the Four Holy Pillars before it can be realized!"

Liu Ping felt the long knife in his hand tremble violently.

A voice came from the long knife:

"It's right. Only the power of the Four Holy Pillars can accommodate me. Please ask them what they are going to do."

Liu Ping immediately asked: "What should I do to gain the recognition of the Four Holy Pillars?"

On the Holy Pillar of Fire, the voice sounded again:

"You created an epoch-making dimension card and made a contribution to the dimensionality of the entire world in the field of time and space. As a result, the Holy Pillar of Wind appeared——"

"You have been recognized by the Holy Pillar of Wind, but unfortunately the clan living on the Holy Pillar has completely disappeared..."

"Forget it, let's help you. You go to the Holy Pillar of Wind."

Liu Ping followed the instructions and walked to the Holy Pillar of Wind.

Waited for a few breaths.

The voice suddenly sounded from the Holy Pillar of Wind:

"We can barely pretend to be that clan, are you ready?"

"You can do it at any time." Liu Ping raised the prison knife and said.

The voice coughed twice and suddenly said in a solemn and quiet tone:

"Time, you are quicksand that no living being can grasp, but you are my best friend."

"In the endless void, I use the Sands of Time to grant you the recognition of the Holy Pillar, so that your sword can find a place to accommodate it!"

Vast cyan light burst out from the Holy Pillar of Wind.

These rays of light were like an ocean of light, gradually converging in the void above Liu Ping, swooping down and rushing towards the blade of the Prison Suppressing Knife.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Liu Ping clenched his sword and roared loudly.

He could only grasp the handle of the knife with all his strength to prevent it from being completely blown away by the endless light.

A full seven or eight breaths passed.

All the light converged into the prison-suppressing knife, emitting strands of cyan halo on the surface of the long knife.

Lines of burning small characters quickly appeared in the void:

"Your long sword: Prison Suppression has been blessed by the Holy Pillar of Wind."

"The long sword has a new power attached to it:"

"Void God."

"Explanation: By activating this power, you will be able to summon another you in parallel time and space to fight for you before you draw your sword."

"——The power from the Holy Pillar of Wind."

Liu Ping's heart skipped a beat.

When I got the Prison Suppressing Knife, I had seen this power in the weapon description.

False God.

It is the power of the scabbard!

Now that he has obtained one of them, he still has several other powers. He must be recognized by other holy pillars before they can be manifested.

The prison knife buzzed and he said: "Actually, I can't hold on anymore, and I won't be able to stop the power of fate from coming back to bite you soon. But fortunately, I got this power, which allowed me to get some kind of rest." , strengthened my strength.”

"So you can still hold on?" Liu Ping asked.

"Yes, you can even try the power of the scabbard." The prison sword said.

Liu Ping was a little curious, and silently activated the "Virtual God" with his sword.

The void moved.

A black figure appeared in front of Liu Ping.

Its outline is exactly the same as Liu Ping's, holding an ethereal long knife in its hand.

——It is the Blade of Nothingness!

"Is this me in the parallel world? Why a shadow?"

Liu Ping asked curiously.

On the Holy Pillar of Wind, the voice sounded again:

"It was our idea—"

"Because every time you activate 'Void God', what it captures is you in the parallel time and space that was split at the moment you activated 'Void God'. There is no difference from you in terms of strength or anything else, so he It must appear as a shadow, ready to disperse, lest the laws of cause and effect become confused.”

Liu Ping looked at the explanation in the void again, and found that the explanation of "Void God" was indeed half a sentence longer than before:

"Void God."

"Explanation: By activating this power, you will be able to summon another you in parallel time and space to fight for you before you draw the sword, and can disperse at any time."

Liu Ping nodded and said, "So, how can I get the recognition of other holy pillars?"

The voice said: "If you want to be recognized by the Holy Pillar of Fire, you must be recognized by us."

"What should I do?" Liu Ping asked.

"Wait a moment."

There was another whisper on the bronze pillar, as if the beings perched on the bronze pillar were discussing something with each other.

A moment.

The voice coughed softly: "If the end of this world is to be completely destroyed, you must help us find a new place to stay - you swear that you will do this, and we will grant you the recognition of the Holy Pillar of Fire. .”

Luo Xingchen stood next to Liu Ping and whispered: "These guys are unreliable. Think clearly."

Liu Ping asked: "You are so powerful, do you still need to place your hope in me?"

"No way, you don't know how terrifying the enemy is...can you promise us?" the voice asked nervously.

"But I'm just a level 43 card master." Liu Ping said.

The voice solemnly said: "But you have the title of 'Twilight's Embrace'. In the future, you must have done things that countless people have never done. We will pursue you - because you are the source of endless destruction." The only light in the world."

"Okay, I agree." Liu Ping said.

——The top priority is to create a scabbard. If you have a scabbard, the backlash of fate will be completely eliminated, and you will have the opportunity to do more things!

As for these Fire Sacred Pillars, their power and knowledge are quite astonishing.

At worst, I have to ask them for advice, but don't let them do it.

That’s okay!

On the Holy Pillar, the voice said happily: "Okay, we will activate the Holy Pillar of Fire now - wait, this is the Holy Pillar of Wind, we have to go back to the Holy Pillar of Fire, you come here too."

Liu Ping turned around and came to the Holy Pillar of Fire covered by clouds and mist.

A voice sounded from the sacred pillar, like a song:

"Finally, we have reached this moment. Before the Holy Pillar is destroyed, we get a promise."

"The Four Holy Pillars must rely on the strength of our clan to continue into the future."

"And we will grant the Twilight One the miracle he desires."

All the clouds dispersed.

I saw countless wooden houses, gardens, rivers, trees, grassland and tombstones densely covered with bronze pillars.

These things seemed to be pulled by a force, surrounding the bronze pillar, spiraling upwards, almost covering the pillar body.

What kind of power can do this?

Liu Ping looked carefully.

I saw that underneath those wooden houses, there were long wooden boards nailed deeply to the pillars.

The entire bronze column is densely covered with mottled and rusty nails.

Everything was nailed to the pillars.

In these buildings, palm-sized little people with slender wings on their backs fly back and forth.

A little man wearing a crown sat on a stone throne, holding a half-eaten ice cream in one hand and picking his feet with the other, and said seriously:

"Twilight One, from now on, we are considered an alliance."

"No problem." Liu Ping said.

All the little people cheered.

The little man wearing the crown nodded, pulled out a dirty short stick from under the throne, pointed at Liu Ping and said:

"Today, here, we, the goblin clan, have decided to give you the power of the Holy Pillar of Fire."

The words fell.

The bronze divine pillar began to emit a slight vibration.

The light of crimson flames emitted from the giant pillar, illuminating the entire void world.

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